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As a German, I am offended by Imran Khan’s comparison of Modi to Hitler

No, I didn't missed the point.. because you are reading it on PDF which has messed up its format. Just click the link to the original article and you will see that all the images of Modi-Hitler combo have been taken from the tweets of PM IK and PTI and all of that language is also from the tweets as well.

Below is the reason why I think he is daft enough to write this article

He is incapable because for two reasons (1) Modi has already butchered Muslims in Gujjarat so the author is either lying or ignorant (2) genocide is happening IoJ&K as we speak, (3) PM IK clearly said the situation in Gangadesh resembles that of Germany pre-Holocaust
Add to this the fact that demographic manipulation is occurring in Kashmir and Indian states like Assam. This is genocide.
Unless you actually agree with the title premise that the comparison is wrong, you have given a great example of posting without bothering to read what is being talked about.

FYI I did read a good chunk of it prior commenting, and now that I read it all on yours and @Alternatiiv recommendation I still stand by my comment.


Dual Wielder
No, I didn't miss the point.. because you are reading it on PDF which has messed up its format. Just click the link to the original article and you will see that all the images of Modi-Hitler combo are because he quoted the tweets of PM IK and PTI and all of that language is also from the tweets as well.

Below is the reason why I think he is daft enough to write this article

He is incapable because for two reasons (1) Modi has already butchered Muslims in Gujjarat so the author is either lying or ignorant (2) genocide is happening IoJ&K as we speak, (3) PM IK clearly said the situation in Gangadesh resembles that of Germany pre-Holocaust
We can slice and dice but fact is Kashmir is being highlighted. If not for this "Hitler" tag Kashmir would not have even made it on the German radar. That is the bottom line. Mere comparison of Modi with Hitler even if found lacking damages Modi and by deflection image of India. Shit sticks.
As a German, I am offended by Imran Khan’s comparison of Modi to Hitler
By Patrick Olkrug Published: September 13, 2019

Comparing Modi to Hitler or any brutal leader will benefit no one and will only dilute his actions in the international discourse. PHOTO: TWITTER/ PTI

I wholeheartedly understand Imran Khan’s anger in light of India’s decision to revoke Article 370 in occupied Kashmir and plunge the region into chaos. After all, Imran had been advocating vociferously for increased dialogue between India and Pakistan, yet Narendra Modi‘s government did not reciprocate the sentiment. While Modi’s actions in Indian-occupied Kashmir (IoK) undoubtedly deserve to be condemned by the international community, I feel that comparing the Indian prime minister to Adolf Hitler is rather extreme and unnecessary.

As a German whose grandparents witnessed the barbaric acts unleashed by Hitler, and as someone who was made to study the Nazi reign of terror in school, I take issue with the belief that Modi is the same as Hitler, and would like to substantiate my claim. This is not least due to my political sensitisation in dealing with the past of my country and my constant effort to clarify the darkest chapter in German history (1933-1945).

Most historical comparisons with Hitler are largely nonsensical and contribute little towards the clarification of the actual problem at hand. We have regularly seen that on the political landscape people are often casually referred to as ‘Hitler’ in order to demonise them; because the very name is generally synonymous with absolute evil. For example, Saddam Hussein was the new Hitler for both Georg HW Bush and his son George W Bush; and this view was used as a justification for the United States government to wage a war against Iraq.

Another problem with equating people to Hitler is that the attribution runs the risk of preventing the possibility of reaching a peaceful understanding and future negotiations. So far, in contrast to the Nazi regime, no systematic murder of all Muslims with all available state resources has taken place in India. There has also been no systematic elimination of the political opposition.

I wondered, therefore, what prompted Imran to compare his Indian counterpart with Hitler and, as a result, I delved into Modi’s politics and his impact on India.



With his constantly growing racist and brutal initiatives against Kashmiris, Modi has developed himself as the Hitler of the East. His Hindu Supremacist ideology will cause chaos in the entire region if timely action is not taken #StopHitlerModi


5:35 AM - Sep 10, 2019
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The true face of Narender Modi stands exposed as Pakistan gains notable diplomatic support for the Kashmir cause in UNHRC. Kashmir may be in pitch black darkness right now but the voice of Kashmiris is resonating all over the world. #IndiaBustedAtUNHRC


5:17 AM - Sep 11, 2019
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Although the comparison in my view is unjustified, the brutal killing of Indian Muslims in the Gujarat riots in 2002 were a result of the fact that Modi essentially turned a blind eye towards the violence which was unleashed in his state. Additionally, the central government did not seize the opportunity to declare a state of emergency. Beyond the events in Gujarat, the recent developments in the country are generally worrying since it appears that, under the Modi regime, a paradigm shift has taken place. Undeniably, India is increasingly suffering from the consequences of growing Hindu nationalism as a result of racist and fascist elements taking root.

The lynching of Indian Muslims has become commonplace while state institutions silently watch without intervening. The National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam is also seen by many as an attempt to marginalise the Muslim community in India. The situation in IoK, in particular the revoking of Article 35A, is seen as a means through which the Modi government can change the demographic composition of IoK. But it appears that this brand of fanaticism is not a sudden phenomenon. Many Indians have been cultivating prejudices against Indian Muslims for years. Modi and his Hindu nationalist party have simply made sure that these resentments have become more socially acceptable.

Imran Khan


· Aug 11, 2019

The curfew, crackdown & impending genocide of Kashmiris in IOK is unfolding exactly acc to RSS ideology inspired by Nazi ideology. Attempt is to change demography of Kashmir through ethnic cleansing. Question is: Will the world watch & appease as they did Hitler at Munich?

Imran Khan


I am afraid this RSS ideology of Hindu Supremacy, like the Nazi Aryan Supremacy, will not stop in IOK; instead it will lead to suppression of Muslims in India & eventually lead to targeting of Pakistan. The Hindu Supremacists version of Hitler's Lebensraum.


3:58 AM - Aug 11, 2019
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In light of all this, I would never deny that these developments are deeply worrying and should lead to public outcry, but comparing Modi to Hitler is a counterproductive exercise. It begs the question as to whether or not Imran chose the comparison deliberately, or whether it simply slipped out in a moment of anger. If the latter is the case, then perhaps Imran should read his statements from the cards, as his predecessor Nawaz Sharif did. Imran, who likes to portray himself as a cosmopolitan and highly educated head of state who studied political science at Oxford, should in this case be more reflective and realise that such a comparison will bear no fruit.

However, I have an inkling that Imran has deliberately chosen the comparison to try and bring international opinion on his side.

As mentioned, such comparisons are not a singular phenomenon. In the past, for example, people such as Yasser Arafat, Slobodan Milosevic, and Osama bin Laden have been compared with Hitler. This happens even with German leaders! In the context of the European Union (EU) crisis, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was repeatedly compared with Hitler by various media outlets in Greece and Poland.

Therefore, Imran drawing a parallel between Modi and Hitler elicited no media response or any perceptible public outrage in Germany. This seems to be largely due to the regular usage of Hitler and Nazi comparisons, as a result of which people have become accustomed to them and pay little attention to them. Such oft used comparisons are ultimately futile. Economic and vested interests aside, an overdrawn Hitler comparison will certainly not contribute towards gaining the support and solidarity of the German public.

Over the years, I have becoming increasingly attached to the people of Pakistan and have been intrigued by the political landscape in this country, which is why my comments here come from a genuine place of wanting to contribute to the discussion. What Modi’s future policies may be, no one knows; but the world is watching. Modi has not had the audacity to launch a state-led systematic killing spree which my grandparent’s generation had to endure in Germany – at least not yet. But racism and genocide are not unique features of the Nazi regime. Therefore, comparing Modi to Hitler or Pol Pot or any brutal leader will benefit no one and will only dilute his actions in the international discourse. Modi’s atrocities are his own, and must be condemned as such.
To be honest did not go through the entire post but what you had written in the first 3 lines sums up your metal retardedness. If it is true that your Grand Parents faced during the times oh Adolf Hitler then you should never have posted any thing like this rather would have been a simpethiser. It seems like you being 2nd generation are in a way accepting that what ever Hitler did was really needed at that time and you would have been far more happier if he would have won. This shows that you have intentionally or unintentionally accepted that Natzizm should have been implemented and even if today it springs up you would have no problem.

Please rethink over this and consider if these atrocities were happening with you or your loved ones.
Right. Lets see if it gives desired result to PM IK. Hopefully countries awarding their highest awards to Modi would stop from now on. Because why would they give it to new age Hitler.
If for PM IK, new age Jews are Muslims, then uproar must come from other Muslim countries. I don't see any.
Please go through these and see how the world sees Hitler and this is something that Modi would also be facing over the years

We can slice and dice but fact is Kashmir is being highlighted. If not for this "Hitler" tag Kashmir would not have even made it on the German radar. That is the bottom line. Mere comparison of Modi with Hitler even if found lacking damages Modi and by deflection image of India. Shit sticks.
On this I totally agree with you and in fact I said in my very first post that PM IK has wisely chosen the analogy and has been successful in internationalising the issue. From many British politicians, to Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, Ilham Omar, Tlaib, and countless other politicians including the vice prime minister of Sweden...all discussed and tweeted about Kashmir.. and definitely it directly engages German people and Europeans in general.
Modi’s name should certainly carry its own, fully deserved, notoriety.

However, given how the western derived media has unequivocally forwarded the Indian regime’s agenda in the past, such a comparison had perhaps become necessary.
Comparison is on point.

The author wants Modi to be called "Hitler" only once he has accomplished the total or mass genocide of "Kashmiri Muslims", Kashmiri Muslims sufferings and "limited" killings at the hands of Modi and his facist RSS/BJP gang before that "threshold of mass killings" is "OK" for this hypocrite and should be "toned down" and pushed under the carpet. That is what the hypocrite author of this article is suggesting and it is absolutely rubbish thinking.

Thank god unlike the hypocrite author of this article, Imran Khan and Pakistanis in general are a different kind of people, we are people who "strongly believe" in nipping the evil in the bud. You must not let the evil grow into monster before you start focusing your attention on it in order to finally eliminate it. In traditional Pakistani culture we believe in eliminating the evil from its roots once we have successfully identified the existence of the evil, the "size" of the evil is of no importance in this regard.
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The author wants Modi to be called "Hitler" only once he has accomplished the total or mass genocide of "Kashmiri Muslims", Kashmiri Muslims sufferings and "limited" killings at the hands of Modi and his facist RSS/BJP gang before that "threshold of mass killings" for this hypocrite is "OK" and should be "toned down" or put under the carpet. That is what the hypocrite author of this article is suggesting and it is absolutely rubbish thinking.

Thank god unlike this hypocrite author of this article, Imran Khan and Pakistanis in general are a different kind of people, we are people who "strongly believe" in nipping the evil in the bud. You must not let the evil grow into monster before you put your attention to eliminate it. In traditional Pakistani culture we believe in eliminating the evil from its roots once we have successfully identified the existence of the evil, the "size" of the evil is of no importance in this regard.

He also didnt bother to investigate RSS love affair with Hitler and aryan hindu race of gangu telis. In RSS book gangu telis of ganges are purest aryans while north east Indians mixed with non-aryan people.

Comparison doesnt end at numbers of victims.
As a German, I am offended by Imran Khan’s comparison of Modi to Hitler
By Patrick Olkrug Published: September 13, 2019

Comparing Modi to Hitler or any brutal leader will benefit no one and will only dilute his actions in the international discourse. PHOTO: TWITTER/ PTI

I wholeheartedly understand Imran Khan’s anger in light of India’s decision to revoke Article 370 in occupied Kashmir and plunge the region into chaos. After all, Imran had been advocating vociferously for increased dialogue between India and Pakistan, yet Narendra Modi‘s government did not reciprocate the sentiment. While Modi’s actions in Indian-occupied Kashmir (IoK) undoubtedly deserve to be condemned by the international community, I feel that comparing the Indian prime minister to Adolf Hitler is rather extreme and unnecessary.

As a German whose grandparents witnessed the barbaric acts unleashed by Hitler, and as someone who was made to study the Nazi reign of terror in school, I take issue with the belief that Modi is the same as Hitler, and would like to substantiate my claim. This is not least due to my political sensitisation in dealing with the past of my country and my constant effort to clarify the darkest chapter in German history (1933-1945).

Most historical comparisons with Hitler are largely nonsensical and contribute little towards the clarification of the actual problem at hand. We have regularly seen that on the political landscape people are often casually referred to as ‘Hitler’ in order to demonise them; because the very name is generally synonymous with absolute evil. For example, Saddam Hussein was the new Hitler for both Georg HW Bush and his son George W Bush; and this view was used as a justification for the United States government to wage a war against Iraq.

Another problem with equating people to Hitler is that the attribution runs the risk of preventing the possibility of reaching a peaceful understanding and future negotiations. So far, in contrast to the Nazi regime, no systematic murder of all Muslims with all available state resources has taken place in India. There has also been no systematic elimination of the political opposition.

I wondered, therefore, what prompted Imran to compare his Indian counterpart with Hitler and, as a result, I delved into Modi’s politics and his impact on India.



With his constantly growing racist and brutal initiatives against Kashmiris, Modi has developed himself as the Hitler of the East. His Hindu Supremacist ideology will cause chaos in the entire region if timely action is not taken #StopHitlerModi


5:35 AM - Sep 10, 2019
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770 people are talking about this



The true face of Narender Modi stands exposed as Pakistan gains notable diplomatic support for the Kashmir cause in UNHRC. Kashmir may be in pitch black darkness right now but the voice of Kashmiris is resonating all over the world. #IndiaBustedAtUNHRC


5:17 AM - Sep 11, 2019
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286 people are talking about this

Although the comparison in my view is unjustified, the brutal killing of Indian Muslims in the Gujarat riots in 2002 were a result of the fact that Modi essentially turned a blind eye towards the violence which was unleashed in his state. Additionally, the central government did not seize the opportunity to declare a state of emergency. Beyond the events in Gujarat, the recent developments in the country are generally worrying since it appears that, under the Modi regime, a paradigm shift has taken place. Undeniably, India is increasingly suffering from the consequences of growing Hindu nationalism as a result of racist and fascist elements taking root.

The lynching of Indian Muslims has become commonplace while state institutions silently watch without intervening. The National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam is also seen by many as an attempt to marginalise the Muslim community in India. The situation in IoK, in particular the revoking of Article 35A, is seen as a means through which the Modi government can change the demographic composition of IoK. But it appears that this brand of fanaticism is not a sudden phenomenon. Many Indians have been cultivating prejudices against Indian Muslims for years. Modi and his Hindu nationalist party have simply made sure that these resentments have become more socially acceptable.

Imran Khan


· Aug 11, 2019

The curfew, crackdown & impending genocide of Kashmiris in IOK is unfolding exactly acc to RSS ideology inspired by Nazi ideology. Attempt is to change demography of Kashmir through ethnic cleansing. Question is: Will the world watch & appease as they did Hitler at Munich?

Imran Khan


I am afraid this RSS ideology of Hindu Supremacy, like the Nazi Aryan Supremacy, will not stop in IOK; instead it will lead to suppression of Muslims in India & eventually lead to targeting of Pakistan. The Hindu Supremacists version of Hitler's Lebensraum.


3:58 AM - Aug 11, 2019
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23.7K people are talking about this

In light of all this, I would never deny that these developments are deeply worrying and should lead to public outcry, but comparing Modi to Hitler is a counterproductive exercise. It begs the question as to whether or not Imran chose the comparison deliberately, or whether it simply slipped out in a moment of anger. If the latter is the case, then perhaps Imran should read his statements from the cards, as his predecessor Nawaz Sharif did. Imran, who likes to portray himself as a cosmopolitan and highly educated head of state who studied political science at Oxford, should in this case be more reflective and realise that such a comparison will bear no fruit.

However, I have an inkling that Imran has deliberately chosen the comparison to try and bring international opinion on his side.

As mentioned, such comparisons are not a singular phenomenon. In the past, for example, people such as Yasser Arafat, Slobodan Milosevic, and Osama bin Laden have been compared with Hitler. This happens even with German leaders! In the context of the European Union (EU) crisis, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was repeatedly compared with Hitler by various media outlets in Greece and Poland.

Therefore, Imran drawing a parallel between Modi and Hitler elicited no media response or any perceptible public outrage in Germany. This seems to be largely due to the regular usage of Hitler and Nazi comparisons, as a result of which people have become accustomed to them and pay little attention to them. Such oft used comparisons are ultimately futile. Economic and vested interests aside, an overdrawn Hitler comparison will certainly not contribute towards gaining the support and solidarity of the German public.

Over the years, I have becoming increasingly attached to the people of Pakistan and have been intrigued by the political landscape in this country, which is why my comments here come from a genuine place of wanting to contribute to the discussion. What Modi’s future policies may be, no one knows; but the world is watching. Modi has not had the audacity to launch a state-led systematic killing spree which my grandparent’s generation had to endure in Germany – at least not yet. But racism and genocide are not unique features of the Nazi regime. Therefore, comparing Modi to Hitler or Pol Pot or any brutal leader will benefit no one and will only dilute his actions in the international discourse. Modi’s atrocities are his own, and must be condemned as such.

Hmm a german offended for hitler.... Are you by anu chance a natzi? Or any of ur family members ever been one? How can u have a soft corner for natzi ideology and modi?
As a German, I am offended by Imran Khan’s comparison of Modi to Hitler
By Patrick Olkrug Published: September 13, 2019

Comparing Modi to Hitler or any brutal leader will benefit no one and will only dilute his actions in the international discourse. PHOTO: TWITTER/ PTI

I wholeheartedly understand Imran Khan’s anger in light of India’s decision to revoke Article 370 in occupied Kashmir and plunge the region into chaos. After all, Imran had been advocating vociferously for increased dialogue between India and Pakistan, yet Narendra Modi‘s government did not reciprocate the sentiment. While Modi’s actions in Indian-occupied Kashmir (IoK) undoubtedly deserve to be condemned by the international community, I feel that comparing the Indian prime minister to Adolf Hitler is rather extreme and unnecessary.

As a German whose grandparents witnessed the barbaric acts unleashed by Hitler, and as someone who was made to study the Nazi reign of terror in school, I take issue with the belief that Modi is the same as Hitler, and would like to substantiate my claim. This is not least due to my political sensitisation in dealing with the past of my country and my constant effort to clarify the darkest chapter in German history (1933-1945).

Most historical comparisons with Hitler are largely nonsensical and contribute little towards the clarification of the actual problem at hand. We have regularly seen that on the political landscape people are often casually referred to as ‘Hitler’ in order to demonise them; because the very name is generally synonymous with absolute evil. For example, Saddam Hussein was the new Hitler for both Georg HW Bush and his son George W Bush; and this view was used as a justification for the United States government to wage a war against Iraq.

Another problem with equating people to Hitler is that the attribution runs the risk of preventing the possibility of reaching a peaceful understanding and future negotiations. So far, in contrast to the Nazi regime, no systematic murder of all Muslims with all available state resources has taken place in India. There has also been no systematic elimination of the political opposition.

I wondered, therefore, what prompted Imran to compare his Indian counterpart with Hitler and, as a result, I delved into Modi’s politics and his impact on India.



With his constantly growing racist and brutal initiatives against Kashmiris, Modi has developed himself as the Hitler of the East. His Hindu Supremacist ideology will cause chaos in the entire region if timely action is not taken #StopHitlerModi


5:35 AM - Sep 10, 2019
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770 people are talking about this



The true face of Narender Modi stands exposed as Pakistan gains notable diplomatic support for the Kashmir cause in UNHRC. Kashmir may be in pitch black darkness right now but the voice of Kashmiris is resonating all over the world. #IndiaBustedAtUNHRC


5:17 AM - Sep 11, 2019
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286 people are talking about this

Although the comparison in my view is unjustified, the brutal killing of Indian Muslims in the Gujarat riots in 2002 were a result of the fact that Modi essentially turned a blind eye towards the violence which was unleashed in his state. Additionally, the central government did not seize the opportunity to declare a state of emergency. Beyond the events in Gujarat, the recent developments in the country are generally worrying since it appears that, under the Modi regime, a paradigm shift has taken place. Undeniably, India is increasingly suffering from the consequences of growing Hindu nationalism as a result of racist and fascist elements taking root.

The lynching of Indian Muslims has become commonplace while state institutions silently watch without intervening. The National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam is also seen by many as an attempt to marginalise the Muslim community in India. The situation in IoK, in particular the revoking of Article 35A, is seen as a means through which the Modi government can change the demographic composition of IoK. But it appears that this brand of fanaticism is not a sudden phenomenon. Many Indians have been cultivating prejudices against Indian Muslims for years. Modi and his Hindu nationalist party have simply made sure that these resentments have become more socially acceptable.

Imran Khan


· Aug 11, 2019

The curfew, crackdown & impending genocide of Kashmiris in IOK is unfolding exactly acc to RSS ideology inspired by Nazi ideology. Attempt is to change demography of Kashmir through ethnic cleansing. Question is: Will the world watch & appease as they did Hitler at Munich?

Imran Khan


I am afraid this RSS ideology of Hindu Supremacy, like the Nazi Aryan Supremacy, will not stop in IOK; instead it will lead to suppression of Muslims in India & eventually lead to targeting of Pakistan. The Hindu Supremacists version of Hitler's Lebensraum.


3:58 AM - Aug 11, 2019
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23.7K people are talking about this

In light of all this, I would never deny that these developments are deeply worrying and should lead to public outcry, but comparing Modi to Hitler is a counterproductive exercise. It begs the question as to whether or not Imran chose the comparison deliberately, or whether it simply slipped out in a moment of anger. If the latter is the case, then perhaps Imran should read his statements from the cards, as his predecessor Nawaz Sharif did. Imran, who likes to portray himself as a cosmopolitan and highly educated head of state who studied political science at Oxford, should in this case be more reflective and realise that such a comparison will bear no fruit.

However, I have an inkling that Imran has deliberately chosen the comparison to try and bring international opinion on his side.

As mentioned, such comparisons are not a singular phenomenon. In the past, for example, people such as Yasser Arafat, Slobodan Milosevic, and Osama bin Laden have been compared with Hitler. This happens even with German leaders! In the context of the European Union (EU) crisis, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was repeatedly compared with Hitler by various media outlets in Greece and Poland.

Therefore, Imran drawing a parallel between Modi and Hitler elicited no media response or any perceptible public outrage in Germany. This seems to be largely due to the regular usage of Hitler and Nazi comparisons, as a result of which people have become accustomed to them and pay little attention to them. Such oft used comparisons are ultimately futile. Economic and vested interests aside, an overdrawn Hitler comparison will certainly not contribute towards gaining the support and solidarity of the German public.

Over the years, I have becoming increasingly attached to the people of Pakistan and have been intrigued by the political landscape in this country, which is why my comments here come from a genuine place of wanting to contribute to the discussion. What Modi’s future policies may be, no one knows; but the world is watching. Modi has not had the audacity to launch a state-led systematic killing spree which my grandparent’s generation had to endure in Germany – at least not yet. But racism and genocide are not unique features of the Nazi regime. Therefore, comparing Modi to Hitler or Pol Pot or any brutal leader will benefit no one and will only dilute his actions in the international discourse. Modi’s atrocities are his own, and must be condemned as such.

He is right. Look, observe and compare the indian/hindu race with the White Western Germanic Aryan race. Then you can see what an insult it is to compare modi/indians to Germans/Hitler.
Let see this new Hitler tag sticks or not. I don't think Indians see Hitler as all bad. Otherwise there would have been an uproar.

Indians ---Hitler-- a nationalist leader who was consumed by his ambition.
Pakistanis ---Hitler-- a leader who was racist and who wanted to kill all Jews.

VICTOR writes the HISTORY...

BRITISH and OTHER EUROPEANS :: KILLED Natives all over the worlds... but look at them... they are the flag-bearers of HUMAN RIGHTS...
Native Americans:: were killed mercilessly for defending their lands but they were termed CRUEL and BARBARIC...

Just imagine... If Hitler have won the world war 2... we might have been reading different history today...
Hitler, THE SAVIOR of oppressed ASIANS and AFRICANS...

He killed people and he paid for that...
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