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As a German, I am offended by Imran Khan’s comparison of Modi to Hitler

There is no comparison as such...Hitler had some class compared to Modi's crass and uneducated chaiwala jumlas and rhetoric.

More than that PM IK compared RSS supremacist, fascist and racist ideology to Hitler's Nazi party and theirs 'Lebensraum'...

Uproar is from the Germans...how dare they.
Right. Lets see if it gives desired result to PM IK. Hopefully countries awarding their highest awards to Modi would stop from now on. Because why would they give it to new age Hitler.
If for PM IK, new age Jews are Muslims, then uproar must come from other Muslim countries. I don't see any.
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Let see this new Hitler tag sticks or not. I don't think Indians see Hitler as all bad. Otherwise there would have been an uproar.

Indians ---Hitler-- a nationalist leader who was consumed by his ambition.
Pakistanis ---Hitler-- a leader who was racist and who wanted to kill all Jews.

For Pakistanis:

Modi: The Butcher of Gujarat(killed 2000 Muslims), an uneducated liar and shrewd to the core bigot, A former RSS Paracharak(spent 31 years in RSS) fully indoctrinated by the RSS hateful ideology of Muslims(they think Muslims are the reason for Bharat not amongst the greatest civilization on earth, the Muslim rule).

Modi: Has the gift-of-gab, good talker, knows the Indian psyche inside out. And that he is simply used by RSS as there front man, educated Indians would have rejected an RSS person....
The Hitler analogy is not intended for South Asia. I was intended by PMIK to get traction in West. Which it has.

In the West? who bloody cares in the west if he is getting elected in India. No one could stop Modi other than Indians themselves. Also they would be smart enough to see who is accusing him of such. It's different if the accusation came from Indian Muslim.

For Pakistanis:

Modi: The Butcher of Gujarat(killed 2000 Muslims), an uneducated liar and shrewd to the core bigot, A former RSS Paracharak(spent 31 years in RSS) fully indoctrinated by the RSS hateful ideology of Muslims(they think Muslims are the reason for Bharat not amongst the greatest civilization on earth, the Muslim rule).

Modi: Has the gift-of-gab, good talker, knows the Indian psyche inside out. And that he is simply used by RSS as there front man, educated Indians would have rejected an RSS person....
Please keep your superficial knowledge to yourself.
shame on you for posting such rubbish...

Unless you actually agree with the title premise that the comparison is wrong, you have given a great example of posting without bothering to read what is being talked about.
It is part of their culture, the Rape thing...

The Mahābhārata is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, the other being the Rāmāyaṇa. It narrates the struggle between two groups of cousins ...



progressive people really amazing!!

my posts deleted but this sanghee bhungee is allowed to bark freely!

Discussion on religion is prohibited.
but why is rape allowed?
Hinduism is not a religion dude as per Hindus...it is a way of life...Sanatana Dharma.

And since it is not a religion, it can be discussed.
Please don't give idiotic quotes.

progressive people really amazing!!

my posts deleted but this sanghee bhungee is allowed to bark freely!

but why is rape allowed?

Because yours are just rants. Nothing else.
Comparison is valid. Modi will do it covertly until he is able and empowered enough to do it openly. The RSS rise, the beef lynchings, the media coercion, the annulment of democracy, the revocation of state autonomy, the jayshreeram attacks, the war on Islamic place names and Muslims in general. His ministers refer to them as termites. Illegal Muslim migrants are to be removed whereas non-Muslim illegals are welcome.

I will say one thing, because of Pakistan's response on Feb 27, Modi has altered his plans but he is still pushing ahead with his overall intention.

Lastly, the article is bizarre in terms of its make-up and appears quite amateurish. The author has basically said ..."he isn't like Hitler but he has done half the stuff Hitler did so he may get there one day but I still think it is wrong to make the comparison"...

Grade A idiot whose article is painful to read and on balance actually helps Pakistan without him realising.

He comes across as frustrated that his underlying orientalist bs world view isn't confirmed by reality. Hindustan is NOT a bunch of yoga loving innocent victims and Pakistan is NOT some defunct terrorist vacuum.
"id. Imran, who likes to portray himself as a cosmopolitan and highly educated head of state who studied political science at Oxford, should in this case be more reflective and realise that such a comparison will bear no fruit."

Laughable personal attack laced with envy. The author is allowing his inferiority complex to get in the way of a decent attempt at journalism. It matters not one single iota what IK's background is to the comparison he made between Modi and Hitler. Not even IK's inflated ego matters. Bizarre journalism. The fact he said "likes to portray himself as blah blah" is a completely subjective analysis and smacks of some personal problem the author has with a guy he doesn't even know and never will.
I think your missing the point. Mr Olkrug is validating Prime Minister Imran Khan indirectly. By deft use of language he is doing exactly opposite of what he is saying. PMIK does not compare Hitler with Modi to open a acdemic debate but to highlight Kashmir. Mr Olkrug is doing exactly what PMIK wants and even has collage of Modi/Hitler. The net result of this article is his readers might not think Modi is a Hitler but they certainly think Modi is unsavoury character and is doing terrible things in Kashmir. All I can say is "thank you Mr Olkrug'.


No, I didn't miss the point.. because you are reading it on PDF which has messed up its format. Just click the link to the original article and you will see that all the images of Modi-Hitler combo are because he quoted the tweets of PM IK and PTI and all of that language is also from the tweets as well.

Below is the reason why I think he is daft enough to write this article
So far, in contrast to the Nazi regime, no systematic murder of all Muslims with all available state resources has taken place in India. There has also been no systematic elimination of the political opposition.
He is incapable because for two reasons (1) Modi has already butchered Muslims in Gujjarat so the author is either lying or ignorant (2) genocide is happening IoJ&K as we speak, (3) PM IK clearly said the situation in Gangadesh resembles that of Germany pre-Holocaust
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