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Aryans vs Dravidians?

As expected now everything becomes Akhand Bharat from Kazakhstan to Indonesia when presented with facts. @Nassr have explained the origin of word Bharat and to what it applied.

Thats what i want to say ......nobody came from outside ....the people were already there . Indo Arayans originated in an area which is now segragated between India , Present day Pakistan , Nepal and Afghanistan .
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Thats what i want to say ......nobody came from outside ....the people were already there . Indo Arayans originated in an area which is now segragated between India , Present day Pakistan , Nepal and Afghanistan .

What do you mean by Indo-Aryans originated there? there is no race called that the term is a linguistic term not a group of people is that what u mean to say?
Now we will see someone editing some previous post :D :D :D

^^Though this statement of mine might just prevent that :D :D :rofl:
Thats what i want to say ......nobody came from outside ....the people were already there . Indo Arayans originated in an area which is now segragated between India , Present day Pakistan , Nepal and Afghanistan .
The places named directly or indirectly in the Rig Veda can be classified into five basic geographical regions, from west to east, on the basis of present-day terminology: Afghanistan, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Amongst these, Uttar Pradesh of the present-day is more or less equivalent to the land known in ancient literature as Aryavarta or Madhyadesa. Neither the word Aryavarta, nor the word Madhyadesa, is found in the Rig Veda. Nor is there any direct reference in the hymns to any place in Uttar Pradesh. But, the hymns IX.96 and X.179.2 composed by a Bharata Rishi who attributed his compositions to his remote ancestor, Pratardana present an important mention. Pratardana was a king of KASI, which is in eastern Uttar Pradesh. This can only mean that the Bharata Kings of the early period of the Rig Veda were Kings of KASI and, in the light of the other information in the Rig Veda, the land of the Bharatas extended from KASI in the east to Kurukshetra in the west. (This description has been given by Shrikant G. Talageri in his historical analysis of Rig Veda.)

This means that, essentially Uttar Pradesh is what Bharat is referred to in the primary Vedic and Hindu scripture Rig Veda and not the whole of India from north to South.

Sir ..i will suggest you to read maharbharat again ......saying that Uttar Pradesh was Bharat is like saying Karachi is Pakistan ..........The Aryavart was composed of India , pakistan , bangladesh , Nepal , Afghanistan . The area of Iran and beyond was called "yavandesh" .

i am not trying to lobby that all these people were hindus ....infact i believe that religion didnot exist ......people followed what the sages said
Thats what i want to say ......nobody came from outside ....the people were already there . Indo Arayans originated in an area which is now segragated between India , Present day Pakistan , Nepal and Afghanistan .

Thats highly debatable, first of all there origin being South Asia is just a theory and not fact. Even if its fact then India isn't the country they come from.

Sir ..i will suggest you to read maharbharat again ......saying that Uttar Pradesh was Bharat is like saying Karachi is Pakistan ..........The Aryavart was composed of India , pakistan , bangladesh , Nepal , Afghanistan . The area of Iran and beyond was called "yavandesh" .

i am not trying to lobby that all these people were hindus ....infact i believe that religion didnot exist ......people followed what the sages said

Mythical kingdom Bharat according to Indians stretched even to Kazakhstan. So spare us Akhand Bharat crap. If not for British then we wouldn't even been debating this, thats how "akhand" Bharat was.
Mythical kingdom Bharat according to Indians stretched even to Kazakhstan.

Vishnu Purana accounts the extent of Bharatavarsha,

उत्तरं यत्समुद्रस्य हिमाद्रेश्चैव दक्षिणम् ।
वर्षं तद् भारतं नाम भारती यत्र संततिः ।।

uttaraṃ yatsamudrasya himādreścaiva dakṣiṇam
varṣaṃ tadbhārataṃ nāma bhāratī yatra santatiḥ

"The country (varṣam) that lies north of the ocean and south of the snowy mountains is called Bhārat; there dwell the descendants of Bharata."
Vishnu Purana accounts the extent of Bharatavarsha,

उत्तरं यत्समुद्रस्य हिमाद्रेश्चैव दक्षिणम् ।
वर्षं तद् भारतं नाम भारती यत्र संततिः ।।

uttaraṃ yatsamudrasya himādreścaiva dakṣiṇam
varṣaṃ tadbhārataṃ nāma bhāratī yatra santatiḥ

"The country (varṣam) that lies north of the ocean and south of the snowy mountains is called Bhārat; there dwell the descendants of Bharata."


did i left anyone out?

Basically any country who had or have Vedic, Hindusism or Bhudist past is part of Bharat. Similar to Ummah if you combine all the muslims countries.

. . . .
That is british India that has Burma as province.

I gave you verses directly from our scriptures still you trolling. :woot:

I just want to know the exact map of Akhand Bharat. Why didn't Nepal, Burma, SL join India in 1947 even despite them being regions of Dharmic religions? :coffee:
I just want to know the exact map of Akhand Bharat.

No idea. I never ever wish Pakistan or Bangladesh reintegrating with India.

Why didn't Nepal, Burma, SL join India in 1947 even despite them being regions of Dharmic religions? :coffee:

Neither Indian people had any interest to get them joined nor people of those countries had any interest
No idea. I never ever wish Pakistan or Bangladesh reintegrating with India.

Neither Indian people had any interest to get them joined nor people of those countries had any interest

But these people are part of Akhand Bharat, remember everyone is the same in Akhand Bharat. And also them being muslims excuse doesnt work in this case. :lol:

And you cant even pin point how far imaginary Akhand Bharat streched?
Thats highly debatable, first of all there origin being South Asia is just a theory and not fact. Even if its fact then India isn't the country they come from.

Mythical kingdom Bharat according to Indians stretched even to Kazakhstan. So spare us Akhand Bharat crap. If not for British then we wouldn't even been debating this, thats how "akhand" Bharat was.

History is very vast ...i cant tell everything here ......The kingdom of Bharat was indeed there ....but later on people segregated as per their religions ......e.g most people in Western India ( present day Pakistan and Afghanistan) embraced Islam because of arabic infulence ......while people of central and southern India kept practicing their religion . It was no religion at all . It was called "sanatan dharma" . The arabs called it Hindusim . These got segragated further into different states . Indeed , British again united the India/Aryavart/Bharatvarsh.

Then they saw that down the line the people had grown deep separations in terms of their religion . Thus they decided that India should be segregated into present day India and Pakistan .

The historical timelines are too vast and intermingled so as to lead to a particular conclusion .
Maybe this is correct map?


You are too preoccupied with 'akhand Bharat '..............just to make things clear .....nobody is asking Pakistan or Bangladesh or Nepal to merge again and make "akhand bharat"..........everyone should remain happy in their own country .

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