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arvind vs anna............

<p>u&nbsp;are&nbsp;joking&nbsp;right?? </p>
<p> </p>
<p>what&nbsp;is&nbsp;anna&nbsp;doing&nbsp;now&nbsp;accepting&nbsp;a&nbsp;useless&nbsp;lokpal&nbsp;bill?? </p>
</p><p><br /></p>
Anna has more credibility than Arvind. Anna doesnt know anything? So Arvind knows many things hence he is good? Do enlighten me on this logic
Anna has more credibility than Arvind. Anna doesnt know anything? So Arvind knows many things hence he is good? Do enlighten me on this logic

ok for starters what has anna left??
what sacrifice has he made??

answer----none,he is a retired soldier and getting monthly salary sitting in his village.

just look at kejriwal-----------left the tata job,then resigned from being the income tax commissioner.

for what??
did he get any money?no
start any business??no

as u can clearly see anna had no option but kejriwal did but decided against those and started the movement.he went against the tide by sacrificing his carrier.
The past few days i have been very disappointed with the tension going on between the aam aadmi party members and anna hazare.I always thought that after the spectacular showing of the AAP in delhi elections just a week ago will convince even the most die-hard hater of AAP that what they did was pathbreaking,something that has never been done before in india.
But to my dismay even the people who once were the allies of arvind kejriwal like anna hazare and kiren bedi have started behaving like digvijay singh!!Anna has been particularly arrogant towards the AAP even though they never deviated from their ideology ensuring a very clean fought election without use of any black money,muscle power or corrupt candidates in the fray.They used mostly unpaid volunteers,mainly college students for door to door campaigns but here were some ppl who had taken leave from their respective jobs to campaign for this party.The results of this effort were for all to see...........decimation of congress and halt to modi wave in delhi,pretty impressive if u ask me.

So whats anna's problem now??

In my opinion its the massive ago of anna hazare to blame.Before the AAP was formed all the focus was on hazare,he was the poster boy of anti-corruption movement,darling of media and middle class alike.He was perceived as a modern gandhi ,out to root out corruption.But after the formation of the AAP most of the brains behind the movement left the hazare camp and formed AAP and as a result hazare too hasen't done anything in the past 1 year.He was good only with good planning and backing of people like kejriwal and prashant bhushan and many others.The moment these ppl got engaged in AAP campaigning anna was left to fend for himself and as expected his hype bubble was burst in no time.The man who had the whole nation behind him was struggling to draw crowds of even a few dozen in his village.In contrast to this AAP decimated congress in delhi without a shred of help from hazare at all.

Contrast this with the man of the moment,arvind kejriwal.He has left all his lucrative jobs for this movement unlike hazare who lives in a village and gets pension every month so has done nothing out of the ordinary.Kejriwal and other members of AAP to their credit have never taken a single pot shot at hazare despite the latter's vehement critisism of AAP on at the best frivolous grounds.They still tried to give all the credit to anna hazare unlike hazare himself who ordered gopal rai out of his village yesterday!!Who is anna hazare to push someone out??Anti corruption movement is not the patent of anna hazare or even the AAP,its a movement built on the support of people and not invented by hazare.

So all in all it is the guru jealous of his shishya's success,nothing more.I just feel sad that a man who commanded such high moral standards could stoop so low as to train his guns at the same set of ppl who helped him to gain all the limelight that he enjoyed.

Sardar Speaks: ANNA vs ARVIND

i know this is not a typical defence news but nevertheless aam aadmi party has gained attention of the whole nation and we must debate about this party more seriously now

What did u understand from those hidden cam videos of Anna? Some how he is not happy with Kejrival. Looks like he did not want AAP to become alternative to BJP. May be because it was RSS or BJP workers who mostly participated in his events to generate anti congress wave. He hates congress because, their leaders did not even care him. Now that he is surrounded by Kiren Bedi and corrupt VK sing more near to BJP. Definitely they did not like raise of AAP.
Anna's fasting has become meaning less....congress and BJP some how mislead people
What did u understand from those hidden cam videos of Anna? Some how he is not happy with Kejrival. Looks like he did not want AAP to become alternative to BJP. May be because it was RSS or BJP workers who mostly participated in his events to generate anti congress wave. He hates congress because, their leaders did not even care him. Now that he is surrounded by Kiren Bedi and corrupt VK sing more near to BJP. Definitely they did not like raise of AAP.
Anna's fasting has become meaning less....congress and BJP some how mislead people

what fasting

that guy is so fat that he can fast for 20-25 days easily and won't die!!
plus he is thanking everyone but AAP whose ppl stood and fasted for the lokpal bill.

the guy is a sham,deluding himself as a new gandhi
what fasting

that guy is so fat that he can fast for 20-25 days easily and won't die!!
plus he is thanking everyone but AAP whose ppl stood and fasted for the lokpal bill.

the guy is a sham,deluding himself as a new gandhi
He is a typical old fella who got manipulated by some anti-Kejriwal people... say Kiran Bedi
He is a typical old fella who got manipulated by some anti-Kejriwal people... say Kiran Bedi

yup that lady is also trying to be oversmart giving foolish speeches

where was she when AAP wanted her as CM candidate??afraid ??

either u take a stand or just keep quiet,she did nothing and now is with anna when a bill was passing.
shame on these ppl
He is a typical old fella who got manipulated by some anti-Kejriwal people... say Kiran Bedi
no bhai he is way too smart for that
thing is kejri wall is a raging bull and dosent cares who is he making enemy while he is on his mission some 6 months before elections that was his mission but slowli as things started going owt of his hand his dependency on his so called 'close aidies' grew owt of proportions and they devised different tackits to use him and his name (arvind kejriwals) and did the job congress assigned them = contain BJP which they even suceeded(with a intensive exposer on allcongress controlled paid media) to an extend but things went owt of control when both congress and its so called 'secular allies' lost there traditional 'vote banks' to AAP

now congress wanted to repelicate it in general elections but a very strong message was send to 'high command' by satae level and district units of congress against helping AAP any further which they cant ignoare as they have already lost a big say in hindi heartland and down south they are at merci of regnol players

now congress started rebooting its old format for that they are devicing and implimenting redial startegies one of which is to increase distance between anna and his prodigy arvind and are using paid and social media for the same as this will give them two ggod wepons to fight genral elections of 2014

1. by rahuls whole hog and all accomudating support to anna makes it like rahul baba wants to take anna for a 'piggy back ride' as an honest 'shehzada' of a currupt regime ..while sonia ji knows this will hurt congress in long term she has throun her weight against rahul babas latest adventure as they have no choice

2.by using this rift between anna and kejriwal congress also wants to make kejriwal look like the real villian and use its stooges in AAP top leader ship to dislodge him from decision making and use AAP as a proxy in future

so now things will become more interesting in near future

while congress has been sucsessful in pacifieng anna , isolating & demonising kejriwal and maube using media attention off something big which we might hear in few weaks if not days

good luck
what fasting

that guy is so fat that he can fast for 20-25 days easily and won't die!!
plus he is thanking everyone but AAP whose ppl stood and fasted for the lokpal bill.

the guy is a sham,deluding himself as a new gandhi
His arrogance was clearly visible when he asked AAP person to get out. Instead of asking VK Sing to stop making political speech, he shouted at AAP person.

Actually, After the video episode, i wanted AAP party to ignore fake gandhi.
So has Kejriwal conducted the survey in delhi regarding taking support from congress to form the govt? Politics is not a dhrana, either provide the govt or stop taking people of delhi for ride.
So has Kejriwal conducted the survey in delhi regarding taking support from congress to form the govt? Politics is not a dhrana, either provide the govt or stop taking people of delhi for ride.

no idea man

personally he should not do it otherwise AAP is finished.
ppl will never vote for it again if it joins hands with either bjp or congress.
His arrogance was clearly visible when he asked AAP person to get out. Instead of asking VK Sing to stop making political speech, he shouted at AAP person.
Actually, After the video episode, i wanted AAP party to ignore fake gandhi.
What Gen was saying wasn't totally wrong either.
no bhai he is way too smart for that
thing is kejri wall is a raging bull and dosent cares who is he making enemy while he is on his mission some 6 months before elections that was his mission but slowli as things started going owt of his hand his dependency on his so called 'close aidies' grew owt of proportions and they devised different tackits to use him and his name (arvind kejriwals) and did the job congress assigned them = contain BJP which they even suceeded(with a intensive exposer on allcongress controlled paid media) to an extend but things went owt of control when both congress and its so called 'secular allies' lost there traditional 'vote banks' to AAP

now congress wanted to repelicate it in general elections but a very strong message was send to 'high command' by satae level and district units of congress against helping AAP any further which they cant ignoare as they have already lost a big say in hindi heartland and down south they are at merci of regnol players

now congress started rebooting its old format for that they are devicing and implimenting redial startegies one of which is to increase distance between anna and his prodigy arvind and are using paid and social media for the same as this will give them two ggod wepons to fight genral elections of 2014

1. by rahuls whole hog and all accomudating support to anna makes it like rahul baba wants to take anna for a 'piggy back ride' as an honest 'shehzada' of a currupt regime ..while sonia ji knows this will hurt congress in long term she has throun her weight against rahul babas latest adventure as they have no choice

2.by using this rift between anna and kejriwal congress also wants to make kejriwal look like the real villian and use its stooges in AAP top leader ship to dislodge him from decision making and use AAP as a proxy in future

so now things will become more interesting in near future

while congress has been sucsessful in pacifieng anna , isolating & demonising kejriwal and maube using media attention off something big which we might hear in few weaks if not days

good luck
Typical BJP way, blaming congress or paid congress media.
His arrogance was clearly visible when he asked AAP person to get out. Instead of asking VK Sing to stop making political speech, he shouted at AAP person.

Actually, After the video episode, i wanted AAP party to ignore fake gandhi.

i had the same feelings after that episode
who is he to order a person to go when VK singh was unnecessarily making rubbish claims??

the old man needs a lesson in compassion and he needs to get rid of his arrogance.
after that episode no one gives a hoot on what anna wants,he is a joker

What Gen was saying wasn't totally wrong either.

i respect general but he was plain wrong

AAP was formed to pass lokayukta law undiluted.
no idea man

personally he should not do it otherwise AAP is finished.
ppl will never vote for it again if it joins hands with either bjp or congress.
So there are going to be another election, what if in the next election there is no clear majority either what's going to happen then? And for how long do you think the volunteers would pour in ignoring jobs/daily life.
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