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Arundhati Roy calls for end to Indian ‘occupation’ of Kashmir

why doesnt any pakistani show the same concern they share with kashmiri with srilankan tamils and chinese tibetans?
hypocracy or the kafir thing?
you Pakistanis are going crazy as if something will happen just because she said something :lol: you think we care what a Naxalite and terrorist sympathizer thinks?
They should move because that was Partition.

I dont know why a choice that was not given to millions of Punjabis, Bengalis,Biharis,Sindhis be given to the Kashmiri Muslims alone ?

ROFL.. let go of the democracy charade will ya ? I have given you many examples of functioning democracies like US,UK,Spain etc not tolerating a threat to their sovereignty and upholding it by all means necessary.

Now you are talking facts. :disagree:
you Pakistanis are going crazy as if something will happen just because she said something :lol: you think we care what a Naxalite and terrorist sympathizer thinks?

you clearly do care enough because you continue to post on this thread relentlessly.
you clearly do care enough because you continue to post on this thread relentlessly.

are you kidding? i'm just enjoying reading all the troll posts made by both sides on this thread :pop: quite entertaining and its funny at the level of off topic posting going on of course i am guessing you agree with me on the fact that just because she says something it ain't gonna happen :lol:
you clearly do care enough because you continue to post on this thread relentlessly.

On Mr. Modi this is response to Chinese-Dragon, I'm not denying that he not good at his job, that is working for the economic prosperity of Gujarat, but there is a lot of people who say he is biased against Muslims.
India is bad.

But you couldn't do a shyt about it!

LOL..Pakistan's modus operandi on Kashmir is a lesson on how NOT to do things when you are going to stake claim on a territory.

when staking claim on Kashmir on the basis of population they for some reason accepted the accession of Hyderabad an Junagadh in which > 90% were Hindus. Mistake #1.

If decided to attack they should have attacked with full force and not sent in a raiding party..this gave the Majaraja time to ponder and accede to India..Mistake # 2.

Should not have trusted the Kashmiri Muslims fully with their plans..usually leads to disaster as in 1965 war....and should not have thought lightly of the enemy due to some theory of 1 Pak = 10 Hidus...Mistake # 3

Should not have unilaterally initiated operations on Western front knowing fully well they are going to be defeated..Mistake # 4

While trying to capture Siachen should not have ordered arctic gear with the firm that supplies the Indian Army..Mistake # 5

The thought that since russia could be defeated by jihad...so can be India...mistake # 6

I can go on...but this will give countries with future plans to claim territories on what not to do while doing so..:lol:

Something is 'illegitimate' if it violates a law (written or unwritten). What you are talking of is 'morality' of State, which is not the same as legitimacy of a State's 'sovereignty'.

When a people declare secession from a state and the state refuses to accept it and sends an army, then the territoty becomes an 'occupied territory'. The state's 'sovereignty' is only enforced at the point of a gun.

Puerto Rico was a colony of USA. Kashmir is not a colony of India. Different equation. UN has a specific resolution (Millennium resolution) which specifically recognizes the right of self-determination of colonies.

And the residents of Quebec didn't just pick up AK-47s and start shooting the non-French.

Both PR and Kashmir are officially classified as 'administered' by their respective powers. The situation is entirely analogous.

The residents of Kashmir wouldn't pick up guns either if their peaceful demands had been respected. They gave peace a chance for 40+ years.

So she's a traitor for saying this? :lol: And bharatis start getting angry when a Pakistani calls one our far left wing journalist a traitor. What a bunch of hypocrites these guys are. Surely it's your genes, no? I've never seen a group of people are hypocritical as the bharatis.

Wrong analogy, the far left journalist don't call for sedition of Pakistan. Those who do, ISI takes care of them.
When a people declare secession from a state and the state refuses to accept it and sends an army, then the territoty becomes an 'occupied territory'. The state's 'sovereignty' is only enforced at the point of a gun.

Are you talking about Balochistan. ? .I see that Sovereignity there is maintained only at the gun point fby FC and Army..

Both PR and Kashmir are officially classified as 'administered' by their respective powers. The situation is entirely analogous.

I dont know about US..we dont call it 'Administered'. It is one of the 28 states in the Indian Union ..like for example Texas is one of the 50 states in US.
When a people declare secession from a state and the state refuses to accept it and sends an army, then the territoty becomes an 'occupied territory'. The state's 'sovereignty' is only enforced at the point of a gun.

If we use the same yardstick, then Baluchistan and Fata also become occupied territory. Heck even Karachi becomes too! :lol:

Both PR and Kashmir are officially classified as 'administered' by their respective powers. The situation is entirely analogous.

The residents of Kashmir wouldn't pick up guns either if their peaceful demands had been respected. They gave peace a chance for 40+ years.

Please understand what Toxic_Pus has said, the situation doesn't become analogous just because you say so.

UN has a specific resolution (Millennium resolution) which specifically recognizes the right of self-determination of colonies.
Wrong analogy, the far left journalist don't call for sedition of Pakistan. Those who do, ISI takes care of them.

Not the ISI, the government of Pakistan. According to Mike Mullen.
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