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Arunachal Pradesh not part of India: China

We are not crying everyday like Indian media claiming that China is freshly occupying Indian lands, China is pretty calm and wait for paranoid Indians agitated by their hot headed media to make a wrong move.
Dont you read global times ?
All that crying and sissy warnings.
Neither is the entire north eastern theatre which india has actually occupied thanks to Mountbatten who gave india this chicken neck despite these districts being overwhelmingly muslim.
Chinese media doesn't mention India much, but Indian media about China.. oh my goodness..
Comon dont tell me you need spoonfeeding for the daily news GT cries taking indias name.

Anyways i agree that arunachal pradesh is not a part of india. It is a chinese territory and now india controls it.
China should do something about it.
Now dont say you are again waiting for india to fire first bullet, coz china has already become the laughing stock of world with that sissy dialogue.
To be honest, after loosing 1000 sq. kms to China recently (according to Indian news sources), saying that China is only issuing warnings is quite lame.

In fact, if Indian policy makers are waiting for "the good old days", they should be called delusional.
How many sqkm arunachal pradesh be ?
Chinese are claiming its their territory which india controls now.
Comon dont tell me you need spoonfeeding for the daily news GT cries taking indias name.

Anyways i agree that arunachal pradesh is not a part of india. It is a chinese territory and now india controls it.
China should do something about it.
Now dont say you are again waiting for india to fire first bullet, coz china has already become the laughing stock of world with that sissy dialogue.
The whole Indian media is pathetically garbage, using dead Chinese generals names as "Chinese casualties" , spreading fake news that Taiwan downed China's SU-35.... they are the real laughing stock in the world.
Anyways i agree that arunachal pradesh is not a part of india. It is a chinese territory and now india controls it.
Your agreeing means nothing to anyone, your government needs to agree first.
To be honest, after loosing 1000 sq. kms to China recently (according to Indian news sources), saying that China is only issuing warnings is quite lame.

In fact, if Indian policy makers are waiting for "the good old days", they should be called delusional.

How about believing your iron friend China that AP is actually chinese territory, why dont you credit India of still holding a whole chinese state by just losing 1000 Kms of inhabitable land?

Unless your intent is to troll Indians and taunt them, may I know why you have set premise for yourself to go by Indian claims and not by Chinese claims?
How about believing your iron friend China that AP is actually chinese territory, why dont you credit India of still holding a whole chinese state by just losing 1000 Kms of inhabitable land?

Unless your intent is to troll Indians and taunt them, may I know why you have set premise for yourself to go by Indian claims and not by Chinese claims?
Because China has snatched the land from the 4th largest military might that she believes is hers. I don't know what's so difficult in understanding that.

And when you don't like a comment, don't say that it's trolling. It was a fair comment to respond to one of your countrymen who trolled Chinese by saying that they are only firing warning shots. Nopes, the recent land capture doesn't support that.
Your agreeing means nothing to anyone, your government needs to agree first.
Oh my god you have discovered new excuse for the pussy footing.
Indian govt should agree then you will liberate arunachal pradesh .
Please stop giving these shitty lessonz to your ally pakistan, see becoz of you imran khan is also waiting for indian govt to agree then he will liberate kashmir.
How many sqkm arunachal pradesh be ?
Chinese are claiming its their territory which india controls now.
This is why I call you guys delusional.

China has captured the land very recently.. at least according to your news outlets. And on Arunachal Pardesh, they have laid their claim only. I don't know if their intent is to capture AP, maybe this is only a pressure tactic. Because what I have heard (that too from your own media persons) that China moves 2 syeps ahead and then retreats one step to make everyone happy.
Because China has snatched the land from the 4th largest military might that she believes is hers. I don't know what's so difficult in understanding that.

And when you don't like a comment, don't say that it's trolling. It was a fair comment to respond to one of your countrymen who trolled Chinese by saying that they are only firing warning shots. Nopes, the recent land capture doesn't support that.

Lets start afresh..

What is the premise you have set for yourself to judge if India has lost territory or China?

This article is about China claiming that AP is actually chinese state. Why dont you believe China and question chinese posters for losing a whole state than mocking India for losing 1000 sq Km?

Where do you stand? Who is the land grabber here between China and India?

"Recent" is a nice word though. :)
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