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Arshad Khan, aka #Chaiwala

How sad that he is chitta unpadh never goes to school:sad: that's what I asked in my previous post, is face is enough of someone to get emotional on him or her? I might prefer an educated normal partner rather than a bueaty who un educated.
Bro...U really look nice...Avoid comments of girls...Be proud of what u are and how you are...No need to thrash yourself just because of girls....

Woh tou dialog suna hi hoga....dunya me 3 cheezon k peche nhi bhagna chayie...

Bus, Train aur Larki.....;) :)
thanks dear.

Handsome bro :)
much appreciated :)
Prophet Yaqoob (jacob) had 12 sons, you know the Yusuf AS and his 11 brothers story. From these 12 came the 12 tribes which formed the bani Israel. Moving forward, prophet Solomon AS united them all and ruled over them but after his death the ten tribes rebelled over his succession and carved out their own state called "Kingdom of Israel" or Northern state while the other 2 tribe formed southern or "Kingdom of Judah" around juresulam . Jews came from Kingdom of Judah and got nothing to do with northern or Kingdom of Israel from where the Pakhtoons came from. These two kingdoms were worst of enemies and fought each other for nearly a century till Assayrians invaded northen Kingdom and took its people captive and moved them further east which is now refered as Pakhtoon belt from KPK to southern Afghanistan. As for the Jews or people of Judah, their fate was sealed by babylonians later.
What I wrote above is to dispel the myth that Pakhtoon are jews. If they were anything but enemies of Jews by the own accounts and their own history. They fought with each for nearly a century! In present day and age, only pakhtoons have kept their bloodline intact while jews can't claim any lineage to Bani Isreal. Hell most of them are khazar anyway. Coming to lineage, Qias Abdur Rasheed, the most revered person in Pakhtoon history, was the 33rd desendant of Talut, or king Saul as they refer to in West, the king of Bani Israel before Daud (AS) (David). If my memory serve, Qias Abdur Rasheed is buried on takht-e-sulaiman mountain in Baluchistan.
There are many historical facts and prophecies in Islam which do point to Pakhtoons being the original bani Israel.
It does not seem logical that the person you named belonged to the 33rd generation of king Saul (assuming he was from the 10 lost tribes in the first place). Lets see how. King Saul was the first king of the Children of Israel after getting annointed by the Prophet Samuel. This, according to the biblical history happened somewhere around 1000 BCE. Now assuming Mr. Qais was a muslim (after all his name suggest he was one), he must have lived after the arrival of Islam in Bactria/Greater Persia. At the earliest that happened in the 8th century (most probably this guy came to the scene much later). This gives a time interval of atleast 1700 years between them. Now a generation on average spans a period of 20 years. This seperates the eras of the two men by atleast 85 generations if not more.

To be frank, i think ancient Israelites (those belonging to the so called 10 lost tribes) are more likely to be found in Mid East than anywhere else. And they would most probably resemble the other mizrachi jewish people. Pastuns, as far as I have read, are of Indo European stock not Semitic (white Huns). To be a Pastun is to me more of a cultural statement than a racial one if you know what I mean (several sub tribes, some are Pashtun just because of speaking Pashto). In this sense yes Pastun culture bears resemblence to the modern Jewish culture, as it is also based on shared customs/language etc rather than on the notion of a single homogeneous race.

This is my take on the issue. You can have different opinion of course.
WTF both of you tailking about????
Ya'akov had 13 childrens-by order:
1)Reuven 2)Shimo'n 3)Levi 4)Yehuda 5)Dan 6)Naftali 7)Gad 8)Asher 9)Isaschar 10)Zvulun 11)Dina(girl)
12)Yosef 13)Binyamin
The 12 tribes are the 11 brothers without Dina&Levi&Yosef,but with two Yosef's sons-Efraim and Menashe
*Israel is the name of Ya'akov
*The Levi tribe was the priests, in charge of religion and scattered among all the tribes.
*The tribe of Shimo'n was mixed in the tribe of Yehuda.
After many years of turmoil, people came to the conclusion that the king would unite all tribes and Shmuel the prophet decided that Shaul from Binyamin tribe will be the first king of the united kingdom of Israel,after him David from Yehuda tribe was chosen and his son Shlomo who also built the first temple,after him his son Rehava'm was the king,he refused to ease the taxes so 9 tribes:Reuven,Dan,Naftali,Gad,Asher,Isaschar,Zvulun,Menashe,Efraim decided to choose Yerova'm from Efraim tribe to be their king.They split into two kingdoms-the northern kingdom of israel which include the 9 tribes above+half from levi tribe,and the kingdom of Yehuda(judea) which include the tribes:Yehuda,Shimo'n,Binyamin+half from Levi tribe
*Israel was bigger and stronger than Judea
The two kingdoms were not enemies eventhough they had problems with each other from time to time.
When the assyrian empire defeated the kingdom of israel they expelled the Israeli elite in two exiles
In the first 27,000 people
On the other 13,000 people
In place of the exiles, the Assyrians brought the "Kutim" from the other end of the empire, now known as Samaritans
Half of the Israelis who stayed in Israel fled to Judah, half remain in Israel until the Assyrians left and then Judea expanded and annexed them and they mingled with the kingdom of Judea.
Then the Babylonians defeated the Assyrians, and conquered the kingdom of Judea, the Babylonians had exiled the Judean elite to Babylon, and there they found the Israelis from Assyrian exile.
* Some Israelis lost.
When the Persians conquered Babylon, they allowed the exiles to return to Jerusalem, some have returned, some stayed in Babylon, the rich and developed. *Some remained there until the last century when the Arabs drove them to Israel in the farhud.*some moved to the caucasus like my ancestors,etc......
***The 10 lost tribes is just a myth like the exile myth and the "temple destroyed because baseless hatred" myth yes jews have myths too
Khazar theory that's just bullshit
When anti-Semites could not deny the relationship between the people of Israel to the Land of Israel.
They began to deny the connection between the modern people of Israel to ancient people of Israel.
*Another thing, we Jews do not associate with us someone by his blood
For Pashtuns, they are probably not related to the people of Israel, and even if they do, that does not make them part of the people of Israel.
Regarding their practices are similar to Judaism, some of the practices did not exist during the Assyrian and Babylonian exile, but later.
All groups claiming affiliation to the people of Israel, this is probably the influence of Christian priests, who fell into the trap of myth and searched the Ten Lost Tribes.
I visit a cow wala ................ he is not fair skinned but damn he is handsome :lol:

By the way sir g I managed a brief visit to Mohra Morado ............... 2000 years old.
On way to Mohra Morado there is a small marsh, a VERY small one but in season Waterfowl come to this, a few dozen or so could be spotted. I remember going there EVERY evening as it was some 25-30 min walk from my home. (no we did went there for bird watching, that was a side activity, cig. was the main attraction :P )
Did you went up to the caves as well in Mohra Morado? The caves are good as the site itself do not have a lot to offer otherwise.
Did you went up to the caves as well in Mohra Morado? The caves are good as the site itself do not have a lot to offer otherwise.

It was early morning on my way to Abbottabad ........ a very short visit like touch and go. The guide did inform us (me and my friend) about the cave which we decided to visit on next detailed visit.

The site had got me imagining the people who would have lived there centuries ago, throughout the whole visit I was in another world. The calm and peace of early morning had its own affects, though a very short visit but it had me mesmerized and in dream like state. I am really very impressed by the construction and structures and display of skills that site holds for its visitors.
How sad that he is chitta unpadh never goes to school:sad: that's what I asked in my previous post, is face is enough of someone to get emotional on him or her? I might prefer an educated normal partner rather than a bueaty who un educated.
why not both :D
It was early morning on my way to Abbottabad ........ a very short visit like touch and go. The guide did inform us (me and my friend) about the cave which we decided to visit on next detailed visit.

The site had got me imagining the people who would have lived there centuries ago, throughout the whole visit I was in another world. The calm and peace of early morning had its own affects, though a very short visit but it had me mesmerized and in dream like state. I am really very impressed by the construction and structures and display of skills that site holds for its visitors.
I see,
well the caves are good and if you liked the site itself you should visit Jolian and Sirkap as well as they are surely better. :)

Well when you say something good about taxila it feels like someone is praising me, lolz. Still that place feels like home to me. :)

ye nan wala ni naan khanay wala hai :rofl:
yeah i noticed that too :P
BTW the naan looks much more interesting to me :D
I see,
well the caves are good and if you liked the site itself you should visit Jolian and Sirkap as well as they are surely better. :)


Well when you say something good about taxila it feels like someone is praising me, lolz. Still that place feels like home to me. :)

Okay so we now have "Taxila Wala"? :D

Okay so we now have "Taxila Wala"? :D
not anymore, not physically anyway as i am in Faisalabad now. Anyway, do share with us your experience once you get time to visit the places we discussed.

Now back to this Chai wala .:P
Now back to this Chai wala .:P

I will let the people who live on Facebook only to do the discussion part as for me I have been living and witnessing the cuteness, beauty and handsomeness in almost all regions of Pakistan.:p:

And I will reiterate, being a male I have never been jealous of any other male except "Jamal Shah". And I find "Tauqeer Nasir" handsome too unlike the teenage definition of handsomeness applicable to fair skinned only. :p:
It's called hypocrisy. On one hand the same people will say Allah Ta'ala created all people equally and all deserved to be treated the same, on the other hand they will give preference to those who have more "appealing" facial features. Sad reality.
Well said
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