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Arresting the Indian diplomat was just. She isn't the victim, her maid is

You seem to understand that an offense that is common in India is unusual and condemned (and can be prosecuted) in "Snowy White USA." What more need be said?

It is also an offence in India FYI and most Indians do not indulge in such. As to street sexual harassment, this is what this study has to say about USA.

"1. Indianapolis, USA: In one of the first street harassment studies ever conducted, Carol Brooks Gardner, associate professor of sociology and women’s studies at Indiana University, Indianapolis, interviewed 293 women in Indianapolis, Indiana, over several years in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The women were from every race, age, class, and sexual orientation category of the general population in Indiana and the United States. Gardner found that every single woman (100 percent) could cite several examples of being harassed by unknown men in public and all but nine of the women classified those experiences as “troublesome."

AKA 100% of women in any sample survey in USA have been molested.

Statistics – Academic and Community Studies-
Stop Street Harassment

Documenting Street Harassment in the USA-
Stop Street Harassment

The funny thing about USA is though when they see a trend going against them, they stop surveying it. Such as a few years ago they were studying the prevalence of psychopathy in the general population and found it was as high as 5-10%, they dropped the study entirely :D.
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Gardner found that every single woman (100 percent) could cite several examples of being harassed by unknown men in public and all but nine of the women classified those experiences as “troublesome."

AKA 100% of women in any sample survey in USA have been molested.
The word "molested" is yours and is not in the study.

The funny thing about USA is though when they see a trend going against them, they stop surveying it.
I'm sure there have been similar studies over the years.

Note the public policy response is to identify what's wrong, and see what can be changed in society to improve matters. It's not about sweeping stuff under the rug. The story of America of the past 150 years ago is mostly about the progress made ridding ourselves of our moral faults: slavery, racism, deadly inequalities of wealth, etc. That doesn't mean there isn't more to be done, or that everyone is perfect: it means there are some good mechanisms and people devoted to making things better for real, rather than just paying lip service to such matters, or creating and invoking prejudices to serve as blinders.
Oh my apologies, "being harassed" is apparently more acceptable to Americans, not something as horrible as "eve teasing" in India.

The word "molested" is yours and is not in the study.

I'm sure there have been similar studies over the years.

Note the public policy response is to identify what's wrong, and see what can be changed in society to improve matters. It's not about sweeping stuff under the rug. The story of America of the past 150 years ago is mostly about the progress made ridding ourselves of our moral faults: slavery, racism, deadly inequalities of wealth, etc. That doesn't mean there isn't more to be done, or that everyone is perfect: it means there are some good mechanisms and people devoted to making things better for real, rather than just paying lip service to such matters, or creating and invoking prejudices to serve as blinders.

Yeah right you have been so good at ridding yourselves of your moral faults the results are there for all to see: 1% of population in USA owning 40% of the country's wealth is equitable distribution of wealth, the top 10% owning 90% of the national wealth is no inequality at all. 75% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck is the fruit of years and years of improvement brought about by very perceptive public policies. Such a perfect country except for some minor quibbles. There is no racism in USA, the disproportional number of blacks in jails must be some inherent flaw in the blacks of USA. There is no slavery in USA, only people shackled to the banks paying off for their underwater mortgaged houses for the rest of their lives. Such a picture pretty perfect country.

There are some minor issues like divorce rates, mental illnesses, kids shooting other kids, 35% of the population have sexually transmitted diseases, 105 million people living on one or other govt welfare scheme. I am very sure the good mechanisms and people devoted to making things better are doing one hell of a good job. Prejudices? Eww that is something those turd worlders have, something that is so 19th century for egalitarian Americans.
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Oh my apologies, "being harassed" is apparently more acceptable to Americans, not something as horrible as "eve teasing" in India.

Yeah right you have been so good at ridding yourselves of your moral faults the results are there for all to see: 1% of population in USA owning 40% of the country's wealth is equitable distribution of wealth, the top 10% owning 90% of the national wealth is no inequality at all. 75% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck is the fruit of years and years of improvement brought about by very perceptive public policies. Such a perfect country except for some minor quibbles. There is no racism in USA, the disproportional number of blacks in jails must be some inherent flaw in the blacks of USA. There is no slavery in USA, only people shackled to the banks paying off for their underwater mortgaged houses for the rest of their lives. Such a picture pretty perfect country.

There are some minor issues like divorce rates, mental illnesses, kids shooting other kids, 35% of the population have sexually transmitted diseases, 105 million people living on one or other govt welfare scheme. I am very sure the good mechanisms and people devoted to making things better are doing one hell of a good job. Prejudices? Eww that is something those turd worlders have, something that is so 19th century for egalitarian Americans.
India is a melting pot waiting to explode. Low castes being treated as slaves, naxalites fighting for equality and socialism, Kashmir insurgency for independence , Manipur insurgency for independence, religious differences e.g. sikhs, muslims, hindus etc (race riots/killings). It just takes one little trigger and before you know it, India is going to go the way of afghanistan/Iraq/Syria etc where different warlords hold power over different parts of the country.
India is a melting pot waiting to explode. Low castes being treated as slaves, naxalites fighting for equality and socialism, Kashmir insurgency for independence , Manipur insurgency for independence, religious differences e.g. sikhs, muslims, hindus etc (race riots/killings). It just takes one little trigger and before you know it, India is going to go the way of afghanistan/Iraq/Syria etc where different warlords hold power over different parts of the country.

LOL. Oooooo looks like someone has loads of dreams and wishes for the New Year. Let me look at my crystal ball and see if they can come true...........Sorry darling it ain't happening until 5768 C.E.
LOL. Oooooo looks like someone has loads of dreams and wishes for the New Year. Let me look at my crystal ball and see if they can come true...........Sorry darling it ain't happening until 5768 C.E.
But its already happening, you just don't know it. India, like many countries in the Middle East had its borders drawn by the British. In time the borders will re shuffle just like the Middle East borders/major players are often changing. Just too many different people, from too many different backgrounds wanting too many different things. Only reason China stays together is because the main two non Han ethnicities are very small in number are concentrated in certain areas.
But its already happening, you just don't know it. India, like many countries in the Middle East had its borders drawn by the British. In time the borders will re shuffle just like the Middle East borders/major players are often changing. Just too many different people, from too many different backgrounds wanting too many different things. Only reason China stays together is because the main two non Han ethnicities are very small in number are concentrated in certain areas.

Oh I don't care why China stays together, but India is India and you understand nothing about India. India has this magical quality to be too many different things to too many different people from too many different backgrounds at the same time. So wait until 5768 C.E.
I am not wishing harm on India, but I think majority of Indians are massive hypocrites, bigoted and racist, Indians cannot see the harm they are doing to their own nation and are quite content to wallow in their own filth and are quick to jump up and accuse others of racism etc.
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