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Arresting the Indian diplomat was just. She isn't the victim, her maid is

The sad things is no Indian cares about the maid, but that is typical of 95% of Indians, really opened my eyes when I went to India, disgraceful that Indians only want the rich and mighty to be treated with respect yet when it comes to the poor, it's ok to abuse them, I haven't read any comments about the maid, everyone is just beating their chest in the typical Indian way about the person who actually committed a crime and is facing justice. Sorry but justice is other countries is not like justice in India, where the rich and powerful get away with murder and rape, corruption is going to be the end of India, very sad.
The sad things is no Indian cares about the maid, but that is typical of 95% of Indians, really opened my eyes when I went to India, disgraceful that Indians only want the rich and mighty to be treated with respect yet when it comes to the poor, it's ok to abuse them, I haven't read any comments about the maid, everyone is just beating their chest in the typical Indian way about the person who actually committed a crime and is facing justice. Sorry but justice is other countries is not like justice in India, where the rich and powerful get away with murder and rape, corruption is going to be the end of India, very sad.

Man ever since you came to India you have not stopped badmouthing India. Apparently, you learnt all there is to learn about cruel Indians in your 2 week visit to India. Please do us a favor do not come back again.
Man ever since you came to India you have not stopped badmouthing India. Apparently, you learnt all there is to learn about cruel Indians in your 2 week visit to India. Please do us a favor do not come back again.

My colleague traveled to India back in 2008 for business purpose, he had nothing good to say about his experience. He was like wherever you go, the dam cows are everywhere and all over the road.

Visiting India is a shock n awe experience for the ill informed traveler. The fancy ads giving false pretense don't show the dark underbelly of India. Once people go there, they can't wait to get out.

I am not gonna say BD is whole lot better, but traveling folks know what to expect.
My colleague traveled to India back in 2008 for business purpose, he had nothing good to say about his experience. He was like wherever you go, the dam cows are everywhere and all over the road.

Visiting India is a shock n awe experience for the ill informed traveler. The fancy ads giving false pretense don't show the dark underbelly of India. Once people go there, they can't wait to get out.

I am not gonna say BD is whole lot better, but traveling folks know what to expect.

There are different ways to look at things, Indians are proud that they willingly share their living space with all animals. The earth is not just meant for humans, it belongs as much to animals too. I certainly feel it is the generosity of the Indian culture which allows so many animals to thrive here in spite of our acute shortages. This is something I would not expect a non-Indian to understand. You need an Indian soul for that.

I do not know how much of difference the "Incredible India" ads have made to any foreigner's perception about India, but by and large Western media has largely been gleeful in portraying Indians slums and poverty above anything else like forever, so doubt it is all that unexpected to a fairly well read person.

Also as many may want to get out of India, there is a fairly sizable number of travelers who are Indophiles and it is not unusual at all to come across the 8th or 9th time visitors to India or even people who refuse to leave India once they are here.
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There are different ways to look at things, Indians are proud that they willing share their living space with all animals. The earth is not just meant for humans, it belongs as much to animals too. I certainly feel it is the generosity of the Indian culture which allows so many animals to thrive here in spite of our acute shortages. This is something I would not expect an non-Indian to understand. You need an Indian soul for that.

I do not know how much of difference the "Incredible India" ads have made to any foreigner's perception about India, but by and large Western media has largely been gleeful in portraying Indians slums and poverty above anything else like forever, so doubt it is all that unexpected to a fairly well read person.

Also as many may want to get out of India, there is a fairly sizable number of travelers who are Indophiles and it is not unusual at all to come across the 8th or 9th time visitors to India or even people who refuse to leave India once they are here.

Tourists who want to see remains of Ancient Civilization, Architecture, and Sculptures India is a feast for their eyes. I will encourage anybody who wants to see India for all the right reasons. The shocking part is typically the near absence of modern infrastructure, poverty, being stared at, place and practice of some rituals, and of-course the roaming cows.
Tourists who want to see remains of Ancient Civilization, Architecture, and Sculptures India is a feast for their eyes. I will encourage anybody who wants to see India for all the right reasons. The shocking part is typically the near absence of modern infrastructure, poverty, being stared at, place and practice of some rituals, and of-course the roaming cows.

India is stunning, except that most Indians do not know about India themselves. Being stared at is fairly benign, born of curiosity, it is not like some murderous gaze or something with mean ulterior motive. In fact, Indians go soft with foreigners, offering up their own seats in crowded buses, sharing their food, being their guides. Those who expect conditions to be like back home, should not travel.

Just go through this link (all 125 pages of it LOL) and see how wonderful India really is.

India - One picture per post - Page 64 - SkyscraperCity
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India is stunning, except that most Indians do not know about India themselves. Being stared at is fairly benign, born of curiosity, it is not like some murderous gaze or something with mean ulterior motive. In fact, Indians go soft with foreigners, offering up their own seats in crowded buses, sharing their food, being their guides. Those who expect conditions to be like back home, should not travel.

Just go through this link (all 125 pages of it LOL) and see how wonderful India really is.

India - One picture per post - Page 64 - SkyscraperCity

Being started at maybe benign, but what about women followed around by Indians trying to take sneaky photos? Or how about bumping into my wife and groping her or, purposely walking straight at us and trying to brush against her, or grabbing her boobs? In Goa I saw a young foreign girl being harassed by Indian men following her around taking photos of her and her friends even when she told them to stop, they kept doing it, yes India is a disgusting place, when it comes to women and a lot of other things. Talk to a lot of foreign women and Indian women as well and they will tell you the same thing, but Indian men like to deny all this happens, they disguise sexual harassment as "eve teasing" what a disgrace.

India has much to offer the world, we enjoyed our experiences there, but my wife will never go back because of the way she was harassed, along with my young daughters, even when they were trying to dress as Indians and show respect, they didn't get that respect back as women, so yes my views on India are tainted, but I still have positive memories as well, but India still has a very long way to go, too much corruption and the lack of infrastructure, no public toilets etc. The big malls etc have got nice clean toilets etc but what about on the street, or in the park? The poor don't even have the basics, and Indians love to beat their chest when fingers are pointed at them. And we weren't in India foe 2 weeks it was a bit longer, maybe I should start a thread about India the positive and the negative.
The U.S obviously has no concept/honor when it's come to diplomatic immunity with the Indians. The U.S keep humiliating the Indian time after time when it's come to treating Indian diplomats. It's time for India to remove any diplomatic immunity they have given to U.S diplomats since the U.S is only worried about enforcing the U.S's laws upon Indian diplomats. Imagine if India strips search a U.S President like the U.S has striped search an Indian President; there will be a lot of brown people got hacked to dead in New York City. The world will not respect or pity India if India keeps giving diplomatic immunity to the U.S while the U.S does not do the same; any further humiliation India has no one to blame except herself.

I find it ironic that democrap countries treat Indian diplomats worse than India's enemy ie China.
Being started at maybe benign, but what about women followed around by Indians trying to take sneaky photos? Or how about bumping into my wife and groping her or, purposely walking straight at us and trying to brush against her, or grabbing her boobs?
Remember the Indian's boast to the Westerner in E.M. Forester's A Passage to India? I think it was, "Come with me, and I will show you girls with breasts like mangoes." East meets West...

The U.S obviously has no concept/honor when it's come to diplomatic immunity -
If a complicated diplomatic situation appears "obvious" to you, that means you're treating it superficially, doesn't it?
Remember the Indian's boast to the Westerner in E.M. Forester's A Passage to India? I think it was, "Come with me, and I will show you girls with breasts like mangoes." East meets West...

If a complicated diplomatic situation appears "obvious" to you, that means you're treating it superficially, doesn't it?

Indians love to bring up "honor" and "pride" but it's to be expected from a nation that refuses to deal with its own problems, but love to point the finger at other countries.
Being started at maybe benign, but what about women followed around by Indians trying to take sneaky photos? Or how about bumping into my wife and groping her or, purposely walking straight at us and trying to brush against her, or grabbing her boobs? In Goa I saw a young foreign girl being harassed by Indian men following her around taking photos of her and her friends even when she told them to stop, they kept doing it, yes India is a disgusting place, when it comes to women and a lot of other things. Talk to a lot of foreign women and Indian women as well and they will tell you the same thing, but Indian men like to deny all this happens, they disguise sexual harassment as "eve teasing" what a disgrace.

India has much to offer the world, we enjoyed our experiences there, but my wife will never go back because of the way she was harassed, along with my young daughters, even when they were trying to dress as Indians and show respect, they didn't get that respect back as women, so yes my views on India are tainted, but I still have positive memories as well, but India still has a very long way to go, too much corruption and the lack of infrastructure, no public toilets etc. The big malls etc have got nice clean toilets etc but what about on the street, or in the park? The poor don't even have the basics, and Indians love to beat their chest when fingers are pointed at them. And we weren't in India foe 2 weeks it was a bit longer, maybe I should start a thread about India the positive and the negative.

Before your turn up your French nose at India, do cast an eye on street sexual harassment in France.

1 in 4 women in France are scared in public spaces-
Stop Street Harassment

The Street Harassment Project

There is not a country in the world which is free of perverts. Does that give you license to tar the whole country? French have a horrible reputation as being the rudest people to visitors and also urinating in the open everywhere in the country. I will consider that worse since you are a first world country and have public toilets, yet the French do not find it adequate enough for their business.

All major cities have pay and use toilets called Sulabh Sauchalaya or its equivalents. Every eatery you go to has toilets which you could have used.

Moaning about the poor in India, we do not have poor burning cars in envy the way they do in France, which means they are not really in that state of desperation that the poor in France are.

Remember the Indian's boast to the Westerner in E.M. Forester's A Passage to India? I think it was, "Come with me, and I will show you girls with breasts like mangoes." East meets West...

If a complicated diplomatic situation appears "obvious" to you, that means you're treating it superficially, doesn't it?

These were all pictures taken with the people's permission in USA I suppose. No sneak peekers in Snowy White USA.

People Of WalMart
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These were all pictures taken with the people's permission in USA I suppose. No sneak peekers in Snowy White USA.
You seem to understand that an offense that is common in India is unusual and condemned (and can be prosecuted) in "Snowy White USA." What more need be said?
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