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Arrest warrant issued against Bangladeshi singer Noble in India for defaming Indian PM Narendra Modi

Unless you have a comprehension issue, I was talking about Bangladeshis. :-) I hope that got into your head, don't waste my time Pakistani.
you are wasting your own time by trying to cook up stories, after all its Indian thing, you cant help it.....Indian
What do I have to do to get a similar arrest warrant issued against me?

I curse Modi the dirty Dhoti all day long... No such luck! :(
You have to be a famous singer to get arrested. Non famous people have no luck for arrest. However, since when this personality cult started in India also? In BD, you cannot say a word against the current Semi-Goddess, Hasina Bibi or any of her family members. But, is it India which is following BD or is it the other way?
If this Nobel thing is the new class rising in Bangladesh, all the best.

Seems a real piece of work this one haha...or "classy" I suppose.

Bet his parents are super proud. Was this guy an adult when he was boinking the 16 yr old gal in BD?...that he denied earlier but is now "proud" and "joking" about. Looks like borderline pedo territory....not surprised the incels in this subforum love this guy's behaviours and are his big fans. They also can't decide when to jamati and when to awami increasingly....because its all about emotional sustenance triumphing.

The same exact bunch that were justifying/downplaying the rape and burning of that girl in the rooftop in BD. Same behaviour this bunch here did when there was the mass rapes and assaults on the BD street protesters (many young children). Or when the hindus and atheist writers get hacked by machetes from time to time.

Then they want to point fingers at another country....and say its like the "middle east warzones" (meanwhile thats the kind of rating their capital city gets by the economist, and thats what they earn wherever they go....warzone middle eastern level).

That too also after their "enlightening" reaction to the DW documentary on BD islamic extremism when posted here.

Yes you should indeed be saying "all the best" for this new "class" rising.

So just because he participated in a tv show in india he should be disbarred from speaking his mind against an indian politician?

There is a certain decorum expected from visitors and guests from another country.....earning their bread from India.

If you want to invite someone to make/insinuate sex scandal equivalency remarks about PMIK (or say Pakistan army) and say while he is not a citizen and that too after he earns money from same country by locating there.

I would say the same thing for any PM/leader and for any country...whether I personally like/support or dont.

Is that a thing in Democratic india??
Arresting people because thet hurt Modis feelings?

Read the above.

Also the point is also to put Bangladeshis in their place efficiently and without fuss.

Similar to how PMIK makes outreach to Hasina (even after all she says towards Pakistan all this time)...but on other hand keeps the JF-17 supply going to the country that forcibly repatriates illegal Bangladeshis back home.

Similar to how China deals with BD on that same matter (and the big+very enjoyable tantrum that created here in this forum).

Many countries simply learn with time how to deal with BD particular ingrate+weakling complex.

Cpl nice words on the top layer....but gut punch them when they need it and ask for it. Its ok they'll grimace and take it, they are that shameless....they are used to their station in life and inner nature.

You yourselves experienced it first hand in East Pakistan drama. They won't change. Pakistanis must always remember one thing....both sides in BD political drama (one side is now totally destroyed but thats another subject) fully agree on the 3 million number...to the level of prosecution.

Nice try Pakistani:D. I said Bangladeshi not Bengali.

Oh, he is free to mock, disagree, abuse any Indian politician while living in Bangladesh for as long as he likes. Just don't come to India if you are going to swear at our Prime Minister.:)

These replies here lol (did you read some?). One of these incels here even posted its face way back...and only removed it way after. Hillarious and incompetent at the same time.

When their generic riff raff kind come for the most basic medical treatment in India, they always gawk mouth open at the most basic modern conveniences (like they're seeing them the first time, which they probably are) and then spill the beans extra easily on why they dont do such treatments back home in BD (involves lot of bad language directed to the claimed-quacks utter malpractice and incompetence in their country, one of which not surprisingly hangs around in this forum too).

Stopping and staring at things like elevators, escalators, malls, commerce...all stuff Indians take for granted.... you name it....its all so new to them (like any 500 car "production" per year country would be like).

Its actually kind of sad and funny at same time....talking to these folks all camped out in dormitories around the hospitals of Chennai and Bangalore (when not Kolkata or Delhi). Take the pole-vaulter out of a paddy field or chaddi sweatshop...and talk face to face, lot of things are made clear lol.

Then the statistics show this lot earn pittance in the US (even with the "Indian restaurant" biz leg-up and selective stealth identifying/proxying as Indian)....you know somethings wrong with you in basic competence when you:

a) earn less than the HAITIANS do in US.....and similar to lot of "middle east warzones"

b) come from english medium of instruction (or 2nd language etc) schooling country

I mean Haiti and middle east warzones have some excuse that makes sense at least.

What does shonar BD have if its so peaceful and progressive? Guess it means the people are just that stupid and incompetent in the end.

So its not hard to see why their elitists (not elite, there's a big difference, elitists are pole-vaulters thinking they are elite) have to concoct all the escapism and fantasy here lol. BJP = ISIS....India = Syrian warzone....whatever else :rofl:

Reality to them is unkind. Very unkind.

They talk about showing "face" to westerners. These types that share 10 of their kind to one squalid kitchen floor overnight in some dump they are forced to call an "Indian" restaurant.

Yeah ok, real credible :lol:

They live this 24/7 all their lives....frankly any other people would have long died of shame overload.

Why you think they come here haha....its just to blow off steam and escape from their sad miserable reality.

Pharma exports were supposed to: :victory:after all the stronk threads ....but instead went :( big time. They want to diversify past the RMG handout sector, such great minds to back it up clearly.

Meanwhile Hasina paper stats go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr and 95% election mandate goes brrrrrrrrrrrrr. :rofl: Inflated stuff for inflated egos, while BD stays dark from space because they are stuck at 60s level energy use.
Would you tolerate a foreigner making remarks against your Prime Minister?:enjoy: Freedom of speech is for Indians in India, not for some Bangladeshi peasant.
Either you're thick to not understand what I was saying and went all the way to bring Joe, as if I tried to mock people of West Bengal or it's your feeble attempt to create an imaginary divide, Pakistani. Either way, you fail at both.

exactly, this is how you will agree with me and repeat my statement as edited in quote by you.
Mr. Dhoti, We are not ashamed of wearing Lungi. It is the most comfortable and relaxing stay at home garment for men. And Lungi is not just a wear for Bangladeshis. People of Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, other South East Asian countries, people of Yemen, Oman even in African countries like Somalia, Eritrea wear Lungi. Lungi is also worn by your countrymen in South and east. So attempt to abuse us with 'Lungi' will not effect us exclusively. On the other hand dhoti is a garment only worn by sanghi hindu like yourself. So calling Indians like you dhoti is very appropriate.

What's wrong with wearing a lungi? All Telugus wear it; I wear it. Is it illegal now? Should I change immediately back into my fetching shorts (colour not to be mentioned)?

Thank you very much for letting us know what Indians thinks about Bangalis like Joe.

No wonder he is trying so much to prove his Indian-ness.


Thank you very much for letting us know what Indians thinks about Bangalis like Joe.

No wonder he is trying so much to prove his Indian-ness.

Who was the idiot who brought you out of cover?

Can he or she be prosecuted for not leaving you between the covers?
I am a Bengali from West Bengal, we don't like to be called Bangladeshi.

Dada, the way even lower class cow-belter BIMARU Indians hate Bengalis (not to speak of Marathis, Gujjus and Punjabis), it will most certainly be a Bangladeshi who selflessly comes forward and helps you in an adverse situation, and not other Indians. Try to visit the Facebook page of Garga Chatterjee sometimes and see the videos for proof.

Even in the US - Marathis, Gujjus and Punjabis try to look down on Bengalis. The gall! These people are mostly semi-educated H1B idiots.

Western Indians have no respect for Kaley, Bhukhey, Nangey Bong versions of Hindi speakers and they don't want them in their states, they are slowly closing their doors on Bongs in their home states by explicitly favoring locals and their own kind. Even the word Bong is humiliating. Who gave Western and cow-belter Indians that right? Some shameless spineless Bengali? Grow a spine...carry yourself how you want to be treated.

Western Indians have all kinds of sad degrading stereotypes for Bengalis. How can these attitudes be tolerated?

Jat Paat and ethnicity is where it's at, not religion. Heck their Western and Cow-Belt Hinduism is even so different from Hinduism practiced in WB.

Try to be like Garga, instead of a backbone-less person cowering and compliant in front of other types of Indians. This type of mentality is what makes Ghutka-khors come to WB and expect that everyone speak Hindi and understand billboards in Hindi. Shame.

You can hate us Bangals all you want of either religion, we don't care.

But have some backbone, spine and self-respect as a Bengali for a change.
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Dada, the way even lower class cow-belter BIMARU Indians hate Bengalis (not to speak of Marathis, Gujjus and Punjabis), it will most certainly be a Bangladeshi who selflessly comes forward and helps you in an adverse situation, and not other Indians. Try to visit the Facebook page of Garga Chatterjee sometimes and see the videos for proof.

Even in the US - Marathis, Gujjus and Punjabis try to look down on Bengalis. The gall! These people are mostly semi-educated H1B idiots.

Western Indians have no respect for Kaley, Bhukhey, Nangey Bong versions of Hindi speakers and they don't want them in their states, they are slowly closing their doors on Bongs in their home states by explicitly favoring locals and their own kind. Even the word Bong is humiliating. Who gave Western and cow-belter Indians that right? Some shameless spineless Bengali? Grow a spine...carry yourself how you want to be treated.

Western Indians have all kinds of sad degrading stereotypes for Bengalis. How can these attitudes be tolerated?

Jat Paat and ethnicity is where it's at, not religion. Heck their Western and Cow-Belt Hinduism is even so different from Hinduism practiced in WB.

Try to be like Garga, instead of a backbone-less person cowering and compliant in front of other types of Indians. This type of mentality is what makes Ghutka-khors come to WB and expect that everyone speak Hindi and understand billboards in Hindi. Shame.

You can hate us Bangals all you want of either religion, we don't care.

But have some backbone, spine and self-respect as a Bengali for a change.
I know Garga more than you, he is looking for some political gain. He never speaks of mandatory Bengali in school or in Billboards. In Fact he never speaks against current govt.
Ghutka-khors come to WB This is a good example where the fact is twisted. As if no Bengali eats Ghutkha irrespective of religion. It has now creeped to rural bengal in a big way. Now more people is leaning to Ghutka as a cheap alternative to Cigarettes. Even housewifes are having them.
Migrant labourers from West Bengal accounts to more than half a Crore spreaded to different states in India. Murshidabad, Malda dist again accounts half of them. Yes they have problem as people suspect them as a Bangladeshi, not Indian.
According to 2011 census more than 2 Crores of Bengalis are permanently settled outside WB out of total 10 crores Bengalis in India. More than half a Crore Bengalis are permanently settled in BIMARU states including Jharkhand. Tripura and Assam has only 30 Lakh of Bengalis out of this 2 Crore.
I lived in Delhi, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Orissa and travelled across India. I never have anyone discriminating to me for being a Bengali.
I know Garga more than you, he is looking for some political gain. He never speaks of mandatory Bengali in school or in Billboards. In Fact he never speaks against current govt.
Ghutka-khors come to WB This is a good example where the fact is twisted. As if no Bengali eats Ghutkha irrespective of religion. It has now creeped to rural bengal in a big way. Now more people is leaning to Ghutka as a cheap alternative to Cigarettes. Even housewifes are having them.
Migrant labourers from West Bengal accounts to more than half a Crore spreaded to different states in India. Murshidabad, Malda dist again accounts half of them. Yes they have problem as people suspect them as a Bangladeshi, not Indian.
According to 2011 census more than 2 Crores of Bengalis are permanently settled outside WB out of total 10 crores Bengalis in India. More than half a Crore Bengalis are permanently settled in BIMARU states including Jharkhand. Tripura and Assam has only 30 Lakh of Bengalis out of this 2 Crore.
I lived in Delhi, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Orissa and travelled across India. I never have anyone discriminating to me for being a Bengali.

Thanks for the tidbits.

No non-Bengali Indian will openly admit to you that they do not like Bengalis personally.

But non-Bengali Indians (especially the semi-educated new-money types from Western and Northern states) always have a discriminatory outlook.

Judge them on what they do, not what they say openly. What they have done is that every wealthier state (Maharashtra, Gujarat and Punjab) have started official rules on having their own language as a pre-requisite for jobs and education locally in their states. Not ENGLISH.

If you know Garga that much, I'm sure you know what he says about Hindi cultural Samrajya-badi (colonialism) in WB. I spoke at length about having a back bone and having some self-respect as a Bengali, and you responded with nothing...is it something you take pride in it or not??
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