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Arrest warrant issued against Bangladeshi singer Noble in India for defaming Indian PM Narendra Modi

Lol.Compared to Dhaka, Mumbai is heaven.Its GDP is about the same as whole of Bangladesh. So that must tell you what a slum the whole of Bangladesh is. I can do it all day lungi.

This is what your minister said about Indians in Bangladesh.

"By working in Bangladesh, Indians send huge amount money to their home country. The number of Indian manpower working in Bangladesh cannot exceed 200,000 but they are bringing for their country minimum 4 billion US dollars a year as remittance. This is because of their skill," he said.


OK send Vegana Bob!!



What do you think of the people who worship Donald Trump, erecting statues of him and worshipping them.

What do you as an Indian think of these people, who do such things ?

What do we think of desperate beggar Indians who are circum-ambulating temple in the hopes of getting a USA Visa? The same ones who are chest-beating here because they didn't get one? Supapawa my foot. Some supapawa, more like Bob-Vegana-Begga-Pawa :lol:

Lol.Compared to Dhaka, Mumbai is heaven.Its GDP is about the same as whole of Bangladesh. So that must tell you what a slum the whole of Bangladesh is. I can do it all day lungi.

This is what your minister said about Indians in Bangladesh.

"By working in Bangladesh, Indians send huge amount money to their home country. The number of Indian manpower working in Bangladesh cannot exceed 200,000 but they are bringing for their country minimum 4 billion US dollars a year as remittance. This is because of their skill," he said.


Dude take it easy on the bottom-most rungs man.


They are facing a really bad day, every day....no matter where they go and how wealthy the place is.

They are mentally and physically incompetent as a group. Prime case of such found in the thread.

Failed reality is not kind to these types. Even their trolling is copy pasting from their far-betters for a reason.
OK send Vegana Bob!!



What do we think of desperate beggar Indians who are circum-ambulating temple in the hopes of getting a USA Visa? The same ones who are chest-beating here because they didn't get one? Supapawa my foot. Some supapawa, more like Bob-Vegana-Begga-Pawa :lol:

How low some Indians can go down to the gutter? :sick: Do they have any shame? Building VISA temple!! Millions praying there desperately to get an American visa!! As if 'reputation' of 'Bobs and vegana guys' was not enough for them. How Indians show their faces in front of Americans or Europeans?
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How low some Indians can go down to the gutter? :sick: Do they have any shame? Building VISA temple!! Millions praying there desperately to get an American visa!! As if 'reputation' of 'Bobs and vegana guys' was not enough for them. How Indians show their faces in front of Americans or Europeans?

Most of the lower-middle class Indians (cow belt Sanghis mostly) have zero sense of shame. As a Bengali - you won't understand because we would rather end our lives than stooping so low, it's a different value system where everything is for sale for a few bucks. Izzat, self-respect be damned. You saw how this young lady from the US was so amused that Indians would stoop so low to get a US Visa, yet none of these shameless Indians seemed to care, getting to the US is the prime goal, even if lies and falsehood is involved.

From lying about their qualifications, education, to being totally dishonest when dealing with people at a professional level, the entire lives of these Indian H1B's are built on shameless falsehoods and misrepresentation.

Indian H1B's have built a reputation for dishonesty in the US and EU that ends up affecting the outlook of decent professional people from the subcontinent who got their education in the West, as well as subcontinental folks from a higher socio-economic background/education who were more than honest about their professional dealings, in stark contrast to these H1B's.
Sure, except he used to be in India for a reality show. Effectively making his return to India not possible.

Try all this when holding a Pakistani citizenship and US visa. :-)
So just because he participated in a tv show in india he should be disbarred from speaking his mind against an indian politician?
Is that a thing in Democratic india??
Arresting people because thet hurt Modis feelings?
Is that a thing in Democratic india??
Arresting people because thet hurt Modis feelings?

The current narrative of these Sanghis is that if you're not for communal extremist thought process and anti-Muslim extremism and Hindutva in general, then you're not patriotic enough and not Indian enough.

All desh-bhakt patriot Indians must commit to loving Modis veda-bakyam utterings (no matter how ridiculous) and BJP/RSS/Shivsena crazy extremist principles without question.

This type of thing is what causes Hindu extremists to beat up on Muslims for eating beef, or worse, even kill them (on simple cause of suspicion). Muslims, Christians and other Abrahamic religion followers have been routine targets of harassment and killings.

India has truly become a horrible place to live. Probably as bad as Syria/Northern Iraq ISIS territory as far as extremism in concerned. Just crazy.
India has truly become a horrible place to live. Probably as bad as Syria/Northern Iraq ISIS territory as far as extremism in concerned. Just crazy.

Funny, ISIS wasn't elected democratically whereas BJP were elected, that tells us something.

I don't want to spell it out, you can make a guess for yourselves.
Thank you very much for letting us know what Indians thinks about Bangalis like Joe.

No wonder he is trying so much to prove his Indian-ness.
Nice try Pakistani:D. I said Bangladeshi not Bengali.

So just because he participated in a tv show in india he should be disbarred from speaking his mind against an indian politician?
Oh, he is free to mock, disagree, abuse any Indian politician while living in Bangladesh for as long as he likes. Just don't come to India if you are going to swear at our Prime Minister.:)
Bangladesh a country, Bengali = Language and/or people. Bangladeshi people of Bangladesh irrespective of what language they speak. Again, nice try:-) jog on.
Bangladesh and West Bengal's language is Bangla or Bengali its same Language. All are Bengali or Bangalis. Both parts were one and have same language.

try again.
Bangladesh and West Bengal's language is Bangla or Bengali its same Language. All are Bengali or Bangalis. Both parts were one and have same language.

try again.
Unless you have a comprehension issue, I was talking about Bangladeshis. :-) I hope that got into your head, don't waste my time Pakistani.

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