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Arranged Marriages: How are promises of a lifetime made in one day? By Sonakshi Srivastava Publishe

Arranged marriages is for guys looking for a girl beyond their league in the dating world, and for girls(or their families ) looking for a rich future.
Only a small number of arranged marriages fail as compare to love marriages.

In arranged marriages,their is no Disney Fairy tale dream,only reality.

Both men and women are taught their respective duties and responsibilities.
So,when the couple starts a new life they know what is expected of them and as a result their is considerably less infighting between couples.They don't believe in the falsehood of equality.They know who is the leader of the family,whose words will be final.Domination and Submition.

On the other hand,in love marriage,the couple have unrealistic expectation from other spouse,and no sense of their own duties and responsibilities.

Which result in resentment and negative feeling towards the other spouse, and fighting and quarrels become part of everyday life.


Yes arranged marriages have problems but very few.Less then 3%.

Media generally put these 3% problem under microscope leaving the successful 97%.

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