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Army's Northern Command to buy over 980 mine prodders for J&K


Jun 24, 2012
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Army's Northern Command to buy over 980 mine prodders for J&K

Indian Army's Northern Command has issued a global tender for procuring over 980 mine prodders, used for detection of IEDs and other explosive substances buried under ground, for its units in Jammu and Kashmir.

General Officer Commanding-in-Chief (GoC-in-C) Northern Command recently issued Request for Proposal (RFP) tender for procurement of 984 mine prodders for its units operating in Northern Command theatre in J&K.

The bids are invited from Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of Defence Procurement Manual 2009 or Permanent Registered Authorised Distributors of OEM, a senior officer of the Electric and Mechnical Engineers (EMA) Branch at Northern Command Headquarters said.

Mine prodders are used for detection of IEDs, mines and other explosive substances buried under ground and also used by road opening parties and Improvised Explosive Device (IED) teams deployed in counter insurgency (operations) areas in Jammu and Kashmir.

Link - Army's Northern Command to buy over 980 mine prodders for J&K | Business Standard
I hear Taliban have become expert in the use of IED weaponry. Jihad-e-Kashmir 2.0 could be very painful for the Indian military?
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I hear Taliban have become expert in the use of IED weaponry. Jihad-e-Kashmir 2.0 could be very painful for the Indian military?
Actually infiltration has came down so there is no need to worry until they are other side of the border....
Apparently, Taliban is showing its expertise in Jihad-e-Pakistan. :sarcastic:

Nah, Pakistan has used the Taliban excuse to annex a tribal region that had not been part of any Pakistani province since August 14, 1947. And, there dies the "Pakhtunistan" aspiration.

According to Wikipedia, Lashkar-e-Taiba has now harnessed its skills to defeat a superpower in Afghanistan. People of Muslim Kashmir are waiting for their return...
Nah, Pakistan has used the Taliban excuse to annex a tribal region that had not been part of any Pakistani province since August 14, 1947. And, there dies the Pakhtunistan aspiration.

According to Wikipedia, Lashkar-e-Taiba has now harnessed its skills to defeat a superpower in Afghanistan. People of Muslim Kashmir are waiting for their return...

At the moment, let the Muslims of Pakistan enjoy the wrath of Taliban. :woot: Hope you must be Proud of them and enjoying the suicide bombings, beheading of your soldiers, them playing soccer with their heads etc etc.. :ashamed: Its a never ending list...:coffee:

Anyway, send your worst. All the Lashkars, Mujahideens, Talibs and other primitive lunatics will be sent to the same unmarked graves that their predecessors went to. India will not tolerate their nonsense, because they won't find sympathizers in India, like they do in Pakistan (you, for example).

The Pakistani army itself, with all its tanks and artillery and air support cannot challenge Indian's might. Your bearded gunmen cannot do much either. I know it hurts to hear this, but it is true. Just because they have a beard and a Kalashnikov and a medieval ideology, does not mean that they can do jack against a stable, pluralistic nation like India with a professional military and police.

Even your Pakistani army cannot dream to take anything from India, so your bearded lunatics won't dream to dream. "Let America leave, then we will declare victory and conquer India" might be the latest motivational pamphlets the talibs distribute, while hiding in their caves until America leaves. Such threats may scare a rabbit. :bunny:
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I hear Taliban have become expert in the use of IED weaponry. Jihad-e-Kashmir 2.0 could be very painful for the Indian military?
Taliban? :woot: You mean the ISI supported LeT and JeM, right? There are no Taliban in Kashmir. :P Afghan Talibs are in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and the rag tag TTP are in Pakistan, sending your establishment in circles! :lol:
Asal kr wenkaes yenae pate payae pashtawun. (Bring your best) :agree:

Once upon a time there was the Soviet Union empire. Ask their descendants what our best looks-like.

India is being brutally punished by a nation four times smaller than its size since 1989, it appears unable to stop this. Darr lagta hai Pakistan say?
Once upon a time there was the Soviet Union empire. Ask their descendants what our best looks-like.

India is being brutally punished by a nation four times smaller than its size since 1989, it appears unable to stop this. Darr lagta hai Pakistan say?
Have you seen the condition of your country where a citizen stepping out of his home is not sure if he will come back in the evening or will be blown up or shot during the day because of his sect or simply because one misguided Jehadi decided to exercise his birth right of committing suicide via RDX..? Or how a country which was once a model of Islamic modernization and a booming economy is now living with a foreign debt that is 8 times its forex reserves.. And you think its India being brutally punished.. :).. Think again...

Read the article in my signature ...
Once upon a time there was the Soviet Union empire. Ask their descendants what our best looks-like.

India is being brutally punished by a nation four times smaller than its size since 1989, it appears unable to stop this. Darr lagta hai Pakistan say?

How long will you drag that dead horse?

Well here is our punishment-cliche; I know its a drag dude I know it, but 90000 man....90000.That is all I have to say.
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