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Army sources release picture of Chinese incursion in Daulat Beg Oldi sector

hope we develop tourism there soon,it is anther shangri-la.
and i hope the next time photos of this place are from Indian tourists who have a visa.

hope we develop tourism there soon,it is anther shangri-la.
and i hope the next time photos of this place are from Indian tourists who have a visa.

hope another chola incident soon..!! Lols

hope we develop tourism there soon,it is anther shangri-la.
and i hope the next time photos of this place are from Indian tourists who have a visa.

hope we develop tourism there soon,it is anther shangri-la.
and i hope the next time photos of this place are from Indian tourists who have a visa.

hope another chola incident soon..!! Lols
Detain these chinese soldiers and try them :cheers:

Who fcuk they think they are ??
Not possible. No country holds sovereignty over that area, so they have technically not entered India.

There is an agreement which says on either side for atleast 10 km there should be no activity. These acts are clear violations.
There is an agreement which says on either side for atleast 10 km there should be no activity. These acts are clear violations.

The same agreement states peaceful solution through talks and non-agression. The soldiers cannot exert physical force upon thier opponents. So, only solution is to show equal or more intimidation and set our troops along the LAC where our army percieves its boundaries are and wait.

Chinese are provoking us to draw first blood.
The same agreement states peaceful solution through talks and non-agression. The soldiers cannot exert physical force upon thier opponents. So, only solution is to show equal or more intimidation and set our troops along the LAC where our army percieves its boundaries are and wait.

Chinese are provoking us to draw first blood.

If they are provoking us for blood , Better detain them a try them is the correct answer.
Still wondering if Chinese are provoking them :lol:

On one side Chinese as usual are denying the incidents and on the other side evidence is clear.

Chinese are behaving like termites but we have pesticides to deal with them :lol:
Now where did i read the tall banter on something of Ostrich attitude
It's a well known fact that TOI will never portray India in a bad light and instead of washing the soap before your hands, have the comprehension to check the date this news got published. !!

I didn't knew our so called Elite member is not able to comprehend simple article posted by himself. Pathetic
Please try if you got balls :omghaha:couldnt wait to see india fire the first shot


Here is a jar full of ping pong balls. Take it and go.

Is the PLA platoon still camping there currently?
Yes we are but the question is what you gonna do about it? may be talk talk and more talk:omghaha:

We will do what we have done on 1987 :lol:

Please try if you got balls :omghaha:couldnt wait to see india fire the first shot

We have got balls and we have also got balls to cut the Chinese termite's balls also :cheers:

We have already done this thing in 1987 and we can do it again.

Ask your Chinese to eat some fatty food, they cannot survive in Himalayan peaks or do a war with IA :lol:
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