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Army rubbishes claims of LEJ links.

This was never the bone of contention...everybody agrees that this menace needs to be rooted out.

It's just that there is a blind hatred for the army by some folks, they make schools, make hospitals, do a host of other stuff but nobody gives a second to that. Just as the Metro bus by PML, folks are still trying to get out faults in that, there maybe faults, but atleast he hasn't taken the Metro system to his house!!!

So lesson is that blind hatred and blind love is never the way to go...you have to find the median.

I'll go through that link a bit later, but from the outlook, it seems that it focuses on the various organizations operating from Punjab. And we all know about their effect.

It was after the murder of Haq Nawaz Jhangvi when LEJ went militant.
Skirmishes were common during his life,but all out armed conflict started only after he was killed.
Both Parties are to blame..
I for myself saw in Ahmed Pur Sayal...how shiya used to attack sunni mosques and how sunni used to do the same..
With both turning their mosques into forts..
I myself saw sunni majids full of bullet holes after a shia attack...
Both sides were comprised of volunteers and had funding from within...
It was like war between gangs and cults..

I dont know how things have evolved now...but back then it was more of a hoo haa....with both sides making noise than actual killing.
Atleast my -foreign patriotism- is well defined,while your jumbled up 'something about Pakistan' is clueless and runs around like headless chicken.

On one hand you lot want army to do everything about securing Pakistan...even take over the job of police,FIA and even'chowkidaar'...
Then at the same time you have problem with army spending money,and defence budger,and how army 'interferes' with the working of civilian institutions...

You lot are clueless....good i left you behind and came out of that mental hospital called Pakistan...

I will Request The Moderator to Ban the above quote member by calling Pakistan a Mental Hospital. and he should not put Our Country Flag on his membership card. If the moderator think he should not bann him we need an apology from the above member. I hope every one in this forum will support this.

All army haters and confused Pakistanis should read the above wiki article.
Raises questions...we could also be raising questions about ISI support to Imran Khan! Every two nut analyst can raise question on TV for five minutes of fame.

Maria Sultan...get a bit more info on her, these so called analysts can do anything for a free plane ride and a stay in luxury! Point is, you can get anyone to say anything...only a few resist the temptation.

We don't have any sort of strategy for anything, everything done in this country is on ad-hoc basis. Let's not restrict that just to the Army, they aren't aliens who are immune to our collective national psyche.

yar raising questions about someone credibility, then noobody is more credible than mehmood achkzai here, I hope you would agree with that name? I heard him say and question about this connection, help yourself to reality based views by listening to him on Aaj with nadeem malik I think...

If you want to play introspective, then you and all the military apologists also agree that military is father of LeJ and Militant groups, now you deny that there is no connection between them, any proof ? and as a proof we want to see targeted or full fledged military operation against LeJ/SSP safe heavens...


and if you see my threads I have no restricted this patronage to army only, the blame is equally shared by Punjab government, which happens to be pmln government.

and I am sure the Baloch Sunni groups are also involved maybe upto government level, as another issue raised was that Hazara people are selling their property at cheapest possible rates, as they are eager to migrate to Punjab and other areas such as Australia, thousands of applications are under process, 2500 families already given asylum !
P.S. now why should army be blamed the most, because they are the ones who can take these militant groups out but yet they turn a blind eye on their activities !!
Chalo ji. LeJ is best friend of corrupt PML-N & other corrupt politicians. These corrupt & Anti Pakistani politicians are trying to frame Pak Army.
Justa Question.
Is there any terrorist organisation which isnt supported/created by Pak Army?
TTp....created by PakArmy...
LEJ created by PakArmy.
DarthWader created byPakarmy....
The best way the army can defect these suspicions is to kill the LeJ, Kill the SSP, Kill the TTP and any variation thereof in any other name-- all of these are creatures of the army, And Army can make believers of all of us and supporters, if it kill them, Now!

But I'll make you a small wager - ARMY WON"T DO THAT
Muse, you say “ARMY WON"T DO THAT”, with due respect, in my opinion, the Frankenstein they created is beyond their power.

Look at their performance in FATA, with all the efforts, sacrifices, suffering, hard- work and cost, they still have not been able to defeat TTP, and not to mention, other terrorist who control FATA.

What do you say?
Muse, you say “ARMY WON"T DO THAT”, with due respect, in my opinion, the Frankenstein they created is beyond their power.

Look at their performance in FATA, with all the efforts, sacrifices, suffering, hard- work and cost, they still have not been able to defeat TTP, and not to mention, other terrorist who control FATA.

What do you say?

Umm, seems like the Snakes are taking over the Farm; while Breeder-Farmer does'nt know what to do......

Good Snakes, Bad Snakes...........Oh, I mean Good Taliban, Bad Taliban........that should be the refrain.
While nobody here or anywhere has criticized the 'democratically elected government' of Balochistan...who damn cared about Hazara killings and their cheif minister even made fun of the dead and their relatives..
People are writing essays condemning PA-
army created it, fed it, ab kehtay ho taluk nahi? Wah !!

the simple proof is to take out LeJ/SSP guys through targeted operation or full fledged military action, take out there Madrissah shops where you nor police ever dare to go in uniform !!

Let me add in your list, what i see has common sponsor:
' take out LeJ/SSP/TTP/PPP/PTI guys through targeted operation or full fledged military action, '

While nobody here or anywhere has critisized the 'democratically elected government' if Balochistan...who damn cared about Hazara killings and their cheif minister even made fun of the dead and their relatives..
Pople are writing essays condemninb PA-

Please.. do not highlight the OPEN bigotry.

As some one said: Honesty is very expensive gift, DO NOT expect it from cheap people.
Here are some interesting facts.

Haq Nawaz Jhangvi was a pathetic sectarian terrorist.

In the following speech he says “Shia kaenat ka badtareen aor ghaleeztareen kafir hai”

This is the man military dictator Zai ul haq supported. This shows a clear link between Military-Mullah alliance and the sectarian terrorism we're facing today.

Sadly, the innocent people of Pakistan(civilian and security forces) are reaping what our establishment has sowed.

Senate body
Tariq Khosa, a former director-general of FIA, recalled how sectarian groups like the Sipah-i-Sahaba received official patronage at the highest level in the 1980s.
Reminiscing about his early days in police force, he said when he was an ASP in Jhang district, he apprehended Haq Nawaz Jhangvi, the founder of the SSP, for delivering a provocative speech. But the then president Ziaul Haq himself intervened for his release, Mr Khosa added.
Similarly, in another incident he had hauled up a cache of weapons, but was asked to release that on directives from none other than Gen Zia.
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Here are some interesting facts.

Haq Nawaz Jhangvi was a pathetic sectarian terrorist.

In the following speech he says “Shia kaenat ka badtareen aor ghaleeztareen kafir hai”

This is the man military dictator Zai ul haq supported. This shows a clear link between Military-Mullah alliance and the sectarian terrorism we're facing today.

Sadly, the innocent people of Pakistan(civilian and security forces) are reaping what our establishment has sowed.

Senate body
Tariq Khosa, a former director-general of FIA, recalled how sectarian groups like the Sipah-i-Sahaba received official patronage at the highest level in the 1980s.
Reminiscing about his early days in police force, he said when he was an ASP in Jhang district, he apprehended Haq Nawaz Jhangvi, the founder of the SSP, for delivering a provocative speech. But the then president Ziaul Haq himself intervened for his release, Mr Khosa added.
Similarly, in another incident he had hauled up a cache of weapons, but was asked to release that on directives from none other than Gen Zia.

Rabzon, you look like Amitabh Bacchan.:bunny:
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