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Army rubbishes claims of LEJ links.

If in 67 years they have not been able to work this one out, should we not seek out those who have been successful - best, most effective people for the job

You figured it out during Zardari regime? and effective people like Rehman Malik and Zardari!
Lets get it straight some extremist elements in the army do exist they are the same people that try to kill Musharraf and are now working with the local terrorists but all this doesn't mena Army as an institute supports them
Lets get it straight some extremist elements in the army do exist they are the same people that try to kill Musharraf and are now working with the local terrorists but all this doesn't mena Army as an institute supports them

And those extremist elements are upto what rank may I ask? And can you give any definitive proof?

Those extremist looking elements that get rocked up so often in the media are mostly in the NCO/JCO ranks...not officer...and certainly not a officer high up the chain so he can go and kill Musharraf.
And those extremist elements are upto what rank may I ask? And can you give any definitive proof?

Those extremist looking elements that get rocked up so often in the media are mostly in the NCO/JCO ranks...not officer...and certainly not a officer high up the chain so he can go and kill Musharraf.

But if you think about it.. when you have stories circulating of kickbacks and what not.. through government and non-government and military.. and implicit admissions by retired personnel that they are approached..
then what's to say there are moles in the commissioned ranks?

After all, how much can a JCO do? really.. they arent always very bright.. or are rather conditioned not to be "too bright".
But if you think about it.. when you have stories circulating of kickbacks and what not.. through government and non-government and military.. and implicit admissions by retired personnel that they are approached..
then what's to say there are moles in the commissioned ranks?

After all, how much can a JCO do? really.. they arent always very bright.. or are rather conditioned not to be "too bright".

You referring to the comments by Shahid Aziz...?

My point was regarding the killing of Mush. There isn't as much extremism as we like to think so as to pose a grave grave grave danger to the top honchos...

BUt then again, if you ever get to see the daily reports circulating within MoI and given by IB, you would get scared...

As for the retired folks having the light bulb of truth after a few decades in service...I won't give their remarks too much thought. Things aren't all hunky dory, but they aren't that bad either...atleast within the section of army we are discussing.

Coming onto JCO's though, it's another story. You mentioned 'conditioned not to be too bright'. And i completely agree with you, lakeer ka fakeer stuff goes on. The current COAS for all his ills and tabahi of top heirarchy, has done much for the uplift of the OR's and other folks. He has given them some sort of a status within the army and tried to keep them happy.

Regarding JCO's and their radicalization, we had done some mistakes in the past as well so as to cultivate radicalization. The Imam or Maulvi in the unit used to be a NCO, but Zia uplifted their rank to JCO (subedar), so as to give them some sort of status and rank, so that these folks do not start using their religious mindset for bad stuff because of frustration.

You getting my point..?:D
and rank, so that these folks do not start using their religious mindset for bad stuff because of frustration.

You getting my point..?:D

How Ironic..

And yes.. the point is taken.. but the question becomes.. when brig are susceptible to being influenced by their sons into joining some tahrir.. then the possibilities are endless.
I know of one AM whose son was involved in an affair with an Indian girl he met in an excursion abroad..
His father was told quite calmly that his career may not go anywhere important if that problems is not solved.
How Ironic..

And yes.. the point is taken.. but the question becomes.. when brig are susceptible to being influenced by their sons into joining some tahrir.. then the possibilities are endless.
I know of one AM whose son was involved in an affair with an Indian girl he met in an excursion abroad..
His father was told quite calmly that his career may not go anywhere important if that problems is not solved.

There are tens of brigs and gens I could count in my finger tips right now jin ki auladon nay baray karnamay kiyay hain!

There is one young man (jernail ka sahibzada) who was caught with some banned militants the first time, Intel gave them a warning, second time jail and then a 24/7 ISI/MI trail on the family due to the red flag.

It indeed is worrying, but the plus point here is that the quantity is low so that the potential fundo can be eyed quickly and effectively and threat taken care of. So a high level officer will have less time to hatch a plan, unless the Intel is also involved or if the fundo is the CGS or DGMO etc.

In the OR, it is difficult to pick up a specific guy due to sheer numbers of ORs, but then again, the capability of a OR to do serious damage is less.

I am on tab right now, will tell you a very interesting story tomorrow that'll surely shock you.

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