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Army Rejects Gillani Claims - Gillani sacks Defence Secretary

had it been 90s the Khakis would have never accepted sacking of military cum Secretary defence, but new realities do not favour a coup, and I hope more and more control over army takes place through peaceful surrender by army to the Will of the People and in the interest of the Nation and Country..

Yeah, your civilian government has been projecting the will of the people in an excellent fashion for the past 3 years. :tdown:
Yeah, your civilian government has been projecting the will of the people in an excellent fashion for the past 3 years. :tdown:

Its governance has been poor, failed, in our opinion, however, in power politics Zardari and Co are quite a success.
and the best thing is American is not supporting Pakistan Army to topple the Government.
We are always accused of inviting martial law,have never been a fan of it myself but times like these i really do wish that the army takes over and hold fair elections as soon as possible.
Pakistan army warns PM Gilani over criticisms

Mr Gilani's remarks have incensed military leaders
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Pakistan's military has publicly rebuked Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani over an escalating row.

The army warned of "serious ramifications with potentially grievous consequences" after the PM criticised military leaders in a media interview.

Meanwhile, Mr Gilani has sacked his defence secretary, who is seen as having close ties to the military.

Tensions have been rising in recent months between Pakistan's civilian government and military leaders.

The latest row is a serious source of instability in Pakistan, where the military has ruled for more than half the country's history after seizing power in a series of coups.


On Monday Mr Gilani was quoted telling China's People's Daily Online that Pakistan's army chief and head of intelligence acted unconstitutionally by making submissions to a Supreme Court inquiry which has been rocking the government.

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M Ilyas Khan
BBC News, Islamabad
What we are seeing is almost unprecedented in Pakistan. The army usually operates behind the scenes - its statement is being seen as another step towards a confrontation with the government.

The military has a history of seizing power - but for the first time it is engaged in a media war instead. Pakistan's unbridled free press is one reason why most observers feel the military would be reluctant to stage a coup right now.

Added to that are still fresh memories of protests against the last military ruler, Pervez Musharraf. International sanctions which would follow any coup would also do further damage to an already devastated economy.

With elections approaching, the civilian government feels under siege on all sides. It hopes to win support by being seen to rein in the military - something that has never been done in Pakistan's history.

Ominous turf war in Pakistan
The interview was broadcast as Pakistan's army chief Gen Ashfaq Kayani was visiting China.

On Wednesday, the military hit back with an unusually strongly-worded statement.

"There can be no allegation more serious than what the honourable prime minister has levelled.

"This has very serious ramifications with potentially grievous consequences for the country," the statement said, without specifying what these might be.

It said the prime minister had accused the army chief and the head of Inter-Services Intelligence of violating the constitution.

The army said Gen Kayani had "followed the book" and had passed its response via the defence ministry to the Supreme Court according to the law.

"Allegiance to state and the constitution is and will always remain [his] prime consideration."

The sacking of the defence secretary, retired general Naeem Khalid Lodhi, is likely to heighten frictions with military leaders.

A senior official told AFP news agency that Gen Lodhi had been removed from his post for gross misconduct.

Gen Lodhi recently wrote to the Supreme Court saying the government had administrative, but not operational, control of the army. State media said he lost his job "for creating misunderstanding between state institutions".

Last month Mr Gilani said conspirators were plotting to bring down his government, without specifically blaming the military. That prompted Gen Kayani to dismiss coup rumours.

Relations between the government and the military have seriously deteriorated in recent weeks.

The Supreme Court is investigating an anonymous memo which sought US help to avert a possible military coup in Pakistan following the killing by US forces of al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden in May.

The military are Pakistan's most powerful institution
It is not clear who wrote the memo or conveyed it to the Americans. They say they received it but took no action.

Pakistan's military - deeply humiliated by the discovery of Bin Laden on Pakistani soil and the secret US operation to kill him - has been incensed by the affair.

The scandal has already cost Pakistan's former ambassador to Washington, Husain Haqqani, his job. He denies any role in the memo, as does President Asif Ali Zardari.

Mr Zardari could be forced to quit if the trail is found to lead to his door.

The government is also on a collision course with the judiciary, which wants to reopen old corruption cases in which the president argues he is innocent.
The current Government knows that it is an absolute failure and has no chance of winning the next election due to its severe incompetence.

The other day Gilani was on TV and the anchor said ( i don't remember the exact wordings but it was something like this)

Anchor - as salamu alaikum. Please first tell us the successes you had in your tenure so far in running the country as a democratically elected government.

GIlani - (does not respond to salam) If i start to tell the successes of our government for the country the time won't be enough for me as the list is very long. It is the job of the Information Ministry to inform these things. I can tell you the failures and we are working on those failures.
Don't you guys understand that a coup is not in the interest of the PPP government. Can you imagine all the cases Zardari and Gillani will have to face? With the risk of being jailed or hanged, a coup is the LAST thing these guys want. .

Zardari is suffering from mental illness and suffered strokes. He knows he might not live long enough so he wants to ca$h-in his time left to become a "martyr" for the cause of that silly stupid party called PPP and in this way paving for his pamper and wearing choosni sucking sons and daughters to get a bigger spot light.

And if you guys really think that PPP will never get elected after this destruction of Pakistan that they are responsible for, think again. Because it will happen...people forget things.

Yes this is the irony of Pakistanis.
Better than being destroyed by American Lap dogs . We r with PA to the end.

The current military did not do any less damage to Pakistan than what the politicians did and are doing. Both of them are in a race of who will loot the country 100% first.

---------- Post added at 08:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 AM ----------

now the PA shold act independantly and put everybody in jail whoever is in cahoot with the US.......:smokin:

Then all the top heads (at least) of the army will be gone :D

---------- Post added at 08:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 AM ----------

Saray G@#oo aik jaisay hai

Sure Gilani was talking to him on phone from the rest room, as he knows that while talking his pants will be wet and dirty. :D
China doesn't have democracy and no country is sanctioning China. Saudi Arabia doesn't have democracy, and everyone wants to do business with Saudis.

Democracy is not needed to have a prosperous nation.

Yes, exactly :tup:

A honest dictator is 1000 times better than corrupt leaders elected democratically again and again.

Pakistan should get a honest person, be it someone coming by elections or a dictator forcing himself on the people for the better of the nation.
InshaAlla this time PeePeePee will not become Siayasi Shaheed but Siayasi Mardood by going to hell.
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