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Army reaction on decision by Special court about General Pervez Musharraf

It's also judges fault?

Judges only take notice when it serves their interests. Suo Moto can easily be taken by any CJP to nullify all those articles and ban all activities against Quran and Sunnah. What does this Constitution claim about Quran and Sunnah? You are a lawyer, yes?

Without getting into the legality and fairness of the judgement all I know is that , a qazi has hit at the core nucleus of the Muslim executive/the real power to be. Although it took us 1300 or so years after the rightful caliphate ceased to exist

With a system change, these Qazis will be in the bin of history and the lawyers too.
Judges only take notice when it serves their interests. Suo Moto can easily be taken by any CJP to nullify all those articles and ban all activities against Quran and Sunnah. What does this Constitution claim about Quran and Sunnah? You are a lawyer, yes?

With a system change, these Qazis will be in the bin of history and the lawyers too.

These questions should be asked from the govt not from the judges. It's not the judge or me or any common man like you who carry the emblem and fire power of the state

With a system change, these Qazis will be in the bin of history and the lawyers too.

Sir g jaatay jaata Acha khasa dent to dal Jay gy na? Marna to sb nay he hai

With a system change

Sir plz tell us who will bring abaiut this system change?
Shukar kry gora sahab has erected courts across the colonies and resultantly qazi got some aukat in Muslim counties nahi to zanjeer Adal ka tal kharkanay dehli kon jaata?
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These questions should be asked from the govt not from the judges. It's not the judge or me or any common man like you who carry the emblem and fire power of the state

That's a nice way of escaping responsibility of judges.

Sir g jaatay jaata Acha khasa dent to dal Jay gy na? Marna to sb nay he hai

5 minutes of ego masterbation, nothing else. It was no mission of delivering justice

Sir plz tell us who will bring abaiut this system change?
Shukar kry gora sahab has erected courts across the colonies and resultantly qazi got some aukat in Muslim counties nahi to zanjeer Adal ka tal kharkanay dehli kon jaata?

System change will be forced one way or another.
The present judiciary got no qualms with ex president musharaf
but those who formed this special court had their grudge against him and they design it such a way that only Musharraf was singled out ....

Do you think All that Started with Memogate till Aik Nihati Larki with a Media cell in PM house is just a coincidence .... ???

Why only Musharraf is getting single out ..... ????

What do you think because of his relation to a particular institution or he is getting targeted just as a Person .... ??
if the parlaimant ratifies his emergency + action . This is also what the books says to be done or bear the consequences.
Brother I would request you to check 18th Amendment which has nullify ratification of LFO given by the parliament under Musharraf and recall the decision of Supreme Court about the NRO [Ifitikhar Chaudhary himself wrote it link] in which Supreme Court Categorically mention Constitution is Supreme and both Parliament and Courts draw their power from it within constitutional limits, therefore these principle are applicable to the act of 12 Oct, 1999 coup as well and the constitutional cover provided by the parliament and by the decision of Supreme Court of Pakistan are unconstitutional and the Violation of the Spirit of the 1973 Constitution .....

As No Institution can violate the constitution, neither any Institution could provide cover to that Violation, it does not matter that cover is provided by Supreme Court or the Parliament

Law could not be applied selectively as per the choice of Parliamentarians or Judges of
Apex Court Its application MUST be UNIVERSAL
Now History has it that when a pillar of state the Supreme Court was ransacked by gavalmandi goons and pakistan was reduced to a banana state still then the military didn't intervene even on the direct constitutional order of the chief justice syed Sajjad shah.

Judges could have got mob lynched that day.
So for that day Musharaf should be punished ???

have you forget that relevant law was invoked first time in the history .... but we can see the response from the Army when in recent past, they have categorically mentioned there response in favour of court when there was chance of that law getting invoked again
And what did they do to uphold the rule of law as some posters are now a days harping it day in and out? they sent the notification asking for executing a courts judgement to a freaking secretary defence who in turn withheld it.
Are we in 1997 ....???

Concept of Constitutional Supremacy, Freedom of Judiciary, and the Concept of Trichotomy of Power are more established today or were they more established during that time .... ???

My dear what sort of argument is it .... ??

Are you justifying the act of designing of Special court in such a manner that it ensure the Witch Hunting of a Single Person to serve the Political Agenda of same Political Forces who attacked Supreme Court in 1997 .... ????

And theirs more to it. Has anyone ever dragged the army chief from his hairs?
Do you want this to happen ... ??
Has anyone ever incarcerated the coas?
I think you have forget Pervaiz Musharraf was arrested
Has anyone ever called him out a foreign agent or fifth columnist?
Yes Pervaiz Musharraf accused for the same by many including the PML-N members
Has anyone ever questioned why majority of them prefers to leave for western lands as soon as they retire?
Give 5 name of Pakistan Army COAS who are settle abroad on permanent grounds .... ???
Now plz don't make this some ex chief of some other instituition taking the heat a matter of biblical importance.
The whole process is not just against the a Person but the real target is an INSTITUTION ....
So either apply the relevant Constitutional Clauses and Law to all or to None ...

IF it is the case to uphold the supremacy of Constitution than ALL Actors who Violated the Constitution and All those who provided legal cover to that Violation MUST BE HANGED WITH MUSHARRAF otherwise its act of using Constitution to achieve ulterior motives of someone
Tamatar sasaty kro yar
Either Increase Supply or Decrease the Demand of Tamatar .....

but the case is in the presence of Political uncertainty increase of Supply would be difficult so .... welcome to Design Chaos ...
Role of major characters in imposition of death penalty on Pervez Musharraf


ISLAMABAD: Three major characters played a dominant role in building the high treason case that culminated in the award of unheard of death sentence to Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf for violating the Constitution.

The first and foremost role was played by Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry as the chief justice of Pakistan when heading the full court ruled on July 31, 2009 that Musharraf violated the Constitution by imposing a state of emergency on Nov 3, 2007and be tried for high treason.

Not only then-top judge pronounced the verdict but vigorously pursued later that it is implemented in letter and spirit. The Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) government successfully dragged its feet on enforcing the judgment and did not file the high treason compliant against Musharraf as ordered by the apex court. However, the PPP welcomed the imposition of capital punishment on the former dictator by the special court.

Just a few months after the subsequent Nawaz Sharif government took charge in June 2013, the chief justice started exerting pressure on it to execute the judgment specifically Musharraf’s trial on the high treason charge. However, it was apparently reluctant as it did not want to create a crisis when it had just started its new term.

Iftikhar Chaudhry launched implementation proceedings and at one point finally threatened to initiate contempt of court process against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for continuously disobeying the judicial direction. Ultimately, no option was left for the premier but to order Musharraf’s trial by the federal government.

The prime minister came in the National Assembly and announced the formation of a special court to proceed against the military dictator for high treason. A proper investigation was ordered before submitting the complaint in the tribunal. Thus, the process to try Musharraf was kicked off and the case was filed in the special court on Nov 20, 2013 on behalf of the federal government. So, Nawaz Sharif was one of the principal characters in Musharraf’s conviction for which he had to pay a heavy price later. Before that, he had been dismissed by the dictator in Oct 1999 after imposing martial law and exiled to Saudi Arabia. However, after assuming the office of the prime minister, Nawaz Sharif had declared that he had forgiven and forgotten the past and started a new beginning. However, Iftikhar Chaudhry literally forced him to launch the high treason proceedings against Musharraf.

Apart from a chief justice (Iftikhar Chaudhry), a prime minister (Nawaz Sharif) and a lawyer (Akram Sheikh), two judges of the special courts – Peshawar High Court Chief Justice Waqar Ahmad Seth and Justice Shahid Karim of the Lahore High Court (LHC) -, who concluded that Musharraf committed high treason, handed a very bold decision, creating ripples not only in Pakistan but abroad as well. This was the second consecutive day of important judicial decisions.

This was the first time ever in Pakistan’s history since incorporation of Article 6 in the Constitution that high trial case was initiated against the violator of the supreme document and he was convicted.

The third bold fellow, who also played a fundamental role in the case, was Akram Sheikh Advocate, who worked as the special prosecutor, appointed by the federal government. He had to undergo lots of sufferings and losses for forcefully pursuing the complaint in the special court. It was on the basis of his professional contribution that Musharraf has been sentenced.

A few weeks back when it appeared that the special court was about to hand its verdict, the present federal government dissolved the prosecution team headed by Akram Sheikh and hurled allegations over it as well. One of the accusations was that the team misrepresented and spoiled the case. It was only then when this team was detached from the case for the first time since 2013.

Even on the day the judgment was announced, the new prosecution team made its powerful efforts to prolong the case, but the three judges did not oblige. It wanted to implicate three others – then-Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, then-Law Minister Zahid Hamid and then-Chief Justice Abdul Hameed Dogar – in the trial but in vain.

The Supreme Court had held Musharraf solely responsible for violating the Constitution as the proclamation of emergency had been issued under his signatures in which he had admitted that this was his decision in view of the prevailing situation.

When Musharraf ruled, he had a large number of political allies and supporters, who all ran away after his exit never to look back. There was no weighty political voice speaking for him when death sentence was imposed on him by the special court. He left no political legacy to fall back on. The conviction was not less than a bombshell for the seriously ill former ruler.

New history has been written by the special tribunal, which comprised three judges from the Peshawar, Lahore and Sindh high courts. Musharraf has the right of appeal to approach the Supreme Court, which he is going to exercise. However, a question will rise about the “rights” of an absconder because it is often argued that such accused are divested of rights generally available to others.

The trial witnessed a number of judges forming the special court and adjournments during the six years. Different top lawyers represented Musharraf who now occupy top government positions.

The presence of Article 6 in the Constitution has often ridiculed and some have dubbed it as a redundant provision that has never been invoked to punish a dictator. It was significantly changed in the eighteenth amendment.
I committed murder, I should not be prosecuted since other murderers are free. What a great logic!
IF You a committed murder then you must be punished with all those who conspire the murder with you and help you in that murder and then provided cover up for that murder

But not just for the ATTEMPT TO MURDER .....

Now this the logic which many are conveniently forgetting
Isn’t that a shame that a war hero and one who pushed pakistan to the top is in this position.

Never make deals with politicians who you sentenced to death at one time.

Now look at the message Nawaz Sharif is giving to Imran Khan.

If IK is overthrown he will be dealt the same fate.
ISPR response was shocking

i thought for ARMY Gen musharraf was irrelevant

by the way if Gen Kyani was serving then maybe just maybe such reaction wont have come
he was a dealer and he would've given musharaf away there was no love between them

apart from that. as far as charges on mushy are concerned, i cant debate if treason applied on his action or not
but black and white of law states he acted illegally and didnt rent the judges or the parliament to ratify his actions

but i am certain that the reasons for the case were not upholding constitution nor his opponents have any more respect for constitution than him.

it was pure vendata
the law of takht or takhta
personal grudge singling out a person AND punishing a general . because NEVER a general is punished before

my observation is not because he was COAS and a war veteran who has been praised by Indians

or what punishments or reliefs other politicians got because that is irrelevant to the case.

i dont feel strongly in any sense whatever happens in this case but I am sad that the way the case was handled... it has .. laid bare the rift and hostility between two essential elements of state that make our federation i.e army and our civilian institutions.
I have no problem. Ask these scoundrel judges, including Justice Khosa, to initiate contempt of court proceedings, against DG(ISPR) and COAS, for their grossly contemptuous tweet, against the decision.:lol:
yes, they should.
And Turkey peoples are more unite/educated than Pakistanis, and your NAWAS was result of army, And Musharaf is more loyal then the goons and leaders of PLM-N/PPP including NAWAZ/ZARDARI
Your post does not make any sense. What are you trying to say?
Musharaf's governance was a thousand times better than that of Zardari and Nawaz.
That's not a fact, only your opinion. Actually it was thousand times worse.
If he deserves Death than majority in the Parliament, Senate, Civil Service, Judiciary and provincial assemblies deserve it too.
Why? Did they subvert the constitution too?
ISPR response was shocking

i thought for ARMY Gen musharraf was irrelevant

by the way if Gen Kyani was serving then maybe just maybe such reaction wont have come
he was a dealer and he would've given musharaf away there was no love between them

apart from that. as far as charges on mushy are concerned, i cant debate if treason applied on his action or not
but black and white of law states he acted illegally and didnt rent the judges or the parliament to ratify his actions

but i am certain that the reasons for the case were not upholding constitution nor his opponents have any more respect for constitution than him.

it was pure vendata
the law of takht or takhta
personal grudge singling out a person AND punishing a general . because NEVER a general is punished before

my observation is not because he was COAS and a war veteran who has been praised by Indians

or what punishments or reliefs other politicians got because that is irrelevant to the case.

i dont feel strongly in any sense whatever happens in this case but I am sad that the way the case was handled... it has .. laid bare the rift and hostility between two essential elements of state that make our federation i.e army and our civilian institutions.


Judge Khosa came on a mission to up his income and position after retirement---.

In his speech he mentioned that after retirement he is going to the US because he has jobs lined up---.

Well it is the jobs and lecture circuit line up for him---after these decisions---The army chief---the Musharraf case---the Nawaz and Zardari case and lack of doing anything against the lawyers---it was pre planned and programmed.

As usual pakistanis got caught with their pants down---.

Now he will be making about 150-250 K per speech in the western circuit---.
ISPR response was shocking

i thought for ARMY Gen musharraf was irrelevant

by the way if Gen Kyani was serving then maybe just maybe such reaction wont have come
he was a dealer and he would've given musharaf away there was no love between them

apart from that. as far as charges on mushy are concerned, i cant debate if treason applied on his action or not
but black and white of law states he acted illegally and didnt rent the judges or the parliament to ratify his actions

but i am certain that the reasons for the case were not upholding constitution nor his opponents have any more respect for constitution than him.

it was pure vendata
the law of takht or takhta
personal grudge singling out a person AND punishing a general . because NEVER a general is punished before

my observation is not because he was COAS and a war veteran who has been praised by Indians

or what punishments or reliefs other politicians got because that is irrelevant to the case.

i dont feel strongly in any sense whatever happens in this case but I am sad that the way the case was handled... it has .. laid bare the rift and hostility between two essential elements of state that make our federation i.e army and our civilian institutions.
The rift is artificially created first they implicate serving General and army responded by making him ISI chief then they played again with Gen. Bajwa army / Govt reacted and he got extension and now for very petty reason they sentenced Gen. Musharraf and again army responded very loudly.

You know? R&AW, PMLN are ow working together.....

N.S got strong support from KSA / Gulf as well they might have threatens I.K to let him free otherwise they will pullout 5 billion USD...

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