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Army reaction on decision by Special court about General Pervez Musharraf

The latest string of events over the past few weeks are truly distressing!
From a unbiased viewpoint & one that has the well-being of the nation at heart, it is fairly apparent as to what is happening here. The enemies of Pakistan are in full swing to create anarchy within the land and to this end, this joke of a judiciary has shown where their loyalties lie by freeing crocks who have financially shafting this country and punishing people who served the country well. I'm no Musharruf supporter....he did make mistakes, but credit has to be given where it is due. Under his leadership, debt & inflation was stable, employment was high and economic growth was at 8%. Further to this he steered the country through a very difficult time given external pressures. How can you call a person who did this a traitor? And what message does this give to the army?

What good is the constitution if its going to be used selectively? If it is indeed true that Khosa is leaving the country post retirement, he must be stopped and investigated along with other judges. If it comes to light that he has received external funding then hang the lot of them. The judiciary has shown it is not acting in the interest of the nation and it's people, but rather it's serving itself.

For the deft, dumb and blind that fail to see what is happening to our precious country right in-front of our very own eyes the dub keh marjow!

Enough is enough! These corrupt judges must be held accountable too! If need be, bring in the army temporarily so we can transition to a Chinese/Russian presidential model. Democracy doesn't suit Pakistan as there are too many Chutiyas within willing to sell themselves and the country for a few $$$!
Sir first give the nation tamaatr at affordable price. Nizam, appeal and inqilab can wait in the queue

This Nizam will make the tamatar even more expensive, if it continues, and rest assured of it. No one can fix this rotten system, it is dead.
RO ka election as they say. It is happening from decades. Not a new phenomenon! Nawaz, Bhutto all were made by someone to keep us slaves.

Thats not the answer to my question. So who in your opinion did the people vote for? I know by fact that every member of my family that participated, voted for PTI, both in Karachi and KPK.
No need for that.... interim setup... VerveFormula and exposure is first step to have a clean election.

After that.. no more electables or abai halqa necessary. Direct elections and representation through % of votes...

We need fool proof BioMetricVotingSystem and anyone who cries dhandli needs to prove it or go to long term jail.

This MarasiMedia needs to be brought VerveFormula first otherwise Hybridwar on Pakistan shall continue...

And no marshal law is coming... this time a woman might head the interim setup!

QaziGardi will never allow such an interim setup. I have no hopes from the next CJP.
This Nizam will make the tamatar even more expensive, if it continues, and rest assured of it. No one can fix this rotten system, it is dead.

Today I was walking past the dairy shop and this old man was arguing aggressively with the shop keeper. On my inquiry he told me that he's selling one liter at 115 rs.

I smirked and replied o baba g 115 rs he ty hai

That dead Savage look which he gave me :lol:
See? that's why I told you not to speak. You end up showing your true face when you have nothing left to say. Nothing, but swear words....

P.S. you need to listen to your own advice.:agree:
I can see your tantrum from miles
the other part of the conspiracy theory, which was long ago disclosed by Dr israr Ahmed and Hakeem Saeed, now case is simple now both can't survive at same time one has to depart either Ik or Bajwa , and Ik is after all a politician he will give a sacrifice goat and it's Bajwa, do you believe the drama which Ik played for notification was unintentional?

Dr Israel Ahmed the scholar in Islam who is dead since few years ? If yes then sorry but this man lost all respect the day when in his speech he said “Europe mein yudhion ki bothion ko tukray tukray kar kay jaladya tha...”

And why either Bajwa or IK has to go ? What was the problem?

I want to know why and who proposed the extension in clear words.
Today I was walking past the dairy shop and this old man was arguing aggressively with the shop keeper. On my inquiry he told me that he's selling one liter at 115 rs.

I smirked and replied o baba g 115 rs he ty hai

That dead Savage look which he gave me :lol:

If you analyse the supply chain of any product, you will find that middlemen are taking extortionate margins.

JudicialMaffia has tasted blood since the time of that one eyed demon Iftikhar Ch. and CrowTerrorist have become a National Security Threat.

The Nexus is quite clear. I have explained it many a times...

We need clean up by hook or crook. No other choice... because these MarasiPolitcoz are not the lot who understand what PakState needs or what Paks need... just look at PMIK's cabinet... need I say more?

I shall write more about it in CriminalEnterprise thread.. will tag you!

And coming back to my solution - engineered elections one last time ONLY to bring in new Nizam. 2/3 majority followed by sweeping changes in the constitution (18th burial, Civil Service reform, Judicial Reform etc etc) and a referendum for Presidential System.
With 2/3 we don't need refrendum.. and we do need Presidential System with direct elections... no need for horse/doneky tradding after that...

Time for Action is now.. but depends on PMIK if he can show some sense and go for the kill!

2/3 needs to be done. Public won't care if an engineered election will lead to a better system for them.

Election Commission could be problematic if next CJP turns out like the scum Khosa.
This Constitution and System is anything but Islamic! Only a fool would say otherwise.

Apply Shariah Law in the country and then only your argument holds.

When you elect corrupt again and again who have total disregard for the constitution and that is acceptable by majority, then that majority has no right to complain when martial law is imposed.

If the elected were clean and delivering good governance, then only yes.
So let's make a banana Republic since who ever has the might is right. Since civilians were corrupt, that makes it ok for army to interfere. Laws are there for a reason, if certain members violate it doesn't mean everyone should.

Please don't twist my words, standing for truth is what every Muslim should do, don't need to impose sharia law for that.
So let's make a banana Republic since who ever has the might is right. Since civilians were corrupt, that makes it ok for army to interfere. Laws are there for a reason, if certain members violate it doesn't mean everyone should.

Please don't twist my words, standing for truth is what every Muslim should do, don't need to impose sharia law for that.

Pakistan needs a new system with new people at helm and ruthless accountability.

What this Supreme Court allowed is the application of a revised Article 6 retrospectively on a past event covered by a previous version of Article 6 - completely illegal and against this very constitution. Now no one should complain if new laws are applied on their actions that were previously legal.

What's your opinion on the unconstitutional actions of this court and the judges at helm?
Pakistan needs a new system with new people at helm and ruthless accountability.
Great. I think the judgement today is a step in that direction. No harm in starting this 'ruthless' accountability by hanging musharraf. :tup:
What this Supreme Court allowed is the application of a revised Article 6 retrospectively on a past event covered by a previous version of Article 6 - completely illegal and against this very constitution.
Completely false statement.
What's your opinion on the unconstitutional actions of this court and the judges at helm?
What unconstitutional actions??
Great. I think the judgement today is a step in that direction. No harm in starting this 'ruthless' accountability by hanging musharraf.

Hang him but after a due process of law.

What unconstitutional actions??

Wait for thread by @crankthatskunk ... He will explain why it's unconstitutional.

Also Attorney General Pakistan calls it 'unconstitutional' and he is the Prosecuting authority in this case!
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