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Army officers clashed with jawans in Ladakh

Send those involved out of the army, because obeying order is the duty of the soldier and giving resonable order is the duty of the Officer.
It seems both are at fault
Big Fist-Fight At Border Unit Shocks Army

Livefist: Big Fist-Fight At Border Unit Shocks Army

In news that broke early this morning on Headlines Today, there was a violent fist-fight involving Indian Army officers and soldiers of the 226 Field Regiment deployed at Nyoma, Ladakh very close to the border with China-administered Tibet.

Now the events are still unofficial, so there may be corrections, but as I understand it, here's what happened:

The incident took place late last evening during a field firing exercise by the regiment at the Mahe Field Firing Range just west of Nyoma. It is understood that a Major-rank officer had his wife with him at the range or base. Sources say a jawan or orderly "misbehaved" with either the Major or his wife (as I said, the details are sketchy), and the Major responded by beating up the jawan so severely that he needed medical attention. When the Major, in a furious temper at this time, physically stopped soldiers from transferring the injured jawan to the infirmary back at the barracks, they responded by attacking the officers.

The unit's Commanding Officer, Colonel P. Kadam, who wasn't at the spot, rushed in when he heard about the brawl. Sources say he entered the scene, and was quickly briefed on the sidelines about what had happened. The CO then proceeded to berate the Major or Majors for trying to stop the jawans from getting their injured colleague treated for his injuries. It was at this moment that the Major or Majors allegedly snapped again, and turned their attention on their Commanding Officer, beating him up. Colonel Kadam, who is understood to have sustained injuries to his face and neck, is at the base hospital in Nyoma along with a certain number of jawans and other officers. But things didn't end there. The jawans are understood to have destroyed certain amounts of property -- allegedly setting fire to some parts of the buildings on the base.

3 Division commander Maj Gen A.L. Chavan arrived at the spot early this morning along with two Brigadiers. The Army has released a statement saying there was a "minor scuffle between officers and troops of a unit on 10/11 May 2012 in Ladakh region. The situation is under control."

Sources say Commanding Officer Colonel P. Kadam, currently recuperating from his injuries, is a Silver Gunner from the 1st Gunnery Course, "intelligent and sharp". Originally from Belapur, Thane in Maharashtra, Col Kadam served in 21 Rashtriya Rifles in Sopore during the Kargil War, after which he returned to his parent unit, the 226 Medium Regiment, a unit with an apparently chequered history as far as jawan-officer relations are concerned. A former officer with the regiment said he wasn't in the least surprised about the incident. "Something like this was just waiting to happen, considering how officers in this unit treat jawans. Col Kadam and his predecessor were meritorious officers, but not good man managers," says one former officer who worked with him.

What happened last night at Nyoma is perhaps the most troubling incident in the Indian Army in a very long time -- and we all know what a year it's been. I'll be updating this post.
^^^ seems like it all got very out of hand after a small incident and an, apparent, ovveraction by one feisty Major. Just because someone may be an officer in the IA is not to say they are perfect and as such this guy might have an anger issue but what happened after this incident is utterly undefendable and not at all representative of the IA where, from all I have seen, there is a very strong bond between all soldiers regardless of rank. All involved be it officer or not need to be seriously reprimanded if not thrown out of the IA, this is NOT how the IA behaves. Hopefully a truckload of MPs are on hand to bring the culprits to book.
When the Major, in a furious temper at this time, physically stopped soldiers from transferring the injured jawan to the infirmary back at the barracks, they responded by attacking the officers.

The Colonial Mentality is still alive and well even after 64 years of independence.
After posting pictures of dead Pakistani people, I think you should just slap yourself. Once for me and once for yourself.
what? i did not get what you are telling, is this also part of your endless trolling because of over boozzing
I think both parties are at fault here..but not equally though.

The wife of the Major should not have been present at the Field firing Range.

The jawan should have beheaved properly.

The officer should have controlled his anger and taken other actions like reporting to the seniors.

Then the Major should have let the jawans carry the injured.

The jawans should have not attacked the officers.

The officer should have not attacked the Colonel.

And finally the jawans should not have destroyed the property.

They reacted in the heat of the moment..but now they will pay the price.
You guys gotta do some serious work on your discipline.

These kinda incidents were not there in the past, but now with increased awareness and education among the soldiers/enlisted men, the officers are required to show the requisite compassion and accommodative ability in order to avoid such incidents which would speak bad about any disciplined force.

In short, the officer lot needs to change their attitude!
You guys gotta do some serious work on your discipline.

These kinda incidents were not there in the past, but now with increased awareness and education among the soldiers/enlisted men, the officers are required to show the requisite compassion and accommodative ability in order to avoid such incidents which would speak bad about any disciplined force.

In short, the officer lot needs to change their attitude!
Got to agree with that, also we have this problem of Officers wife being the cause of many trouble not only in the force but also in many other departments as well
You guys gotta do some serious work on your discipline.

Out troops at the end of the day are disciplined enough to not to over throw the democratically elected Govt and not act as the power behind the throne.

These kinda incidents were not there in the past, but now with increased awareness and education among the soldiers/enlisted men, the officers are required to show the requisite compassion and accommodative ability in order to avoid such incidents which would speak bad about any disciplined force.

In short, the officer lot needs to change their attitude!

Agreed 100%
This is a major incident, discipline has broken down completely when such an event can occur - this is a failure of command, these problems would have manifested itself - well before fisticuffs happened, overall very poor show.
who asked your expert opinion mate, take care of your forces moral first, you guys did not even accept your comrades body at KARGIL, now you lecture us on how IA should be functioning.
if you can genuinly empathy with us, please do so, your trolling is extremly annoying and should be self embarassing to your own self otherwise
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