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1) Indians do have dirtier habits than people in Europe or North America. You won't see North Americans or Europeans throwing decomposing bodies into Mississipi or Volga or the beautiful blue Danube or the Rhine.
2) True.
3) What about dumping of dead bodies and bathing of people in these rivers, which also contribute to pollution and dishygene? Are you in favour of the govt of the day putting an end to such practices as well?
Makaramarma is right.
Indians are no more or less in having dirtier habbits than any other people who are in this stage of development.
Comparing with US and Europe is just wrong.

As Indians are becoming prosperous you have seen more and more Indians becoming conscious of their trash throwing habbits. The Europeans and Americans have gone through this a century back. Back then their rivers used to be as dirty and pathetic as ours are now.

Right now most Indians are just concerned with being able to fetch their next meal, not about hygiene of the surrounding which as per them is the govts job to clean up. As our people become more prosperous and income stabilizes you will find the attitude of people also changing.

Let us condemn what is wrong, but let us not make intellectually dishonest comparisons either.
when i was in hostel here in germany. Indians never cleaned their kitchens and bathroom. So you can imagine it's the habit.
Before cleaning it, one has to stop dirtying it. That is a project by itself.

The river will then clean itself.
even if everyone stop throwing dirt in Holy Ganga, it will not be able to clean itself. Reason behind it is that there is significant quantity of dirt below water on riverbed which doesn't flow with stream itself. It is removed periodically partially to ensure that river doesn't breaks the bank in weaker sections. To clean it completely it needs to be removed from riverbed which needs massive concentrated effort. What you are suggesting friend can only be useful to maintain that condition only after river has been cleaned completely.
exactly...most indians have this habit of making place dirty and not cleaning it afterward. that thinking needs to be changed.
Yes I agree with ur comment partially. what i have observed is that we indians tend to clean our homes after polluting it to max level. but when we face the problem at grand level. We lack clear vision and direction. like there many rules made to keep ganga clean but those rules are so much tricky that common man doesn't dare to look on those rules. there most of the companies and municipalities misuse these rules to benefit them. now coming to excuses given by many friends here. by throwing flowers, limited no of dead bodies or by bathing or cleaning clothes on the bank of River Ganga it's not going to be polluted. Period.

whoever lives near This mighty river can only understand its religious significance and its role in developing those nearby areas. Its not just a river for us, its our life line. And when i say life line it means in all terms religious, economy, climate and others.
Interesting subject... first thought


(Pakistan Army) offers (PTI) to Join Ganga (Gaanja Nawaz Shareef) Clean-up Drive lol on 14th August :rofl:
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