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Army major killed in 6-hour-long gun-battle in IOK

Noting immature about it , I did not insult him , nor did I attacked him personally , just simply replied in the language he understands .

you can do better .. Try agian .

I believed that insulting soldiers of another nation was against forum rules. Perhaps they changed the rules. We can all speak in the language that fellow members understand. We refrain from doing so on the basis that it is against forum rules
I believed that insulting soldiers of another nation was against forum rules. Perhaps they changed the rules. We can all speak in the language that fellow members understand. We refrain from doing so on the basis that it is against forum rules

None used derogatory words for your soldiers... it was your trolls who used ..... words for the Kashmiri freedom fighter ... n we returned the favour.
Oh well, the killings will continue.
None used derogatory words for your soldiers... it was your trolls who used ..... words for the Kashmiri freedom fighter ... n we returned the favour.

Buddy, I didn't hire any trolls to frequent this forum so please don't refer to anybody as "my trolls" :D

This isn't a place to bitch and screech about who is achieving a better result in killing the other or insulting the deceased from either side. The forum will be better served by members debating the Kashmir issue and any possible solution to it.
I Respect soldiers regardless of what country they belong to , however I never had & never will respect any soldier who abuses his/their powers & instead of fighting for the country they choose to fight personal battles .

also they way you people disrespect freedom Fighters also comes into the same context . for you they can be anything for us they are soldiers . so if you expect me to keep quite after you insult My Soldiers then you will really be disappointed .

I will never start the insult , nor will I ever get personal , but if you cross a certain line .. then I will cross one as well .

Why do you persist in classifying me as part of the "you people"? You do realise that I am an individual who is capable of reaching my own conclusions? I believe that I did point that out earlier. No soldier fights a personal battle. Soldiers are cannon fodder for any country , trained to kill and be killed. Paid civil servants with a gun. I am here to learn about the Kashmir conflict and not to pass judgment on any side. I currently live in neither Kashmir nor India and would appreciate a mature discussion on the topic if one is to be conducted
There arent any.
Generally the only propaganda these Islamists come up with are the J&K police lathi charging to break up people when curfew is in effect.

This becomes their grade 1 propaganda material.

The Denial Phase .......
Pigs got medals .. shaheeds got love n respect by the kashmiris... go cry now.

atleast they got medals man...
The thing is.. there are so many of them now that one can hardly put a name to the face...Is this the best the Pakistanis can do?
What a delusional country..On their eastern borders they support the terrorists.On their Western borders, they are fighting the terrorists.
The Denial Phase .......

Have you been to Azad Kashmir? Any idea what the perception there is of unity with Indian Kashmir? I've been to Indian Kashmir in December last year. To be honest, I interacted with the locals and they seem to be quite content with their daily lives. Not to say that if there is any discord they would exhibit it to me as an Indian national apart from the fact that I was continously getting ripped off there
The thing is.. there are so many of them now that one can hardly put a name to the face...Is this the best the Pakistanis can do?
What a delusional country..On their eastern borders they support the terrorists.On their Western borders, they are fighting the terrorists.
De-nial... runs throws india..:coffee:
Whenever there are human right violations, Army takes action.

A hundred thousand killed in Kashmir valley , Thousands abducted , Countless women raped , thousands of houses destroyed ... Please tell us How many culprits got punished???

Have you been to Azad Kashmir? Any idea what the perception there is of unity with Indian Kashmir? I've been to Indian Kashmir in December last year. To be honest, I interacted with the locals and they seem to be quite content with their daily lives. Not to say that if there is any discord they would exhibit it to me as an Indian national apart from the fact that I was continously getting ripped off there

Which part of Indian Kashmir did you visit ??
Loss of lives, the cycle of violence goes on.

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