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Army jawan killed in encounter with militants in J&K

Just because some frustrated pakistanis are celebrating a soldiers death here it doesn't mean we have to stoop down to their level and celebrate the death of their soldiers. A soldier is a soldier ..let him be of any nationality, he died doing his duty and protecting his country or its interests...everybody are not capable of doin it..some people here just have too much in there heads to think about it....it just goes to show the state and mentality of their country and the reason why their country is in such a state.

OT-RIP the brave and i hope the TERRORIST oh sorry my bad the so called "freedom fighter"[BS] gets his guts ripped.:devil:
Pinky beti, stop using such language, haven't I punished you enough in previous threads for this?

Now be a good girl, and say sorry to Havaldar Mohsin Shiekh and all the clever Indian uncles here.......

Or else its spanky time for little Munni begum, like all the previous threads :-)

doe sir you are too good :D...

damn i am so scared to ever get in fight with you.....
Divya beti, I am a kind old man with nice well behaved kids like you.

But with foul mouthed uncouth girls , I can be a dirty old geezer:-)

But my Areesh Pinku baba apologised so nicely, that too after I asked her/him/it only once. I am so proud of my newest puppy, I believe I might buy that Areesh a toothbrush after all for being so prompt with apologies :-) .

Hopefully that will take away Areesh's biggest weapon, her bad breath! Which is being spewed all over this forum. I wish it would keep it's silly mouth shut!
But my Areesh Pinku baba apologised so nicely, that too after I asked her/him/it only once. I am so proud of my newest puppy, I believe I might buy that Areesh a toothbrush after all for being so prompt with apologies :-) .

John I know your pride of being a dumas$ but this time I like this part of your ever lasting dumb posts. The best part is you consider a sarcastic insult to your dream hero an apology. Well for some people an insult is indeed an apology or a pride. A case of having no or low worth. Great part is you also know your hero's worth. Thanks for that.;)

Ah poor as$. I pity them.:)
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