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Army in field now

He essentially made himself legally liable for his action.
So....army was not deployed, while at the same time helping police? :what:

Police begged for help if army didnt come they may be in the heaven now.
How ppl can control themselves after seeing the face of syedi in the moon.

I've said this before many times, if people don't like it here, then don't participate. They are only wasting their time by doing so. It's no rocket science.

People have done what-if scenarios in a hypothetical wars between India and Pakistan, USA and China, and there's no reason why anyone else couldn't do so in other matters as per their opinions.

You don't like what they're saying? Well, that is really your problem.

Its wierd actually how a man with its own flag can go go against its own country.
Like idune,alzakir,m_saint,kalu miah.
Not for some moment of time its going for years.
Ive no problem what they say but personal attacks should be prohibited.
anyways attacking the army is idiotic...........and essentially is terrorism ...............but why take posts on public forums so seriously................
Exactly bro, but not anything like attacking your own army. That kinda goes to the 'terrorism' category in my opinion.

Show the proof of your claim anyone calling attack on army?

I'm talking to Loki. He knows what I'm talking about. Anyway, things such as attacking your own army is essentially terrorism and I think these kinds of posts are not allowed here.

Instead of false claim, show that proof such post has been made?
Guys if you send PM to Moderators will make things easy for them. mentioning them make things hard. As for Loki, when you were not on this forum, he has been way more fairer as far as I know.
Its wierd actually how a man with its own flag can go go against its own country.
Like idune,alzakir,m_saint,kalu miah.
Not for some moment of time its going for years.
Ive no problem what they say but personal attacks should be prohibited.

do you know even if they are bangladeshis...........its a forum dont take evry thing seriously ................i think people who made the army attacking remarks are just emotional............none were serious
Instead of false claim, show that proof such post has been made?

What part of "I'm talking to Loki" do you not understand? Not in the mood right now.

See Loki's reply then talk to him if you have any question.

All the media including the biased ones said about army deployment. Interestingly the next report was minister's denying of it. So, I tried to weave the behind the scene story:

1. PoLeague (possibly along with BDR) couldn't control the situation there
2. PoLeague station was cordoned by people
3. PoLeague leader (OC or SP) informed Bogra DC of the situation
4. DC (don't know who's he) knows well about our living room minister's administration capability. So, he smartly handled the situation asking for army's hand totally ignoring minister. I guess this guy is a highly professional one.
5. Living room minister immediately came to know that army was deployed without his knowledge. He got fired and decided not to admit it to media from his sheer lack on administration. Now he's thinking "rakh hala jhamela ektu komuk, tore (DC) ami dekhtasi :omghaha: " .
Some people did not understand what I was trying to convey with my statement, let me elaborate what I meant:

- if this Army do not take the people's side and take the Indian's side, in a conflict between AL, the Indian agent and the people, then this Army is no longer our army, it is a mercenary of India, controlled by India. This is the what if scenario.
- I do not think this will happen, as I predicted that there is 90% among officers and soldiers still on Bangladesh people's side
- Even if there is temporary control of AL and India over this Army using their 10% agents, the 90% who are on Bangladeshi people's side, will overthrow the Indian agents in an internal coup to end this situation
- But if that fails to happen, which I doubt will be the case, then all bets are off and the general mass I predict will take up arms against whoever is against Bangladesh independence and sovereignty

I write this with a lot of pain and frustration. Armed forces are supposed to protect us from external threat. Bangladesh becoming infested with Indian agents and getting controlled by them is one of Bangladesh Armed forces biggest failure. They have brought this to the people of Bangladesh under the Kulangar Gen. Moeen, the Indian agent in the last coup in 2007 1/11. This Army under Gen. Moeen were instrumental in bringing Hasina and AL to power in 2009 in a rigged election. The Army is largely responsible for the situation today in this country because they failed in their job of protecting the country from external threats. We have been compromised. I am hoping that at this juncture of history our Army will pass the test with flying colors to protect Bangladesh from external threat and not fail again like they did in 2007 1/11 and 2009 in Hasina's rigged election.
Exactly bro, but not anything like attacking your own army. That kinda goes to the 'terrorism' category in my opinion.

Show the proof of your claim anyone calling attack on army?

I'm talking to Loki. He knows what I'm talking about. Anyway, things such as attacking your own army is essentially terrorism and I think these kinds of posts are not allowed here.

What part of "I'm talking to Loki" do you not understand? Not in the mood right now.

See Loki's reply then talk to him if you have any question.

Loki has not commented your last statement. But You are talking in public forum and and making false accusation in line with Hammer-fist liable comments. And when you make claims anyone has right to ask for validity. Now show the proof of your previous claim.

Some people did not understand what I was trying to convey with my statement, let me elaborate what I meant:

- if this Army do not take the people's side and take the Indian's side, in a conflict between AL, the Indian agent and the people, then this Army is no longer our army, it is a mercenary of India, controlled by India. This is the what if scenario.
- I do not think this will happen, as I predicted that there is 90% among officers and soldiers still on Bangladesh people's side
- Even if there is temporary control of AL and India over this Army using their 10% agents, the 90% who are on Bangladeshi people's side, will overthrow the Indian agents in an internal coup to end this situation
- But if that fails to happen, which I doubt will be the case, then all bets are off and the general mass I predict will take up arms against whoever is against Bangladesh independence and sovereignty

I write this with a lot of pain and frustration. Armed forces are supposed to protect us from external threat. Bangladesh becoming infested with Indian agents and getting controlled by them is one of Bangladesh Armed forces biggest failure. They have brought this to the people of Bangladesh under the Kulangar Gen. Moeen, the Indian agent in the last coup in 2007 1/11. This Army under Gen. Moeen were instrumental in bringing Hasina and AL to power in 2009 in a rigged election. The Army is largely responsible for the situation today in this country because they failed in their job of protecting the country from external threats. We have been compromised. I am hoping that at this juncture of history our Army will pass the test with flying colors to protect Bangladesh from external threat and not fail again like they did in 2007 1/11 and 2009 in Hasina's rigged election.

I really dont think it is about mis understanding. People you are talking about understood full well what it means. But they are feeling that their ideological bias is not holding up and wanted to use made up propaganda to take adavange. That advantage range from closing the thread, banning members and number of ther things.....Hope Loki and Mods are seeing that as well.
Some people did not understand what I was trying to convey with my statement, let me elaborate what I meant:

- if this Army do not take the people's side and take the Indian's side, in a conflict between AL, the Indian agent and the people, then this Army is no longer our army, it is a mercenary of India, controlled by India. This is the what if scenario.
- I do not think this will happen, as I predicted that there is 90% among officers and soldiers still on Bangladesh people's side
- Even if there is temporary control of AL and India over this Army using their 10% agents, the 90% who are on Bangladeshi people's side, will overthrow the Indian agents in an internal coup to end this situation
- But if that fails to happen, which I doubt will be the case, then all bets are off and the general mass I predict will take up arms against whoever is against Bangladesh independence and sovereignty

I write this with a lot of pain and frustration. Armed forces are supposed to protect us from external threat. Bangladesh becoming infested with Indian agents and getting controlled by them is one of Bangladesh Armed forces biggest failure. They have brought this to the people of Bangladesh under the Kulangar Gen. Moeen, the Indian agent in the last coup in 2007 1/11. This Army under Gen. Moeen were instrumental in bringing Hasina and AL to power in 2009 in a rigged election. The Army is largely responsible for the situation today in this country because they failed in their job of protecting the country from external threats. We have been compromised. I am hoping that at this juncture of history our Army will pass the test with flying colors to protect Bangladesh from external threat and not fail again like they did in 2007 1/11 and 2009 in Hasina's rigged election.

Such kinds of posts can only be made when someone doesn't even have the minimum idea about local and international politics along with ground realities. Also, I find you to be extremely biased.
Some people did not understand what I was trying to convey with my statement, let me elaborate what I meant:

- if this Army do not take the people's side and take the Indian's side, in a conflict between AL, the Indian agent and the people, then this Army is no longer our army, it is a mercenary of India, controlled by India. This is the what if scenario.
- I do not think this will happen, as I predicted that there is 90% among officers and soldiers still on Bangladesh people's side
- Even if there is temporary control of AL and India over this Army using their 10% agents, the 90% who are on Bangladeshi people's side, will overthrow the Indian agents in an internal coup to end this situation
- But if that fails to happen, which I doubt will be the case, then all bets are off and the general mass I predict will take up arms against whoever is against Bangladesh independence and sovereignty

I write this with a lot of pain and frustration. Armed forces are supposed to protect us from external threat. Bangladesh becoming infested with Indian agents and getting controlled by them is one of Bangladesh Armed forces biggest failure. They have brought this to the people of Bangladesh under the Kulangar Gen. Moeen, the Indian agent in the last coup in 2007 1/11. This Army under Gen. Moeen were instrumental in bringing Hasina and AL to power in 2009 in a rigged election. The Army is largely responsible for the situation today in this country because they failed in their job of protecting the country from external threats. We have been compromised. I am hoping that at this juncture of history our Army will pass the test with flying colors to protect Bangladesh from external threat and not fail again like they did in 2007 1/11 and 2009 in Hasina's rigged election.

The army answers to the president actually.

Given Bangladesh's relatively large army, it lacks a clear working national defense policy at institutional level. That is why it is vulnerable from external threats. And that is the job of the government to formulate, not the army. The army is simply a tool.

Let's just be patient. If Hasina fails to control the situation, the ball is in her court.
Awami gopal gonja murtid police open fire and killed 3 jamat-shibir activists in Bogra. As a result furious Jamat-shibir attack on police satiation. Awami golap gainja police then called upon Army to save their murtidi behind. Army should not take side Awami thugs. They should stay away and let public funish these Awami thug police.

Now you know why 1/11happened the way it happened. There is no strong hand and head to guide the army now.only paa chatar dol left.

Awami gopal gonja murtid police open fire and killed 3 jamat-shibir activists in Bogra. As a result furious Jamat-shibir attack on police satiation. Awami golap gainja police then called upon Army to save their murtidi behind. Army should not take side Awami thugs. They should stay away and let public funish these Awami thug police.

Now you know why 1/11happened the way it happened. There is no strong hand and head to guide the army now.only paa chatar dol left.

The army answers to the president actually.

Given Bangladesh's relatively large army, it lacks a clear working national defense policy at institutional level. That is why it is vulnerable from external threats. And that is the job of the government to formulate, not the army. The army is simply a tool.

Let's just be patient. If Hasina fails to control the situation, the ball is in her court.
The ball is in her court for sometime now.as it happens its about to burst in her face .
The army answers to the president actually.

Given Bangladesh's relatively large army, it lacks a clear working national defense policy at institutional level. That is why it is vulnerable from external threats. And that is the job of the government to formulate, not the army. The army is simply a tool.

Let's just be patient. If Hasina fails to control the situation, the ball is in her court.

Loki, I respect your neutral opinion. OTOH I like to call a spade a spade, I do not mince words. I am prone to mistakes, but I welcome people to correct me, not the compromised Indian agents, but real patriotic pro-Bangladeshi Bangladeshi's.

Now please tell me who were the govt. during MUA/FUA, what stopped them from getting rid of and keeping all Indian agents from running for elected posts and even winning with allegation of rigging? How did Hasina didi, the Indian proxy, got to power, if it was not for this MUA/FUA farce and their rigged election? Was the election not rigged then?
Latest reading from talking to some district level govt (civil) officials and journalist:

1) Throughout the country (except for city of Dhaka) civil admistration can no longer carry out Awami League regime directive. One of natore officials mentioned that even he has govt directive to move police there will be hardly any willing one to act.
2) Police and law enforcement can no longer able and willing to face general mass. That is wahy army was deployed.
3) Awami League terror caders are demoralized and looking for escape.
4) In Dhaka, Awami League leadership is vastly mum, except for few lower levell ministers.
5) Word in known circle is that top level of Awami League regime is busy making arrangement for

Everyone is free to make up their reading from the situation.
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