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Army in field now

Hopefully DMK swats can handle the pressure, feel for the guys though working overtime. Also is regular military getting deployed as far as army deployment or are we getting special forces involved too in this escalated situation.
:lol:you are a tool, army does not take sides.

I do not know about bangladaise however a professional military is the arm of the government and should not ever defy the will of the people that the government in power usually represents.

Source: Done my time
Hopefully DMK swats can handle the pressure, feel for the guys though working overtime. Also is regular military getting deployed as far as army deployment or are we getting special forces involved too in this escalated situation.

We dont have many swat teams...hugely out numbered!
May Allah bless Bangladeshis with peace. They already have suffered enough in last many decades. Dirty Indian conspiracies are haunting all South Asian countries, one way or another. I wish, there was internet and FB back in 1970-71. May be, that much blood would not have been shed. If 2 brothers would have wanted to go separate ways, we could have done that peacefully. Who the hell was India, interfering in our matters and killing so many innocent Muslims.
Hopefully DMK swats can handle the pressure, feel for the guys though working overtime. Also is regular military getting deployed as far as army deployment or are we getting special forces involved too in this escalated situation.

their number is limited in hundreds so far i know. so you can imagine the scenario :D
charging with baton did not save many police from death, you know. and army does not take under attack lightly.

Police infested with awami cadre committed genocide against people, they brought it to themself. Besides, as long police execute Awami League genocide they will face resistence. Police has choice to side with people rather than Awami genocidal regime.
Police infested with awami cadre committed genocide against people, they brought it to themself. Besides, as long police execute Awami League genocide they will face resistence. Police has choice to side with people rather than Awami genocidal regime.
with this excuse jamati did many destruction, brace yourself now, army will not tolerate it.
watch now how aggressive going to be army against jamat-shibir :D

Let's not assume Bangladesh army adopted shirk motto like "Joi Bangla" instead of "Bangladesh Zindabad". Bangladesh army isn't gopal ganjiya gazakoor police. Army still has it's root in Islam so they will act according to aspiration of mass majority. Did you not see how people rise a weak ago against murtid bloggers. Let just say Army is watching and gopal gainja police soon to be out numbered.
Here some more news of Bogra area:
3 Police posts attacked.
Railway station was fired.
4 people died in Police Jamat-shibir clash today.
after that Army in the field and curfew enforced.
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