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Army Aviation should get fighter planes!

Sir pardon my ignorance here, but isnt there a system that identifes between friendly and foe aircraft, atleast i saw it once on 23rd march so that accidents like this doesnt happen specially in case of surface to air missle.

Also please if you could tell, that does this system also implies to missles such as the anza which is basically a infra red heat seeker missle.



if my memory serves me right, there were 2 or 3 incidents of friendly-fire during the 65 and 71 wars. this sort of thing will happen in the heat of battle however good identification system/training the AD may have.

Our friend MuradK gave us a good laugh today. Howsoever ironic it is, these little things tell us how much ground we have to cover.

Anyway----people are missing the most important points about the A 10 here----it is not the 21 foot long gun primarily or the amount of weapons it carrier ( after considering the other options, these two indeed make a big difference ).

First of all, the aircraft can take a lots of hits and still can fly---secondly, the position of the exhaust of its two engines is right on top and ahead of stabilizers as the two engines are just behind the wings, which reduces the heat signature of the exhaust and shields it against anti aircraft fire. Which means heat seekers have a tough time locking on.

You guys should read in detail what this aircraft has to offer. Then you may realize that all other aircrafts that we are discussing here are fall way short of coming even half way close to the "warthog".

completely agree but the point is that the warthog is not available - then what are our options!!!
completely agree but the point is that the warthog is not available - then what are our options!!!

Sir Warthog doesnt change the security situation in SA. I mean that having a A-10 doesnt turn the tables in favour of pakistan where india is concerned. So why would the US object? Secondly did ever pakistan officialy showed its interest in the warthog?
Hey what about the upgraded SU-25 Frogfoot?
Hey what about the upgraded SU-25 Frogfoot?

The plane seems to be made typically for the counter insurgency missions. But russia would agree to sell it to pakistan? Because whether something bothers india or not, it has poke its nose in matters like these. and we are talking about russia, india's greatest strategic partner. IMO it would be even more hard then the warthog
Sir Warthog doesnt change the security situation in SA. I mean that having a A-10 doesnt turn the tables in favour of pakistan where india is concerned. So why would the US object? Secondly did ever pakistan officialy showed its interest in the warthog?

ice as for as i remember - NO. PA was interested in the Cobra for its anti-tank capabilities vis-a-vie india. WoT did not exist during the 80s - it was the cold-war era.

as somone has mentioned the A-10 was a weapons platform beset with a lot of technical problems. only after the 1st gulf war did the US realise its virtues. so now it is the foremost US anti-tank weapons system. even israel does not possess it. that is saying a lot.
Now is this a co-incidence or is this a co-incidence!

Pakistan, Peru Want to Buy Retired A-37s

By Jung Sung-ki
Staff Reporter

Pakistan and Peru want to purchase South Korea's retired A-37 light attack aircraft, officials of the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said Monday.

Peru's air force chief of staff asked to buy A-37 aircraft during a meeting with DAPA commissioner Lee Sun-hi in October, a DAPA spokesman said. Lee visited the South American nation Oct. 20-23, he said.

Talks over the delivery of spare parts of the A-37 are also under way between the South Korean Air Force and Pakistani authorities, following a request for the deal in May via diplomatic channels, the official added.

``We are reviewing the requests from the two nations positively as part of efforts to enhance defense and diplomatic ties with them, as well as help expand South Korea's defense industry,'' an official of the Ministry of National Defense said.

The A-37, nicknamed Dragonfly, was developed in 1963 by modifying the Cessna-built T-37 trainer. The aircraft was used during the Vietnam War as a ground attacker.

The South Korean Air Force had operated the ``Black Eagles'' acrobatic flight team with A-37 jets since 1994. The team made its last air show appearance in October with A-37s, which will be replaced with indigenous T-50 supersonic jets.

In June, the Air Force decided to ground jets with an age of greater than 35 years including RF-5 reconnaissance planes and A-37Bs.
How can we go for A-37? Its such an obsalete jet of the vietnam era. How would it help in counter insurgency operations? I must say its just a waste of resources. It would had been better if we could use the K-8 for this purpose. Its already design in this way that it can be convereted from a trainer into a bomber. Why the hell A-37.
How can we go for A-37? Its such an obsalete jet of the vietnam era. How would it help in counter insurgency operations? I must say its just a waste of resources. It would had been better if we could use the K-8 for this purpose. Its already design in this way that it can be convereted from a trainer into a bomber. Why the hell A-37.

when there is a resource crunch (F-16 and JF-17 programs) one cannot pick and choose. you go for what is the best available option. A-37 Dragonfly upgraded would not be such a bad option for the COIN operations in the tribal belt and remember hopefully the WoT wont go on forever.

When you are looking for a plane for ground attack, the slower the air speed it can fly at, the bbetter it is for the cause.

Before th gulf war usaf were madly in love with their f15's and f16's. That is why A 10 met its demise---but then during first gulf war, it proved its weight worth in gold. Americans are planning to keep this fleet alfoat till maybe 2030 and after that they may not have anything to replace this ground attack plane. So, no chance of getting this plane.

Now coming to the SU 25----that will be a big plus in the pakistani arsenal, if the paf can get some of them.
A very old technology which India is now retiering why go for the SU 25 ? what about the Chinees Leapord JH-7 Bomber any comment
A very old technology which India is now retiering why go for the SU 25 ? what about the Chinees Leapord JH-7 Bomber any comment

IAF does not operate the SU-25. they are retiring the MiG-25 reconn aircraft.
IAF does not operate the SU-25. they are retiring the MiG-25 reconn aircraft.

IAF Retired there last Mig-25 in August 2006. One is in there museum, the other in there IAF Academy the rest 2 are just parked.
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