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Army Aviation should get fighter planes!

MI-35 is adequately equipped with countermeasure systems, that allow the helicopter to defend itself against, SAMs. It has flare dispenssing system and engine heat suppressors.

the only inherent fault is that its less manuvarable, cant take steep turns in fast speed flying.
Pakistan Army Aviation is made up of MI-17 helicopters. MI-35 helicopter is based on the same technology of MI-17 in terms of engine, transmission system, flight controls etc, except weapons. So Army can readily accept the MI-35 and absorb it without considerable training for pilots and maintenence personnel.
Pakistan Army Aviation is made up of MI-17 helicopters. MI-35 helicopter is based on the same technology of MI-17 in terms of engine, transmission system, flight controls etc, except weapons. So Army can readily accept the MI-35 and absorb it without considerable training for pilots and maintenence personnel.

Yes and no.

They would need personnel trained on the weapon systems etc.
Could you feed me any source or link for above issue? I haven't been able to make it to it.

Neither have I. :frown:
I read it quickly in my local WH Smiths.

However, in the African continent for example South Africa have upgraded most of Algeria's Hinds with what looks like major targeting systems etc.

Other countries like Israel offer upgrades as well.
Yes and no.

They would need personnel trained on the weapon systems etc.

Then i think it cost effective option as personnel are to be traine only on weapon.

As i hav heard, Pakistan was close on purchaseing Hinds from Ukraine, but then india influenced, and deal was scarped.

The problem with Russian equipment, is that they hav short operating life as compared to French and American systems
Then i think it cost effective option as personnel are to be traine only on weapon.

As i hav heard, Pakistan was close on purchaseing Hinds from Ukraine, but then india influenced, and deal was scarped.

The problem with Russian equipment, is that they hav short operating life as compared to French and American systems

Well as Pakistan also has Puma helicopters in its inventory then South Africas Rooivalk would be another consideration as this uses components from the puma.

Last I heard this was being pulled from the market but I have found something online on a rooivalk 2 at:

Advanced Technologies and Engineering - Aerospace engineering

Coincidently this is the company which upgraded Algeria's hinds with new avionics, targeting systems, vehor 20mm cannon and mokopa missile to capabilities to Super Hind standard.
Dude ... i think it is an absurd idea .... no offence but what is the point of fighter planes in the army ... During WWII, airforce used to be a part of the army .... commonly known as Army Air Corps ... but the mother of all wars, concluded on the note of a separate force with dedicated command structure and role...

If army needs tac CS, that is provided by the airforce... further army's needs of air sp (fire as well log) are well taken care of by Army Aviation. And with the status of Army Aviation being raised to a fighting arm, and induction of new helis, i think the aerial sit in the army is not all that bad.
If we need to increase the potency of air sp within the army, the answer is not FIGHTER PLANES, but ... new COMBAT AVIATION (gunships) ... AH-1s are getting older. We need something on the lines of Apache / Tiger / MI-35s
that is the answer ... not fighter planes ..
Dude ... i think it is an absurd idea .... no offence but what is the point of fighter planes in the army ... During WWII, airforce used to be a part of the army .... commonly known as Army Air Corps ... but the mother of all wars, concluded on the note of a separate force with dedicated command structure and role...

If army needs tac CS, that is provided by the airforce... further army's needs of air sp (fire as well log) are well taken care of by Army Aviation. And with the status of Army Aviation being raised to a fighting arm, and induction of new helis, i think the aerial sit in the army is not all that bad.
If we need to increase the potency of air sp within the army, the answer is not FIGHTER PLANES, but ... new COMBAT AVIATION (gunships) ... AH-1s are getting older. We need something on the lines of Apache / Tiger / MI-35s
that is the answer ... not fighter planes ..

Agree with you there. Besides, if Army gets fighters, it'll just increase costs since army will have to acquire radars and command centres for these fighters, not to mention airbases. much better to induct fighters into the air force, since air force already has those structures in place.
very valid observation ..... plus there is absolutely no concept of fighter jets in the Army ... not anymore i.e. . ctr argument could be then the US marines .... well that remains to be the only independent fighting force in the world that has that capability ... their role warrants so ... discussion on that .. well could start a new topic ..
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