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Armenians kill five Azeri soldiers

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"Vahidi added: “We talked about this issue with our Azerbaijani friends and they explained to us that it is not as it was reported by the media, and that the deal goes back to previous years and that amount is not that much.”

Iran, Azerbaijan try to soothe tensions after Israel weapon ties

The arms deal was kept secret at first place, and when IAI anounced the deal, it said that it had signed a deal with an "unnamed Asian" country.

Do you think Azerbaijan's defence ministry will talk about Azerbaijan's arms deals with Iranian defence ministry? Specially an arms deal with Israel. Not too difficult to see why he said a such thing.

The deal was signed in 2012 january;


Aaaand another piece of intelligence coming from Shahin Vatani !
For the first time I have to agree with you Targon. Kajutyun your imagination is a bit too wide, it will take us atleast half an hour to get to Baku :P

Of course you can. You have the advantage of flying boats and advanced helicopters. You can unleash terror on your enemies with those... those... things.
LOL at Iranian morons...

Even Border Guards of Azerbaijan signed contract for 36 Mi-35M's...Border Guards alone have better attack helicopter capability than Iranian army.
1: It is absolutely hilarious to claim that Armenia has super-duper weapons wich it keeps supposedly secret. The S-300 was not there for 7 years, ex-Russian S-300PT's btw, was given recently to Armenia. Armenia, a very poor country on-par with Moldova has no financial capabilities to buy any modern arms, and Russia will never give Armenia any new weapons. And about secrecy, Azerbaijan's MoD does never give any information on procurement of arms, the information you find about Azerbaijan's arms purchases are given from the other side, not Azerbaijan. Just because Armenia don't have any arms market to speak of, and you don't see such kind of news about Armenian arms contracts, does not mean that it keeps it secret. Armenia has no real activity in this field.

2: Azerbaijan has remaining oil-reserves of about 2 billion tonnes, confirmed by BP. Now, tell us how oil is goind to end with oil out-put at 40-50 thousand tonnes a year? The drop in oil production was related to some other issues, the oil-proudction will rise to 55 thousand in 2015, it is higher than previeus highest figure. And it is a well known fact that there are more oil in Caspian Sea, higher figures than Azerbaijan's current proven oil reserves.

1. No, S-300s were given to Armenia in 2005. They were revealed in 2010. No, all information about Azerbaijan I have from APA.az. I am under no impression that Armenian media is honest about Azerbaijan. Armenian domestic defense industry is larger than Azerbaijan's. In fact, we may be producing a new Armenian-made standard assault rifle soon.:D

2. You have not seen the chart (of which I am very proud) It is: Azerbaijan Crude Oil Production by Year (Thousand Barrels per Day). Peak year was clearly several years ago. Everything you are saying has been spoodfed to you by Aliyev and Friends. Please, I am making my degree in petroleum engineering, you will not convince me with your BS.
Of course you can. You have the advantage of flying boats and advanced helicopters. You can unleash terror on your enemies with those... those... things.
they are enough for USA'fleet in Persian gulf.for azerbayjan we just need to fire 200 ft-110 missiles.and 10000 soldier to take baku just in 20 minutes.
The arms deal was kept secret at first place, and when IAI anounced the deal, it said that it had signed a deal with an "unnamed Asian" country.

Do you think Azerbaijan's defence ministry will talk about Azerbaijan's arms deals with Iranian defence ministry? Specially an arms deal with Israel. Not too difficult to see why he said a such thing.

The deal was signed in 2012 january;

Azerbaijan order boosts IAI backlog - Globes

IAI signs largest ever deal - Globes

Ara, you are accusing your genius defense minister Safar Abiyev of lying? I assure you he said that, partially because your entire country is sorrounded by enemies.
LOL at Iranian morons...

Even Border Guards of Azerbaijan signed contract for 36 Mi-35M's...Border Guards alone have better attack helicopter capability than Iranian army.

On our own we have held off and humiliated USA for more than thirty years. Imagine what we can do to you? Have you ever seen a map? Compare Iran and Aliyevbaijan. You are nothing more then a tasty little snack for the Iranian Lion.

As I said, oil reserves are 2 billion tonnes, confirmed by BP. If you have any sources against it, then present it and we shall speak.

The drop in oil production was related to other issues and will continue, so you don't have to put that as an argument, as we are already aware of it.

Armenian defence industry is larger than Azerbaijan's? What are you smoking?




humiliated? hahah getting sanctioned is humiliating USA , threatening to close hurmuz and then when they send their AC doing nothing hahah

On our own we have held off and humiliated USA for more than thirty years. Imagine what we can do to you? Have you ever seen a map? Compare Iran and Aliyevbaijan. You are nothing more then a tasty little snack for the Iranian Lion.

Ara, you are accusing your genius defense minister Safar Abiyev of lying? I assure you he said that, partially because your entire country is sorrounded by enemies.

Seriously, are you ever going to give some sensible answers?

The deal as you can see was signed in 2012 January, you can also read it in IAI's official report;

"• Backlog increase is mainly attributed to a $ 1.6 billion deal signed during Q1."

we said if you sanction our oil ===> then we will close the strait !
and one of the US ships entered iran naval game war so we kick that ship out of the gulf , even if you can find the news it said : THE ship not ships ....
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