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Armenia seeks long-range weapons against Turkey and Azerbaijan


Mar 24, 2010
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Armenia Seeking Long-Range Weapons - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 2010
Armenia Seeking Long-Range Weapons

August 10, 2010
YEREVAN -- Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian says the Armenian government plans to acquire long-range, precision-guided weapons for possible armed conflicts with hostile neighbors, RFE/RL's Armenian Service reports.

Ohanian's announcement today followed a meeting of an Armenian government commission on national security that approved two programs envisaging a modernization of the country's armed forces. One of the documents deals with army weaponry, while the other details measures to develop the domestic defense industry.

Ohanian said the programs "will qualitatively improve the level of the armed forces in the short and medium terms."

"The two programs envisage both the acquisition of state-of-the-art weapons and their partial manufacturing by the local defense industry," Ohanian said. "The main directions are the expansion of our long-range strike capacity and the introduction of extremely precise systems, which will allow us to minimize the enemy's civilian casualties during conflicts."

Ohanian said that "their application will also allow us to thwart enemy movements deep inside the entire theater of hostilities." He did not specify whether Yerevan will seek to acquire surface-to-surface missiles capable of hitting targets in historic rival Azerbaijan.

The Armenian military is believed to have short-range tactical missiles. But little is known about their type and technical characteristics. The army command gave a rare glimpse of such weaponry in September 2006, when it showed new rockets with a range of up to 110 kilometers during a military parade in Yerevan.

Ohanian acknowledged that the modernization plan is connected with the risk of another war with Azerbaijan over the disputed breakaway Azerbaijani region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

It is not immediately clear whether Yerevan's desire to obtain more powerful weapons is connected with a new Russian-Armenian military agreement expected to be signed soon. The agreement will reportedly take the form of significant changes to a 1995 treaty regulating the presence of the Russian military base in Armenia.

Russian and Armenian sources have said in the context of that agreement that Moscow will also commit itself to providing Armenia with "modern and compatible weaponry and [special] military hardware."

Armenian National Security Council Secretary Artur Baghdasarian, who co-chaired the August 10 meeting together with Ohanian, confirmed this last week.

Armenia and Russia announced plans last month to significantly step up cooperation between their defense industries. According to Baghdasarian, that cooperation includes setting up Russian-Armenian defense joint ventures.

Ohanian could not confirm Russian media reports that Moscow has agreed to sell S-300 air-defense systems to Azerbaijan in a $300 million deal.

"I think that acquisition of any new weaponry will have a certain impact on the balance of forces [in the Karabakh conflict], but want to note that the S-300 systems are defensive systems," he said. "At the same time, we can't say we have information about their possible purchase [by Azerbaijan]."
Against Turkey ? Really ? They out of their minds ?

We border that country all we have to do is move J-600T Ballistic missiles and it is over.

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The 11 September attacks caused NATO to invoke Article 5 of the NATO Charter for the first time in its history. The Article says that an attack on any member shall be considered to be an attack on all. The invocation was confirmed on 4 October 2001 when NATO determined that the attacks were indeed eligible under the terms of the North Atlantic Treaty.
Yeah i don't think any of that would even be needed.

Btw those are block 30s from Eagle squadron they are used for training. We also do not operate block 52 aircraft we use block 50 with F110-GE-129. Block 52 aircraft use PW engines. All will be at 50+ standard after the upgrade program is complete. (Ongoing)
I think Armenia is interested in purchasing Iskander-E tactical ballistic Missile System to hit Targets far behind enemy Lines.
The location I'm currently at is dominated by Armenians. They're really nice people, I have many Armenian friends. I must admit they are extremely patriotic Armenians.
Isn't armenia militarily inferior to azerbaijan,let alone Turkey?Will they dare to do anything against Turkey?
The location I'm currently at is dominated by Armenians. They're really nice people, I have many Armenian friends. I must admit they are extremely patriotic Armenians.

Every nation is filled with nice people. However the military does not use these same lenses to fog up thinking when historical enemies want to purchase weapons to obliterate your vital installations and densely populated areas.
I do not suppose but I hope Armenia will attack on Turkey. With this reason, World people would have watched a real and full scale exercise of Turkish Army against Armenians to liberate Karabagh.
There is a Russian base at Gyumri in Armenia near Turkish border specifically for thwarting Turkish invasion. If Armenia attacks Turkey and Turkish response is proportional than Russia may not respond. But any all out Armenian-Turkish war may escalate into Russo-Turkish war. Turkey should invade near Nakhchivan and expand Azerbaijan-Turkish border than occupy the strip of land that separates Nakhchivan from Azerbaijan proper.
Armenia????? against Turkey????


Hola Abu,
In this politically alligned world, Armenia should not be counted as one.
Its aspirations could be foreign inspired.

Turkey, would be gravely wrong to counter this development without considering other geopolitcal situations.

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