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Armenia has to respect Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity - Davutoglu

So what's your opinion? Are you supporting an independent Karabakh?

I am not Iranian. As an outsider I see Azerbaijanis as progressive people.

I am azerbaijani my dear. I obviously want that karabakh gets free from Armenian occupiers and becomes a part of Azerbaijan again. ;)

Hatay was also annexed "illegaly"


Hatay was a part of ottoman empire with majority turks and a minority of kurds and arabs, and they decided to join to turkey. That's the bottom line. ;)

Hatay was a part of ottoman empire with majority turks and a minority of kurds and arabs, and they decided to join to turkey. That's the bottom line. ;)

Officially ^^

Official does not prove much regarding these topics
Are Sri Lankans related to Iranians? Azizam sounds Farsi.
Azizam is a Farsi word I picked from an Iranian friend ;)

The only connection is both speak Indo-European languages. I can't think of any other connection.
What do you mean by officially?
They were mostly turks and they wanted to be a part of Turkey.
What is the big deal?!!!

Official, going by laws only.
Calling something illegal because it does not comply with law, not taking in consideration all other factors.
Are Sri Lankans related to Iranians? Azizam sounds Farsi.

What ? :blink:

Sri Lankans are predominantly Sinhala which means they're either related to South Indians or the Maldivians or they're a unique genetic group in themselves !
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