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Armenia calls for boosting all-out relations with Iran

you hosted PKK in your country for years
yeah sure , just like when every body claimed that we are supporting al-qae and we just let God to deal witn them and then come out osama data and letters and every body could see we never helped them ,and how much they were angry at us while there were no trace of such feelings against turkey
I never supported Armenians, the Armenian government and their false claims of genocide. Why are you lying, is that your hobby? I'm 100% Turkish, but who cares? You are again playing the race/tribe/nationality game.

You people are hypocrites and liars, most of you. There are very few truthful posters amongst you.
And now you call ALL of us hypocrites? Who's paranoid. Rest of us or just you?
No comment on him, he's just strange and kinda confused.

You can't comment because you know I'm right. Otherwise you would have told me I was wrong, but I wasn't. Everybody on the forum sees who is telling the truth. And above all, God knows I''m sincere, unlike any of you. Allah'a sukurler olsun her zaman haktan, dogrudan yanayim.
No because I'm not following your posts, just saw some random weird ones, I'm not sure what you're supporting but I'm pretty sure you're confused and exaggrated it.
So the flame war spread to here ?

Ottoman-Turk and Killuminati are not representing Turkey, actually they're trolls for most of us, we can at least say that while you guys support any kind of Iranian trolling.
If any Iranian starts trolling,I will be the first one to remind him of his act.Trolling is not good,be it your compatriot or others.
So the flame war spread to here ?

Ottoman-Turk and Killuminati are not representing Turkey, actually they're trolls for most of us, we can at least say that while you guys support any kind of Iranian trolling.
i got angry over these turkish trolls.but you make me calm down.
I hope so, though we never saw that in the past flame wars.
No because I'm not following your posts, just saw some random weird ones, I'm not sure what you're supporting but I'm pretty sure you're confused and exaggrated it.

Another ad hominem. Thanks for proving my point again.
Never asked yourself what the reason is that they are our enemies? The history shows how unhuman they are. Getting weaponized by French to slaughter innocent muslims. Not far away from now they murdered at front of the world eyes more then thousands of innocent muslims including babys and women in Khojaly. And then you come here talking sheet that Iran has no reason to have no parthnership with Armenia. You iranians stayed neutral in karabakh war? Dude, we all know that Iran did send weapons to the Armenian kafeers agains Azeri Turks. We all know that Iran did support the PKK to. We all know how Persians betrayed us in time of Selcuklu. You guys are only good for creating chaos like the jews.
it seems you don't knew anything about that war , let show you what was the situation, that war was after the ti e that red army pull out of the region and let all their hardware behind , and guess what russia had many military bases in azerbaijan and no base in armenia ,you take all the weapon russia left behind ,you eve paid russian pilots who lost their job at those times to fly airplanes and helicopter for you , and you had like ten time of armenia in military hardware they even didn't had any fixed wing aircraft ,and their army was one third of azerbaijan and still they won because of determaination and not having a corrupt government like azerbaijan .

By the way all the fact point to that iran didn't supply military eqipment to armenia , we provided them with fuel , foods and warm clothes in middle of winter because some countries thought it was a good idea to made an embargo against them.

And about pkk every body will laugh at your claims
who the hell are you to tell who we represent , i represent turks more than you , look at your name , you are those people who love western things try to act like them and love them i cant explain but people know what i mean , get out my face.

No comment on him, he's just strange and kinda confused.
Childs are not representing that country.


With a quick research about inventories you can easily find out there was not a significiant difference between Azeris and Armenians in terms of numbers and equipment.
the real turks in this forum is trmehmet , cabatli , akinci , kulliminati and a few others i forgot the rest , Erdogan is a Pkk supporter and supporter of mountain terrorists
who the hell are you to tell who we represent , i represent turks more than you , look at your name , you are those people who love western things try to act like them and love them i cant explain but people know what i mean , get out my face.
you dont represent turkey at all.
have you ever thought what other people will think about your country while reading your comments?
racism,rudeness...these are all a member can remind..
akinci , cabatli , kulliminati ,mrtopal27 , tesla , leggionaire , drink milk and few more i forgot

What about you? if i go through the posts you sent and thanked what will people think , such as long live armenia?

you dont represent turkey at all.
have you ever thought what other people will think about your country while reading your comments?
racism,rudeness...these are all a member can remind..
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