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Armed forces running 33 petrol pumps, 62 shopping centres

whats really the point of such a report, give clean chit to these pathetic military apologists?
nobody asks of what happened in corruption case of NLC, let alone the fact that all is clean and transparent in military's commercial ventures?

A proper audit will serve as a record for the time when the whole edifice comes crashing down, as it must, given the extent to which the military's involvement in business ventures is helping to destroy the economic foundations of the country.

Let there be no doubt that this circus will stop when the whole tent flies away in the wind.
A proper audit will serve as a record for the time when the whole edifice comes crashing down, as it must, given the extent to which the military's involvement in business ventures is helping to destroy the economic foundations of the country.

Let there be no doubt that this circus will stop when the whole tent flies away in the wind.

well apparently they are prospering, they now have a parallel justice system of their own choice aka PPO

proper audit is a far cry, it seems.
well apparently they are prospering, they now have a parallel justice system of their own choice aka PPO

proper audit is a far cry, it seems.

This "prosperity" is an illusion. The foundations of the country have been weakened by decades of such travesties and they cannot last forever with such insults on their integrity. Just take a good look around honestly.
It is all in the "national interest" and "ideology of Pakistan" I suppose:

Armed forces running 33 petrol pumps, 62 shopping centres - thenews.com.pk

Armed forces running 33 petrol pumps, 62 shopping centres

News Desk
Thursday, April 03, 2014
From Print Edition

RAWALPINDI: The National Assembly was told on Wednesday that in certain cantonment areas of the country, the Pakistan armed forces were running at least 33 petrol pumps and 62 shopping centres and markets.

In response to a question by Beelum Hasnain, the defence ministry submitted a written reply to the assembly in which it also mentioned that 54 schools were also operational under the armed forces in the cantonment areas.

According to the details provided by the ministry, there were three petrol pumps of the armed forces, one shopping centre in the Sargodha Circle, two petrol pumps, one shopping centre, 14 schools in the Multan Circle, four petrol pumps, 35 shopping centres, 13 schools in the Lahore Circle, seven petrol pumps, three shopping centres, two schools in the Gujranwala Circle, three petrol pumps and two shopping centres in the Hyderabad Circle, two petrol pumps, seven shopping centres, three schools in the Karachi Circle, seven petrol pumps, six shopping centres, five schools in the Rawalpindi Circle and five petrol pumps, seven shopping centres and 17 schools in the Abbottabad Circle.

In its written reply, the defence ministry did not show the income from these petrol pumps, shopping centres and schools. Also it did not inform the House whether this amount had been submitted to the national kitty or not.

However, it has been mentioned in the reply that the relevant board of officers was drawing an estimate of the total income. After such an estimate was made, the respective details will be submitted to the House.

The defence ministry is of the view that the largest number of shopping centres and markets are situated in the Lahore Circle. This number is found to be 35. Moreover, the largest number of petrol pumps are located in Gujranwala and Rawalpindi circles. There are seven petrol pumps in each of these circles.

In the cantonment areas of the militancy-hit capital of Balochistan i.e. Quetta, there are seven shopping centres of the armed forces, while in the Abbottabad Circle and Rawalpindi Circle, there are seven and six shopping centres respectively.

Most of the schools are located in the Abbottabad Circle. Their number is 17. It is pertinent to mention here that the reply covers only the details of businesses run by the armed forces in the country’s cantonment areas. Armed forces and institutions such as Rangers also run petrol pumps, bakeries and general stores in areas other than cantonment, the details of which have not been given in the defence ministry’s written reply.
Add a bank, a real estate company, two fertilizer plants, a cement factory, commercial real estates, countless numbers of security agencies and even a marriage hall to the list.
Anyone above a colonel in Pakistan, gets one of the best retirement packages. Why should they be separate from rest of the federal employees? They too are federal employees, however, their package and that of a let's say grade 21 officer is totally different. Not directly as per compensation, but, the freebies here and there. Dude, it's a totally rigged system.

Let's not forget, even after retirement, they still think they own the country. I came across one such fool colonel (retired and retarded), who took over my commercial property back home, paid the judge, and as I was away, it became a minor nuisance for my aged parents. Anyhow, fixed him and the judge. What I'm trying to say here is that if you don't have juice, then you're done in front of these criminals. Not all, but many amongst their ranks are EXACTLY the same.

I know personally of many retired Indian officers, don't even compare them with ours. Ours have a god complex. That's the bitter truth. Someone has to say it. Let it be me.

These are obviously run by retired personnel. I guess part of their income is channeled into the armed forces welfare fund.

It's a good thing in a way as the civilian dispensation cares two hoots for the welfare of serving as well as retired personnel of the armed forces in most countries including India.
This "prosperity" is an illusion. The foundations of the country have been weakened by decades of such travesties and they cannot last forever with such insults on their integrity. Just take a good look around honestly.

Absolutely, couldnt have said any better or expressed my concerns for Pakistan. but they have no sense of Nation-State, they are such criminal minded people who coined terms like "every country has an army, Pakistan army has a country"

can you imagine what mentality they bear?
I don't know exactly, but I reckon FWO also comes under their umbrella. What a country. Truly.

I dont live in Gujaranwala but the pump I am talking about is run directly by a unit in Gujaranwala cantt or per say claimed so.

NLC itself is a white elephant, making unaccounted money for the generals.
I don't know exactly, but I reckon FWO also comes under their umbrella. What a country. Truly.
Fauji Fertilizer is also not under the hardcore "umbrella" of army but when all the fertilizers of the countries were facing severe gas shortage FFC was using it 24x7. DHA also doesn't fall under army's umbrella but manages army's real estate. Likewise, Bahria complexes in Karachi are not under the umbrella of navy, but their money and management lies with navy. Sui-gas line blown every now and then also has significant roots in the commercial interests of the military
I don't know exactly, but I reckon FWO also comes under their umbrella. What a country. Truly.

yar I dont like to put things as us and them, they are still part of this very society, no matter how colonial they act, they still are brown. so if they run some businesses within parameters of the law, and earn money for the welfare of its employees, its not objectionable to me, but as Vcheng said it must be properly audited and have fair competition market..
Absolutely, couldnt have said any better or expressed my concerns for Pakistan. but they have no sense of Nation-State, they are such criminal minded people who coined terms like "every country has an army, Pakistan army has a country"

can you imagine what mentality they bear?

I can only quote this message by @araz in another thread:

You may love Pakistan but living in a dream land is not going to achieve what you want for your country. As a nation we need to wake up and start looking with our eyes open. The reality train has left us far behind.
Aaway ka aawaaaa he bigda hua hai. Politicians corrupt. Military corrupt. Judiciary corrupt. What else is left?

Fauji Fertilizer is also not under the hardcore "umbrella" of army but when all the fertilizers of the countries were facing severe gas shortage FFC was using it 24x7. DHA also doesn't fall under army's umbrella but manages army's real estate. Likewise, Bahria complexes in Karachi are not under the umbrella of navy, but their money and management lies with navy. Sui-gas line blown every now and then also has significant roots in the commercial interests of the military
Aaway ka aawaaaa he bigda hua hai. Politicians corrupt. Military corrupt. Judiciary corrupt. What else is left?

you name it, just today police booked a 9 month old baby in murder case !!


even our intellectuals are corrupt and dishonest !!
Aaway ka aawaaaa he bigda hua hai. Politicians corrupt. Military corrupt. Judiciary corrupt. What else is left?
Politicians get accountable every now and then. They may be currupt, they may have a hundred bad things about them but their acts get exposed soon enough. But has anybody dared to ask where does the money from military's commercial ventures go when their budget is funded by the government, their arms procurement is funded by the government as well?
Are you effing kidding me? Son, everything related to ANY BUSINESS is inter-connected and intertwined on a micro level. It has consequences on a scale that you can not even comprehend or forecast. From sovereign guarantees they acquire to risks they undertake without due diligence, all @ expense of national exchequer.

Every little thing where money is concerned is linked on a micro and macro level to the larger picture. These people have NO idea what they are doing, how can they? Morons do BMT for couple months, barely know how to organize their lives, follow a certain command structure, and later when they retire get to play dice with the future of 200 million people?@#$

Don't lecture me on banking, finance, economics and engineering. I am god on those.

yar I dont like to put things as us and them, they are still part of this very society, no matter how colonial they act, they still are brown. so if they run some businesses within parameters of the law, and earn money for the welfare of its employees, its not objectionable to me, but as Vcheng said it must be properly audited and have fair competition market..
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