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Arjun News & Discussions

I think Arjun is way batter then T 90 in Fire power, mobility as well as Protection then why this *** H@les don't purchase 2000 of them and give some work , expertise & money to our people !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why? Have you go to deeper thought? It makes no logic!!!!
chill guies, our army, come what may, will end up with around 2000 Arjun. but the point is should we stop upgradetation of our current MBT - T 72, which are night blind. you couldnt produce them over night. it will at least take a half a decade. best case senario upgrade at least 30% of T 72 and also go on full blast producing Arjun. 2015 i see around 300 upgraded T 72, 1500 T 90, 2500 Arjun. so chears.........
He's right mates, Indian T-72's are fodder, it's best they take up entrenched positions and you should stop upgrading when half the world including the force is saying the tanks are garbage.

Start Arjun induction right away along with T-90, it's the logical solution. The question is how long will it take? To be honest time is on India's side to begin with. It still stands a valid point that T-90S can give any Pakistani tank a tough challenge and there's no major armor upgrade intended for another decade+ because Al Zarrar is not finished and this thing we have to bear with for at least 15 - 20 years more (Upgraded Type-59 that saw battle in 71...way too old).

Also you guys need to stop looking so negatively on the Bhishma. It's a world class tank, ask the Sauds. They could have easily gotten Leclercs or Tigers. However they haven't inducted that many of them, so let's see.
yes i m not qualified to understand technical details... i guess you are more qualified than me so you can understand the things i cant understand...:rofl:

Gossips or rumours, whatever... Arjun's delay is a fact. and honestly it is not a delay. Admit it that its a failure. I can write you a big list and pages of explanations about the problems of Arjun but i really dont have desire to do this. Because everybody in the entire world who is interested in Land systems and tanks know the problem(s) of Arjun. if you wish lets keep discussing via pm. And honestly if you can fix my wrong(?) ideas about Arjun, i would be very pleased. nevertheless i would get rid of my prejudgements(?) about your tank.

To be honest i support your Arjun project. it will be very costly for you and so much money spent on such a constantly disabled tank would help my Pak. brothers very much. And in this time period Al Khalid 2 would be developed, may be we can give some of our Altays after 2015 to Pakistan.

You can praise your junkie as much as you want Dear Brother. But i wont change my opinion untill that tank proves itself... no i dont expect itself to prove in a total war. if it can make 2000+ kms with regular maintenances in desert without any failures near pakistan border i will admit it as a successful tank :lol:
And what about AT weapons? will it be able to stand against HJ-8?

ps: you say none of the tanks are not tested which are still in service in Chinese and pakistan armies. but let me ask you: Did German Leopard see any action? And i think it is the best... Any objections about this?
No brother , I am not qualified that much too.

While praising Arjun we have to do the bitter task of cursing our own Army officials as currupt. You will find many among us who keep the same opinion. Even if we dont go about technical details (simply because those are claims by the manufacturer -almost no proper sources are available from where we can know). We just mentioned suspicious action of Indian Army regarding Arjun because denial of Army is the source of all criticism against it. Now there is a U -turn in their opinion about the MBT. About third party audit I gave the press release of GOI in the link.

Present fact is DRDO is pushing GOI to field Arjun against T 90 for a comparative trial and Army is trying to skip it somehow. So I will give benefit of doubt to DRDO.

About armour, it is said its armour (Kanchan) withstanded fire from T-72 in point blank range in testing. But there is no way to confirm actual fact. But there was no complain of Army atleast abou armour.

About Leopard or other Western tanks we give benefit of doubt because of their technical advancement, experience and credibility which is not the case for India, Pakistan or China.

BTW I must claim India is more transperent among these three, else you would never be able to know about its many failures.Because we come to know about those failures from government source first.Have you ever heard of failure in testing of any weapon system from Pakistan or China? Would you say it is possible????
BTW I must claim India is more transperent among these three, else you would never be able to know about its many failures.Because we come to know about those failures from government source first.Have you ever heard of failure in testing of any weapon system from Pakistan or China? Would you say it is possible????

too right mate, too right...
i hope you can make that tank work. if not, you will be have to buy russian equipment. and honestly, its the only thing can make a serious difference in sub continent because most of the system used are chinese or russian. And most of the chinese systems can be considered as russian too... But i wait for the result with a great curiosity :)
too right mate, too right...
i hope you can make that tank work. if not, you will be have to buy russian equipment. and honestly, its the only thing can make a serious difference in sub continent because most of the system used are chinese or russian. And most of the chinese systems can be considered as russian too... But i wait for the result with a great curiosity :)

Stop worrying about our country, worry about your. We will take care of India.
Stop worrying about our country, worry about your. We will take care of India.

i see, you mean ''mind your own business'' :lol:
nobody worries for your country. we just wonder the results. thats all. And thank you for your advice, but there are much more qualified people than me who takes care of her.
i see, you mean ''mind your own business'' :lol:
nobody worries for your country. we just wonder the results. thats all. And thank you for your advice, but there are much more qualified people than me who takes care of her.

The feeling is mutual mate :wave:
This article is from Feb 2009 , can anyone please calrify if the Arjun is being scrapped from further research and production. I actually though South Asia may be the new defence equipment manufacturer, regardless of whether Indian, Pakistani and I suppose China will fall into the Asia part.


Indian Army looses battle against Arjun Tank, but, will there be Arjun Mark-2? | Frontier India Strategic and Defence - News, Analysis, Opinion

ndian Army lost its battle and Arjun Tank will ride into the Indian Army regiments defeating its most hostile evaluators. This is a strange case in which Indian Army the creator of Arjun Tank turned into Frankenstein. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley take note.

Indian Army developed cold feet (again) on the T-90 versus Arjun Tank comparative trials after witnessing the accelerated usage cum reliability trial (AUCRT) of Main Battle Tank Arjun that began in December 2007. Then we saw parliamentary reports by Indian Army on the failure of Arjun Tanks in AUCRT, that was thrashed in media as well as in parliament. To run salt of Indian army ego, DRDO will hand it over in a formal function we may witness in february end or march, when 17 – 18 tanks will be handed over to Indian Army. Atleast 50 Arjun Tanks is expected to be inducted this year.

There might not be Arjun Tank mark – 2 tanks rolling and production may cease after the current order unless there is a miracle. Indian Army had given some observations to DRDO after the AUCRT. Some points were valid on the metallurgy and life of certain parts (it was prepared by the actual evaluators unlike the parliamentary report). DRDO addressed it.

The future Main Battle Tank (FMBT) GSQR and research is shaping up. The new policy of user (Indian Army in this case) has to put its own money in the project, will put some responsibility on the user. In addition we will witness user and the research agency sharing responsibility. There will be involvement of private sector. The question is how many private sector companies will want to work with Indian Army on its projects. Some companies like MRF had lost money on the Arjun Tank Project due to Indian Army attitude. The Pinaka project may be an indicator if Indian Army is worth being associated with.

answer is a simple No!

The Arjun platform may be slowly developed to Mk 2 form with intention to integrate it in the coming decade. Its still to be seen whether the GoI is willing to allocate the funds for the same and willing to take bold steps for co-development of requisite subsystems. The recent allocation of additional Rs 8K crores for LCA and news of additional Akash batteries being inducted have given positive indications - the latters in terms of breakthrough in ABM tech subsystems as this missile system is also a part of ABM
too right mate, too right...
i hope you can make that tank work. if not, you will be have to buy russian equipment. and honestly, its the only thing can make a serious difference in sub continent because most of the system used are chinese or russian. And most of the chinese systems can be considered as russian too... But i wait for the result with a great curiosity :)
I welcome your wish...and agreed to the facts you mentioned-most of the equipments here are originated from Russia. If the results of trials tilts in favour of Arjun-we will have one more thing from our third world nation to cheers about.
Well problems also with T90-, t
1) Their engines heat up in high temp,
2) They dont have high Accuracy to take target while on the move.
3) Their Armour cant take direct hit, while Arjun Armour can take any Enemy Ammo at point blank range and move on unhurt, got it

Arjun tank tested for 80,000 Km , and Israeli Company Certified it best tank ,

Point 1

False. All equipment eventually breaks down in those temps ..... this is from personal experience

Point 2

False. Pure and simple. Accuracy on movement is totally determined by factors not governed exclusively by yourself. Topography as also the relative mobility of the target do play an important part

Point 3

Arjun cant also ... you have to see the acceptable levels of protection. Agreed Arjun is slightly better in terms of main armour.
chill guies, our army, come what may, will end up with around 2000 Arjun. but the point is should we stop upgradetation of our current MBT - T 72, which are night blind. you couldnt produce them over night. it will at least take a half a decade. best case senario upgrade at least 30% of T 72 and also go on full blast producing Arjun. 2015 i see around 300 upgraded T 72, 1500 T 90, 2500 Arjun. so chears.........

Ok for our amusement we stop upgradation of T-72s. Fair. Now will you compute and tell me how much time you shall take to get the Arjuns in place with adequate logistical and ordnance stocks so as to maintain adequate war preparedness?

Suggest how do we transport tanks to North Sikkim and Ladakh regions where the Tibetian Plateau provides an adequate tankable country? And how do we, in theory, put in adequate numbers quickly (comparatively) in case of a future armed conflict (totally theoretically) and in case of a breakthrough obtained to exploit the situation?
He's right mates, Indian T-72's are fodder, it's best they take up entrenched positions and you should stop upgrading when half the world including the force is saying the tanks are garbage.

Fodder will have to be seen in any future conflict ..... as of now, our doctrine will ensure adequate air superiority for us to protect majority of them ... (we hope so anyways :cheers:)
Ok for our amusement we stop upgradation of T-72s. Fair. Now will you compute and tell me how much time you shall take to get the Arjuns in place with adequate logistical and ordnance stocks so as to maintain adequate war preparedness?

Suggest how do we transport tanks to North Sikkim and Ladakh regions where the Tibetian Plateau provides an adequate tankable country? And how do we, in theory, put in adequate numbers quickly (comparatively) in case of a future armed conflict (totally theoretically) and in case of a breakthrough obtained to exploit the situation?

We have to get new tanks at one point or the other.
Arjun is much better than a T-72, you have to agree on that

The best way to induct it is by compromise really,
The Army upgrades a specific number of T-72. while concurrently Arjuns are being procured and inducted, replacing un-upgraded T-72's.

This goes on till they can meet at a middle ground when there are enough Arjuns with Logistics in place, to stop upgrading T-72's

And then Just Induct more Arjuns.

whats wrong with that, You made it sound in practical or impossible
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