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Arjun MK2 1st Pic arrived

Ive read that Pak mbts are superior to all indian tanks in service.
Post the link mate otherwise I'll tell you that I read isro222's posts that Aliens are working with India.

Provide an expert's opinion, not some TDH's analysis.

And to remind you, its not a v/s thread, if you want, create another thread.
Naming a machine by a Warrior name :lol:

................khalid was a warrior long time ago,realy he was never defeated....people calls him "THE SWORD OF ALLAH"

But calling a tank "Khalid" that does not mean that this tank won't be defeated by any other Tank & it also does not shows its superiority over other ones.

90% of names given to our equipment comes from Islamic History. Khalid Bin Waleed is the Sword of Allah and we have great honor for that name. Google Statistics show that Pakistan tops on several terms related to Islam. We begin our wars with "Nara-e-Takbeer Allah-o-Akber" and we die at Kalima "Ashadu-Al-Lailaha Illalah Wa Ashadu Ana Muhammad Abdoho wa Rasoolo". We are Islamic Jamhooria Pakistan my friend, it might not matter to Indians but for Pakistan Islam is in our blood and bones.

But by naming our Tank, we only like to refer to a great personality of Islam and don't think Khalid Bin Waleed is standing against Arjun of Hindu Dharam.
Lmao!! i dint know you read BS. :P

AK +T-80UD rules over T-90 N arjun.

Heard of MBT2000 mate ?? Reaserch it a bit ,also Power Plant is Ukrainian as Chinese one are suspected to breakdown more frequently . There is nothing Pakistani other than Driver and Commander mate. Same is not with T90 again.:D

Stupidity at its finest.
AK and T-80UD are technologically better than other Indian tanks but the T-90S is a beast. There's going to be some very stiff competition if the tanks were to go head to head.

Even on stats T-90s is inferior to our AK or AK-I.
AK and T-80UD are technologically better than other Indian tanks but the T-90S is a beast. There's going to be some very stiff competition if the tanks were to go head to head.

I guess IA is looking for some active protection system for T-90s and Arjun MK2s, Both Israeli and Swedish firms are in competition AFAIK. If introduced in large number, then can give considerable edge over our adversaries.
Even on stats T-90s is inferior to our AK or AK-I.

They're pretty evenly matched but the electronics suite on the T-90 is more advanced and it has GLONASS support which means you find a satellite more quickly and your position more accurately, possibly the AK MK-II might incorporate features to nullify this advantage.
AK and T-80UD are technologically better than other Indian tanks but the T-90S is a beast. There's going to be some very stiff competition if the tanks were to go head to head.

Sure Better Than T 72M ,but please for God sake keep ArjunMBT out of your competition ,it's an class of its own.
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