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Ariel Sharon: Profile of an Unrepentant War Criminal

I can tell u that we live in peace with Arabs in Israel. I studied with Arabs in uni and have Arab coworkers (one of my bosses is Arab). Dont have any issues at all.

Really? Arabs in Israel are fifth column, they hate our guts! and it is mutual.
No need,just a blind kitten.
Btw,why do you still care for your ''muslim brothers''?

Why don't you stop being a baby and talk to me directly. Until then you will stay a little girl.

Typical post from you, make no points at all just rant as you did in the past.
The UN "admitted" nothing - once again you're imposing your extremely poor reading skills onto reality. All the UN said was that the claims could not be verified - not that they were refuted.
BBC: UN says no massacre in Jenin
Your argument is only a BBC headline -- that's the one thing you're quoting, not what the UN actually said. But whatever, pass your day here repeating the same things if you'd like - I have better stuff to do, like not playing dumb on the internet by saying the same stuff yet and again.
so rather than beating around the bush why didn't you just say outright that you support the pig for killing innocent Muslims?
Farooq, if you know our history, you will never make a comment like that. Nobody knows him better than us an nobody took a firm stand against Israel as we do...We still to this day!

I am a wahabi?!
That's a little uncalled for..My sincere regrets

]Maybe you have amnesia or something, but didn't you see the hundreds of anti-wahabi posts I made on the Syrian thread and others?
I don't have amnesia. I was a little taken by surprise by the sudden shift your writing conveyed..That wasn't like you.
But I still enjoy to read you...!

Ariel Sharon: 5 key dates that will not forgotten

October 14, 1953 - Operation "Shoshana"

He began his military career in 1948 during the first Arab-Israeli war. Quickly promoted, he became an officer in the secret service in 1951 and took command of Unit 101, the first unit of the Israeli special forces.

October 14, 1953, his unit shaves Qibia village, located in Jordanian territory: 69 civilians were killed in the blast in their home. These are mainly women and children who lost their lives in the operation dubbed "Shoshana" by the IDF. At the time, Ariel Sharon said making sure the houses were emptied of their inhabitants. In his diary he wrote, however, have been ordered to make "an example ". The Israeli version was challenged the next day by a UN observer.

As a result, 24 November 1953, the Security Council of the United Nations adopted the resolution 101 condemning Israel .

1982 - Operation "Peace for Galilee"
Warlord, Defense Minister Ariel Sharon will be remembered as the one who prepared and led 1982 invasion of Lebanon. An operation called "Peace for Galilee".

This year, the Israeli army invaded its neighboring Lebanon, while in the throes of a civil war, in order to track the PLO, the Organization for the Liberation of Palestine. A Lebanese militia, the "Christian Phalangists" Israel's allies, attacked the camps of Sabra and Shatila in Beirut, where hundreds of Palestinians die.

On 8 February 1983, an official commission of inquiry will conclude his "personal responsibility" for having neither foreseen nor prevented the killings of the two Palestinian refugee camps. Ariel Sharon is then forced to resign.

For Palestinians, it will long the nickname "butcher of Sabra and Shatila."

September 29, 2000 - Visit the Temple Mount
In the early 2000s, relations between Palestinians and Israelis degrade, mainly because of the second Intifada. Aqsa intifada, the "war of stones" For many observers, this is a controversial visit by Ariel Sharon which is at the origin. September 28, 2000, he ascended the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, sacred place of Islam (this is also the Temple Mount to the Jewish community), surrounded by a cohort bodyguards. Very quickly, clashes erupted between the marshals and Muslim worshipers.

"I came with a message of peace. I came to see what happens on the holiest site in Judaism. It was not a provocation, the provocation came from the other side" , explains he faces a camera France 2.

If the responsibility for the outbreak is still being debated, this episode has led to a new round of violence with an increase in suicide bombings.

On 7 October 2000, the Security Council of the United Nations adopted Resolution 1322. A resolution deploring particularly the provocation of Likud leader.

In Israel, this does not prevent him from becoming Prime Minister in 2001. Position to which he was reappointed in 2003.

June 2002 - The Separation Wall
Faced with rising violence, Ariel Sharon chooses a "muscular" solution to prevent terrorists from entering Israel. He erected a "wall of protection" between Israel and the Palestinian territories.

In June 2002, the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, vote the project: a sinuous wall that extends from the extreme north of the West Bank to the south. Along more than 700km, the wall partly follows the "green line" border established in 1948, but it also pushes the West Bank to incorporate Jewish settlements.

Called "Apartheid Wall" or "wall of shame", this separation severely limits the movement of the Palestinian population. A wall that makes irreversible colonization and whose line still continues to evolve.

2004/2005 - The "Sharon Plan"
Dramatic turnaround for this staunch supporter of Israeli settlement, which believes that the cohabitation between Jews and Palestinians is no longer possible. In 2004, he decided to evacuate the Gaza Strip by organizing the Israeli withdrawal and the dismantling of settlements in this region. This is the "Sharon Plan" adopted in June 2004 a radical change in the policy hitherto . The plan covers 21 settlements in the Gaza Strip and four West Bank. In August 2005, the IDF eventually evacuate the last remaining families.

A plan supported by little the Israeli public but welcomed with joy the Palestinian side.

But in late 2005, Ariel Sharon fell seriously ill. On 4 January 2006, on the eve of a medical operation, he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage strong and falls into a coma, from which he never awakened.


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The thread had about 350 replies. It was a mess to a large extent. Half of the posts contained Hindus glorying this Child-Murderer and trolling. I challenged them openly and asked what their hatred for Muslims and Islam is bound in to which they had no replies for. Instead they continued to troll.

One psychologist really needs to study the mental well-being of those anti-Muslim Hindus and what this is bound in. My guess is centuries of Muslim rule and domination.

Anyway it was very interesting to see the huge interest of those Hindu's in local Muslim and Arab affairs in the ancient Middle East a region they have no ties or business in.

Repaying the same interest the other way around would be impossible. Something to think about.

RIP Anti-Muslim Ariel Sharon :)

It must be dem centuries of Muslim rule and domination.
RIP Anti-Muslim Ariel Sharon :)

It must be dem centuries of Muslim rule and domination.

LOL! Leave that aside bro...we are in modern world and many conquest occurred left and right. It was necessary back then and a different world Thant day. We a truly living something drastically different, only these past two centuries has seen such significant changes.

I'd like to learn about him, he said we wanted us all in Jordan and contemplated ethnic cleansing basically.

His son just made a statement saying my father has build the most settlements(illegal Jewish only settlements).
Accept that you have stolen their land and occupy their country

Everyone of them and their children is one more step towards ending israel

No they own Palestinian land! They lived there 2500 years ago!
LOL! Leave that aside bro...we are in modern world and many conquest occurred left and right. It was necessary back then and a different world Thant day. We a truly living something drastically different, only these past two centuries has seen such significant changes.

I'd like to learn about him, he said we wanted us all in Jordan and contemplated ethnic cleansing basically.

His son just made a statement saying my father has build the most settlements(illegal Jewish only settlements).

Bud I'm not concerned. What happened centuries ago, has to be left centuries ago. It was a savage time.
That's when there used to be real men. :D

In my not so humble opinion, you and I would likely be disgusted by most of those men. Their standards of hygiene, personal decorum, social niceties etc are far inferior to what is acceptable today.
In my not so humble opinion, you and I would likely be disgusted by most of those men. Their standards of hygiene, personal decorum, social niceties etc are far inferior to what is acceptable today.

Mooooslems were straight. ;)
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