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Ariel Sharon: Profile of an Unrepentant War Criminal

First time i see @al-Hasani speaking bad about the JEWS

That's because I just quit my job as a Mossad agent. I became tired of the beaches of Tel Aviv.

You know what is more astonishing? This is the first time I see you write a post without grammatical mistakes and a post containing more than 3 words.

Actually I am wrong about that. You made a couple of mistakes. But it's progress so congratulations.
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If you believe in Allah the Almighty, you will realize that even He did not want to take him back. He was in coma for 8 years. He was neither in this world nor the next.

I wish Allah forgives us and does not give us such exemplary death.
IMy sympathy is with Palestinian but didn't you think Arab did worse if Israel are aggressive.
This sort of speculation is useless. It helps no one - I mean, it helps Israelis in distracting from their war crimes against Palestinians, nothing else. It's like asking, in a Holocaust discussion, what if the Jews had gotten hold of the Nazis during WW2 -- not vice-versa? Instead of discussing these idle hypothesis, what about discussing real history - the history that it was Israel that started the overwhelming majority of the conflicts it has been in and that it was its "defense forces" that did the by far largest part of all the killing and displacing?

There's no reason to suppose Palestinians would've behaved as dishonourably towards the invading Jews as the Jews did to them. This is all idle talk to distract from the ones that are actually slaughtering and stealing land. When recently the Palestinians caught some Jewish colonists rioting and destroying their property, all they did was subdue the savages and call the IDF to pick them up. Compare that with the way the IDF behaves towards Palestinian children that they arrest.

And it's not like Sharon had any restraint himself. When he raided Qibya, authoring a massacre, he ordered his soldiers to kill all civilians within their reach, women included, whom he called "whores of the Arab infiltrators". It takes effort and intent to surpass Sharon's perverted callousness.


By the way, what the hell happened with the previous Sharon thread?
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Sharon is dead
Even with my back turned, you can guess my facial expression...

with his wife and son in 1977

Ariel Sharon in 2002.© Nir Elias / Reuters
January 11, 2014 | Updated January 11, 2014

Israel's former Prime Minister died on Saturday announced several Israeli media. He was in a coma since 2006.

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After eight years in a coma following a stroke, Ariel Sharon died Saturday at the age of 85 years at Sheba Medical Center in Tel Aviv, where he was hospitalized, announces the Israeli press . For several days, his condition had deteriorated and doctors were not optimistic: "We think are critically ill and his days are actually in danger. The feeling of

is that this damage is very serious, "warned Zeev Rotstein, the director of the institution on January 2, referring to a matter of" hours. " His two son were at his bedside since the announcement of the severity of his kidney problems, at the end of 2013. Ariel Sharon was not aware since January 2006, and a second stroke, two months after he had first overcome.​
In January 2013, against all odds, the former general had shown signs of consciousness, seven years after his stroke. "The patient is
in a

certain extent what we call "locked" it understands and responds with his brain but can not activate its muscles, "explained Alon Friedman,​
director of the Center

Soroka Medical, which was quickly dampened hopes " The chances of seeing out of this bed are very, very slim. "​

October 10, 1973, General Ariel Sharon gives guidance to colleagues.© Shlomo Arad / Government Press Office / Handout / Reuters

Born in Palestine, then under British protectorate, in 1928, Ariel Sharon became a military career in 1948 and fought for the defense of Israel. In the 1950s, he led Unit 101, the first of the Israeli armed forces. In 1967, during the Six-Day War, he was the head of a division in the Sinai, which played a key role in the installation of the forces of Israel in the Egyptian region. He is considered a hero by many Israelis for his role in the Yom Kippur War in 1973, when he outflanked the Egyptian forces. He had entered politics in 1973 at the age of 45.After one of the ranks of the members of the right-wing Likud year, he became Special Advisor for Security, appointed by the then Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin. Re-elected in 1977, he became Minister of Defence in 1981.
Ariel Sharon is also the origin of the separation wall between Israel and the West Bank and Israel's decision to withdraw from the Palestinian territory of Gaza, now run by the Islamist Hamas opposed the president, secular, of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, whose authority is exercised in that the West Bank.

Former Prime Minister, it was all Arab-Israeli 1948 and the founding of the State of Israel wars.Having for decades promoted the establishment of Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territories, created the surprise by announcing, in 2005, the unilateral withdrawal of the army and settlers from the Gaza Strip. In Gaza and the West Bank, the personality of the former general remains controversial. "Ariel Sharon is going in the same direction as the other tyrants and criminals whose hands are covered with Palestinian blood," said Khalil al Hayyaun, a leader of Hamas, earlier this year. In September 2000, a movement of Ariel Sharon, then a member of the opposition, on the site of the Temple Mount (the Temple Mount to Jews and Christians) was then considered by the Palestinians as a provocation. It had degenerated into deadly clashes and gave the signal of the second Palestinian Intifada.

The most significant event of his career remain the massacre of Sabra and Shatila, committed in Lebanon in 1982, after having developed and led invasion of the country. Then Minister of Defense, he was responsible for the deaths of hundreds, the balance sheet varies from 700 to 3,500 killed, Palestinian refugee camps for not having prevented the Lebanese Phalangists to enter the two camps, yet under Israeli. protection Nicknamed the "Butcher of Beirut", he was forced to resign but became Prime Minister in 2001 after serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1998 to 1999 following a return to government in 1996 thanks to the victory of the coalition right formed by Benjamin Netanyahu, the current Prime Minister. In 2005 he left Likud to form the centrist Kadima party, which comes Tzipi Livni, the current Minister of Justice of Israel.
Ariel Sharon and Lily in 1977 with their son.© Dudu Grunshpan / Reuters

State funeral should be held before Ariel Sharon is buried alongside his wife Lily, the mother of his son Omri and Gilad two, died in 2000 as a result of cancer.
Ariel Sharon in 2002.© Nir Elias / Reuters
January 11, 2014 | Updated January 11, 2014

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The Butcher

With Bush and the Palestinian larvae with his submission smile

That's because I just quit my job as a Mossad agent. I became tired of the beaches of Tel Aviv.

You know what is more astonishing? This is the first time I see you write a post without grammatical mistakes and a post containing more than 3 words.

Actually I am wrong about that. You made a couple of mistakes. But it's progress so congratulations.
ohhh man come back jeddah obhur beaches :(
Best thing , he has everdone...Putting a missile in Yasine @ss

After he threatened Bouteflika for shaking hands with Ohoud Barak

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Unbelievable, they still talk abut "Jenin massacre" although even Arab biased UN admitted there it did not happen.

Same way you guys still talk about Nazi's and their mass murders, even some says it never happened
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Unbelievable, they still talk abut "Jenin massacre" although even Arab biased UN admitted there it did not happen.

The UN "admitted" nothing - once again you're imposing your extremely poor reading skills onto reality.

All the UN said was that the claims could not be verified - not that they were refuted.

And why would that be? Why was the UN unable to give a definite statement on the matter? Why, because Israel prevented any on-the-ground investigation from taking place:
Around 1,500 families were made homeless when Israeli tanks and bulldozers demolished houses and shops in the narrow alleys in the heart of the refugee camp in April.

Why did Israel do that? Did Israel have anything to fear from an independent investigation?

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