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Are Trinamool MPs harbouring Bangladeshi terrorists in WB?

UP right now is busy making huge amends for their stupidity few years back. Sadly we can't say the same for Bengal. I bet these same morons who are openly supporting illegal immigrants will be elected again by Bengali people and you clearly what message it will send to the rest of country regarding west Bengali people's view on this issue. Bengalis only have themselves to be blamed for all the ill feelings they would be generating for themselves in the eyes of rest of the country.

In their defence, bengal too might be in the genesis of an BJP renaissance but a heavy muslim presence will certainly vitiate the environment.

However I must congratulate the Bengalis for the unique open minded mentality, the flip side being they take no pride in being Hindus or Hindu culture and way of life . :P
Make sure the party carders are not chopped and sliced and dice and maybe they will knock on doors.
Lol, looking at the support Modi is getting today, do you think cadres will be chopped and sliced? Few days back one BJP leader was assaulted by TMC. But that's politics. Mamata had to wait for fifteen years to come to power.She got beaten by Police thousand times but that did not deter her away.

What do you mean BJP was playing in the hand of CPI M. Please expand.

I already said. Half of the front bench of CPI M and TMC leaders would have been in jail if BJP or Congress were sincere to make a mark here. When Congress was TMC's ally in the last legislative election it was BJP which let its news group to help spreading CPI M propaganda.
What does that mean ?

It's an agrarian poor state.People were more concerned about their stomach which the left cashed on by land reform putting all other agendas depart through back door.
Lol, looking at the support Modi is getting today, do you think cadres will be chopped and sliced? Few days back one BJP leader was assaulted by TMC. But that's politics. Mamata had to wait for fifteen years to come to power.She got beaten by Police thousand times but that did not deter her away.

Not many states in India where party workers are physically assaulted and killed while seeking votes, is there ? ...another star for Bengal and bengalis.
Not many states in India where party workers are physically assaulted and killed while seeking votes, is there ? ...another star for Bengal and bengalis.
When BJP cadre got killed seeking votes?
Now you are just lying. I am unable to post links but a simple google search will demonstrate poll violence in bengal.
There have been massive rigging and poll violence. Who denied it. But which BJP cadre got killed seeking votes? Name the place. Don't call someone liar when you are twisting your own statement.
Mamata dares Modi on Bangladeshi migrants

Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee on
Saturday dared BJP Prime Ministerial candidate,
to implement his promise of sending
Bangladeshi’s packing after May 16 if his party
came to power, saying that the ‘paper tiger’
should first meet the ‘Royal Bengal Tiger’.
“Touch a single person, we will see. The paper
tiger should know there is a Royal Bengal tiger in
Sunderbans. First you face that,” Banerjee, the
Chief Minister, told an election meeting here.
Claiming that the Gujarat Chief Minister did not
know history, she said that Bangladeshis came to
India under a pact signed in 1971 by then Prime
Minister Indira Gandhi and Bangladesh President
Sheikh Mujibur Rehman.

Mamata dares Modi on Bangladeshi migrants issue | The Indian Express

@DRAY and others looks like Interesting times ahead
Why is she getting pissed off,when modi is talking about illegal immigrants
Why is she getting pissed off,when modi is talking about illegal immigrants

for securing illegal immigrants as well as local Muslim votes when bjp is eating into her upper caste, conservative Hindu votes in such case if Muslim abandon her for CPM then it will be a big disaster for her.
for securing illegal immigrants as well as local Muslim votes when bjp is eating into her upper caste, conservative Hindu votes in such case if Muslim abandon her for CPM then it will be a big disaster for her.
i thought even CPM also did the same,secularism in Indian politics is unite the minority votes and divide the majority votes.
Same goes for Kerala even though RSS has substantial presence there but literally minority population is too big
Muslim vote for IUML while Christian vote for Kerala Congress and Hindus vote for everyone. No wonder every party wants to appease Muslims.
@DRAY No offense mate, but if you elect regional parties with narrow mindset of just being in Power somehow, for 45+ years, than this is what you get. WB has been completely RUINED by Left & Didi.

Where was Left or TMC before 1977? Bengal was under Congress rule for 3 decades, Congress was wiped out from the state because of its actions in Bengal during emergency, Left came to power and consolidated their position among the majority of people in villages involved in farming through measures like land reforms. for the first 15 years they were very popular, but after that their victory in elections came primarily due to fragmented opposition resulting into division of votes, and partly because of what is know as "Scientific rigging".

Left under Buddhadeb did well in my opinion, especially the first 5 years, they were pro-industry and many important companies including TATA Nano came for his efforts only, he came to power for the second term with tremendous election results in his favour, but his fate was sealed primarily because of these reasons:

1. Common peoples' disgust with the "Dada" type attitude of ground level CPM workers.
2. Loss of seasoned political brains & organisers like Anil Biswas & Subhas Chakraborty due to their demise.
3. Lack of political maturity among new think tank, they couldn't convince people as well as ground level party workers about their new industrial policies, nor they could handle Mamata's cinical opposition politics effectively.
4. Mamata could convince the rural votebank that Left is now anti-poor & anti-farmer and giving land to capitalists, CPM couldn't counter that allegation well, nor they could convince rural votebank about the job potential of industries.
5. The killing of 14 people in Nandigram in police firing took away the 'intellectuals' also from the CPM.
6. In 2009 Loksabha elections TMC and Congress joined hands and consolidated the opposition votes, and did well, they gave the opposition a tremendous boost for 2011 assembly elections.

In short, in 2011 assembly elections people didn't choose Mamata, they actually rejected Left, and Mamata was the only other option available to the people. That's how I see it, though I admit that I am a Mamata-hater and I can be biased here.

But this time TMC - Congress alliance is not there anymore, TMC is now tainted, Congress is signboard only, and CPM is also shattered, but where is BJP? There is a Modi wave in Bengal also, but where is the organization? I am going to vote on 12th, but I still don't know who is the BJP candidate here!!! They will still get my vote, but how they will get the votes of my maid or my driver? And after that if they don't get enough votes then whose fault it is? The problem is, BJP's presence is so weak in Bengal that people can't just see them as an alternative who can actually win elections, they need to work hard and build the party here, elections can't be won with some rallies only.
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I wont be surprised of that old hag is doing this. Mumtaz 'Momta' Banerjee has priven for years that she doesn't care about what has to be done to remain in power.

Halting trains full of illegal banglas being sent back, for secularism, imprisoning critics and killing opposition. She is doung what the communists were doung for decades in WB.

The traitor openly supoirts terrorism in the guise of the infamous term ' secularism' and my fellow countrymen frim WB are too blind to even say anything.
In how many constituency did BJP put up a candidate in West Bengal legislative assembly election ?

In how many did they win ?

It is the ineptitude of the people of WB to determine their own fate and make the right choice that makes them swing they way they do.

Stop blaming others and take a cold hard look in the mirror. The answers lie there.

Bengalis are always the victims, just like Muslims are. Everyone else is responsible for their plight. The are innocent as doves.

In a democracy, the job of a political party is not just to put puppets in elections. They have to convince people.Go to the people,make organizations at ground level.Invest time in College politics and build leaders who can draw people's attention. You are advising me to stop blaming a small group of people while you are blaming a whole state. What kind of logic is this?

Yeah people came from other states to form BJP units in other states. The student leaders, organization build up in other states all happened due to external factors. There was absolutely no local participation. Poor orphan Bengal. No one came to teach Bengalis how not to think like communists.
Not many states in India where party workers are physically assaulted and killed while seeking votes, is there ? ...another star for Bengal and bengalis.

Yet they carry on the illusion of being the gentlest of Indians in peacetime.

for securing illegal immigrants as well as local Muslim votes when bjp is eating into her upper caste, conservative Hindu votes in such case if Muslim abandon her for CPM then it will be a big disaster for her.

And Muslims are supposed to be patriots?
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