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Are Muslims Better Off in Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah's Pakistan Today?


Doing, homework and not believing in wiki saves embarrassment. [From the same source]

*India is 3 spots up from Pakistan, which means you are more likely to get murdered in India than in Pakistan even with all of the unrest for last 10 years.

Wiki may have inaccuracies but you need to look at the source behind an article and assess for the validity behind an article.

P.S : not getting in between the discussions but being someone fond of wiki myself I wanted to highlight that.
Of course Muslims are doing better in Pakistan. Indian Muslims receive so much hate, discrimination, bias, prejudice, and torture from the Hindus. No one can deny that.

http://www.icra.in/Files/ticker/ICRA Eco Outlook.pdf

Lol, we made muslims our president only to harass them, we made them our speaker and ministers only to torture them. and see, who thanked you :rofl:

Of course Muslims are doing better in Pakistan. Indian Muslims receive so much hate, discrimination, bias, prejudice, and torture from the Hindus. No one can deny that.

http://www.icra.in/Files/ticker/ICRA Eco Outlook.pdf

Lol, we made muslims our president only to harass them, we made them our speaker and ministers only to torture them. and see, who thanked you :rofl:

Doing, homework and not believing in wiki saves embarrassment. [From the same source]

*India is 3 spots up from Pakistan, which means you are more likely to get murdered in India than in Pakistan even with all of the unrest for last 10 years.

Dude are you serious? The murder rate in Pakistan is more than twice that of India, so you are twice as likely to get murdered in Pakistan than in India. You using absolute numbers of a country six times more populous is just precious, the per capita rate determines likelihood. Basic math.
Dude are you serious? The murder rate in Pakistan is more than twice that of India, so you are twice as likely to get murdered in Pakistan than in India. You using absolute numbers of a country six times more populous is just precious, the per capita rate determines likelihood. Basic math.
Sir even if this is basic math formula is done still the murders in your country are fare more in number than Pakistan and USA it is almost 30000 people murdered only last year I mean 2012
Guys stop this Indian Muslim v/s Pakistan Muslim comparison. There are enough threads on this particular comparison.

Come back to topic.

Sir even if this is basic math formula is done still the murders in your country are fare more in number than Pakistan and USA it is almost 30000 people murdered only last year I mean 2012
Dude, 180 million Pakistanis v/s 1.2 billion Indians, you really think comparing total number of murders is the "BASIC MATH" formula to determine this. :lol:
Dude are you serious? The murder rate in Pakistan is more than twice that of India, so you are twice as likely to get murdered in Pakistan than in India. You using absolute numbers of a country six times more populous is just precious, the per capita rate determines likelihood. Basic math.
@Aeronaut i see that you deliberately mentioned absolute crime rates and not per capita crime rate in your attempt to paint India as having a law and order situation worse than Pakistan's.

This is a call on that attempt of yours.

The next time you feel the need to compare any crime rate, income, emigration rate, etc - MAKE sure you use per capita. You would not like the results if you wish to compare with India.
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Dude are you serious? The murder rate in Pakistan is more than twice that of India, so you are twice as likely to get murdered in Pakistan than in India. You using absolute numbers of a country six times more populous is just precious, the per capita rate determines likelihood. Basic math.

Backtracking from your own source? Thought so.

@Aeronaut i see that you deliberately mentioned absolute crime rates and not per capita crime rate in your attempt to paint India as having a law and order situation worse than Pakistan's.

This is a call on that attempt of yours.

The next time you feel the need to compare any crime rate, income, emigration rate, etc - MAKE sure you use per capita. You would not like the results if you wish to compare with India.

What about, you provide a source everyone can trust instead of pretending to be learned while you aint?
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Actually the problem is that we guys dont know what our religions says all we know is either our self created analysis or by some swami,pandit or a mulla or Qari etc.
WE actually dont bother to read our holly scriptures n try to understand it n real way it should be understood.
In Bhavishav Puranna n Uppanishads Prophet Mohammad is named n he is mentioned there also r the names (by meaning) of his parents n the place where he will or his companions will come ie Desert....
That does not mean that those people r we the Pakistanis or persions who came from there but it means what knowledge with them came with of way of life....

Islam spread through sufies in this regions n Awlia Akram ie Nizam ud Aulia, Khawaja Chistie of Ajmer etc.
If u even today meat with a devoted elder SADHU he will tell u about this in detail.......Also there is a Mumbaiker Named Dr Zakir Naik he is the student of Islam n comparative religions he tells about this in great detail. Watch is video named similarities b/w islam n hinduasim u will learn a lot that u havnt learned before.
Also people in Pak who study deep in religion philosophy say that Hindu Mat is also a sister religion of islam as its existence dates from Prophet Ibrahim as he had sent his representatives in this region to preach God's Words here andthey call ''hindus as Ahl e Kitab'', because Hindu kitabs have bhavishimani of Prophet Mohammad by name n his parents as well as the place h or his companions will come!!!

Brother we have lot in common....

I agree that we should not fight on the basis of religion but to say that there is a mention in any of hindu scripture about prophet is a pure lie and cunningly manipulated translation. actually there is no where in any book of any religion is a mention of any other prophet. there is a certain section in every religion which is always keep trying to prove that their religion is pure and according to science, all other books are indicating about truthfulness of their religion. but this is pure farce, and is attempt to attract as much follower as they can.
And this jakir nike is the biggest joker and fraud india has seen in 21st century.
the main thing is to dont do bad things and be constructive and positive. and God dont need any intermediary between him and his creation.
Ilmoon Bas Karin o Yaar

lm na aawe wich shumar
Iko alif tere darkar
jandi umar nahin aitbaar
Ilmon bas karin o yaar

Parh parh lakh lakh lawin dhair
Dhair kitaban chaar chophir
Garde chanan, wich anhir
Pucho rah te khabar na saar

Ilmoon Bas Karin o Yaar

Indian Muslims don’t fare well at all, says US reportZia Haq, Hindustan Times

New Delhi, October 01, 2012

Two India reports by the US-India Policy Institute, a Washington-based think-tank, has noted a steady decline in key human development indicators of Muslims, apart from high hunger levels in Gujarat, one of India’s fastest growing statesThe UPA government had rolled out multiplewelfare programmes after the 2006 Sachar Committee report on disadvantages faced by Muslims.

The research, which takes a post-Sachar look, suggests that the government’s minority welfare agenda could be floundering due to inadequate outreach and exclusion, the very drawbacks it aims to plug. The research was anchored by Abusaleh Shariff, lead economist of the Sachar Committee report, and is due out in December.University of California, Riverside economist Anil B Deolalikar, the lead author of the International Food Policy Research Institute’s India Hunger Index, is also on the US-India Policy Institute’s panel.

The institute’s Gujarat paper, titled Relative Development of Gujarat and Socio-Religious Differentials, says the state had high levels of hunger, while “simultaneously boasting” high per capita income. It also is among the lowest beneficiaries from a national rural jobs programme.Shariff said new evidence indicates that despite funneling over Rs. 7,000 crore for multi-pronged plans in the past five years, exclusion could still be holding back socio-economic recovery of over 150 million Muslims.

The main philosophy behind the Sachar report, according to Shariff, was to enable minorities to gain social and economic access in line with their population share. “However, some of the initiatives... are aimed at providing immediate benefit. Such policies will have little if at all priority in the bureaucratic scheme of things,” Shariff said.The current approach, whereby government creates specific schemes for minorities, could create a wedge between competing communities, he added

Indian Muslims don

*According to this, almost as many Muslims need "economic recovery" as Pakistan has humans.
Thanks God we are in Pakistan.....:bunny:

Love u Pakistan & Sir Qaid-e-Azam :)

If all of you think pakistan is a better place to live than india..... Then you should be happy.... I am sure Sri Jinna also will be happy if that is the case..... Why we discuss then?
If all of you think pakistan is a better place to live than india..... Then you should be happy.... I am sure Sri Jinna also will be happy if that is the case..... Why we discuss then?

its not only we Pakistanis says this any neutral person who hav visited both countries says the same......(with no offense)
welll the thread is =Are Muslims Better Off in Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah's Pakistan Today?
Answer is a big no

well at least all pakistanies can differ but reality they no well until or unless pakistnies rectify these problems nothin can change the pathettik state of pakista

1. demolish and kill Feudal system and there backers

2.Pakistanies dont change there owt look of world thekedaari & domination and try to make Pakistanies feel more safer than trying to have strategikk assets and depth

3. have a uniform eduction policy which teaches
A. there is no short cut to sucsess and should beleave in hard work rather to wait for a Messiah
B. teach younger genration to respect every sect rather to have a bais towards other minority sects and relegions
C.teach them true history so they rectify there past mistakes & dont look to world through a prism of relegeon and racial hokus phokus
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