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Are Muslims Better Off in Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah's Pakistan Today?

I would like to share this one crucial fact with both Indian members and Pakistani members.
Specifically @FaujHistorian

During partition, from India most of the educated and middle class Muslims shifted to Pakistan. Those who stayed behind in India were mostly either the Muslim elites or the Muslim lower/peasant class.

Pointed this out dozens of times. Unlikely that someone like FaujHistorian doesn't know though he did make a point about relatives who might have been on the same economic scale. I have always argued that the partition & the emigration of a Muslim middle class to Pakistan skews the way the average Muslim is seen in India. This reflects in any & all surveys when this underdeveloped strata is compared with the whole of Hindu society. Comparing it within the same economic strata might show that any difference in condition is small. Having said that, we have no choice but to make sure that this group develops. Simply cannot allow this to fester into more of a sore point than it is now with every new survey reinforcing the belief of victimisation and contributing to that vicious cycle.
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And Bangladeshis got rid of you by liberating East Pakistan.Its a matter of perspective.You can interpret it anyway you want.
HAHAHA East Pak was ''liberated'' by yr agartala conspiracy.
And it was at its best just a internal matter of Pak just like today red corridor is yrs where NEXELS MOISTS r strong then taliban in Here.

Also u guys had stopped our supplies too as u didnt trust us to fight man to man or eye to eye basis. Also the area was thousands miles away with just 30,000 troops stationed there n yr claim of 90,000+ POWs is just a claim at its best as they were not that much stationed there.One last think is that u were b/w us n them n u banned Pak's military n commercial flights over yr air space so realistically it wasnt possible.Also Sharmila Ghose who is the grand daughter of yr Congress leader n former freedom fighter as well as the articals of Col Dalim wh was the commander of mukti bani which was also posted in this forum by a bengali named ''kokiraz'' also tells a different story. And they r way too credible to believe in.

But never the less, we accept it as our defeat n there is not question abt it as atleast we do have moral courage unlike u who dont accept yr defeat in 1965.

But actualy point is that it was the economic reasons mainly why bengalis were not happy, so now this report shows that even today when they r governed by their own Bengais so why r they still behind today from pakistan???
As this report is credible enough and tells the story that u r not told by yr gov as u people seems to only believe in what yr gov tells u n u dont see reality with an open mind.

i hope this answer your question what he meant by reduction in burden

India's visionary knew this ppl knows nothing accept there religion and to kill each other in name of religion ...thats why India accepted the partition..Look around what happenning in your nation know.

As far as ppl fear India want to capture pakistan and unite it with its mainland....firstly Indians won't allow it....

LOL "visonaries"
These are the same guys who made India the world's largest population of starving.
And all I see is cognitive dissidence here from Indians.
If you truly didn't want Pakistan to be part of India you would treat us like Myanmar or Nepal, or SriLanka. Instead we have so much venom against Pakistan that Muslims in India are not even allowed to say "I like Pakistan"
You justify it all you want but that is the reality.

And it's funny to hear Bhartis talk about religion when they are sending people to Jail for simply eating beef.
You people start communal violence like it was a sport.
Hindus getting pissed at Muslims? Lets destroy some building and kill some people
Getting Pissed at Sikhs? Lets launch a military operation on their holy temples.

No other nation on earth is as dominated by religious hatred as India.

And since you like to post Youtube videos, I can do the same

we didn't start it man,there is no need to.

Please dont try to lie blatantly after 65 years.

really? every historical account says that Hindus were the first to start violence and Muslims responded in Kind.

You guys are living the lie of a 4000 year old country called Bharat.
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Your failure as state was already predicted that why nehru etc were in favor of partition as they knew that British are here and its good chance otherwise we will have country dominated by islamist and history of sub continent shows that islamic rulers have always been brutal and spread violence here.

:coffee:another dream of nehru but in future inshallah u will be an Islamic republic just wait n watch.
:coffee:another dream of nehru but in future inshallah u will be an Islamic republic just wait n watch.

If they are of the opinion Nehru broke India into two, we should welcome it. I approve of any Hindu, Jew , Christian who accepted the national identity of Muslims in India and supported two nation theory :coffee:


The unspoken hero of Pakistan movement :D
hurr durr..how did USA and South africa come into the equation..were they part of the subcontinent ever ? were they involved in the partition ?

lol you paks are a funny lot..you try to insist that Partition was good for you...and when Indians say, true bro, I was good for us too..you get all pissed off and try to make us believe it was not good for us..lol...go drink a cup of lassi..

Just correcting the lies you have been taught at birth and rectifying your cognitive dissidence.

Pakistan is as much a part of ROI as USA and South Africa. So when you do mental gymnastics and say silly things like we were a burden for you, then I have no choice but to mock you intellect.

So once again, please tell me how a country that was never part of your country a "burden" to you?
If anything, India is a burden to the world, do you know how many times i see shows on TV for "Help the starving children of India" ?
Just correcting the lies you have been taught at birth and rectifying your cognitive dissidence.

Pakistan is as much a part of ROI as USA and South Africa. So when you do mental gymnastics and say silly things like we were a burden for you, then I have no choice but to mock you intellect.

So once again, please tell me how a country that was never part of your country a "burden" to you?
If anything, India is a burden to the world, do you know how many times i see shows on TV for "Help the starving children of India" ?

You know he is just trolling. Fact of the matter is any thread about making of Pakistan is treated as a personal insult to some Indians and they should work on it rather then blaming Pakistan. I'm all for good relations with saner Indians.
Let the "doubters" or the Pakistan haters continue to spread their ignorance.

fact of the matter is -- it comes down to visionary, patriotic, honest leadership. It comes down to law and order, and enforcing it. That is lacking. You can't have these things without the other.

Are Muslims better off in Pakistan today --- yes they are. But more needs to be done to address the socio-economic issues which affect anybody regardless of their religious beliefs.
Let the "doubters" or the Pakistan haters continue to spread their ignorance.

fact of the matter is -- it comes down to visionary, patriotic, honest leadership. It comes down to law and order, and enforcing it. That is lacking. You can't have these things without the other.

Are Muslims better off in Pakistan today --- yes they are. But more needs to be done to address the socio-economic issues which affect anybody regardless of their religious beliefs.

The real question is "are Muslims free in Pakistan today" hell yes they are and we will be forever grateful to Jinnah, Iqbal (and according to some Indians) Nehru for that.

Hell will have to freeze over before something close to this can even be contemplated.

watch the news, Assam just became Muslim majority, invasion has started :D
The real question is "are Muslims free in Pakistan today" hell yes they are and we will be forever grateful o Jinnah. Iqbal (and according to some Indians) Nehru for that.

watch the news, Assam just became Muslim majority, invasion has started :D

If it wasn't for our Leader M.A. Jinnah we would all be eating aloo gobi only and say good bye to our glorious culinary history when Beef and other meats would be banned.
If it wasn't for our Leader M.A. Jinnah we would all be eating aloo gobi only and say good bye to our glorious culinary history when Beef and other meats would be banned.

I can't dream of a life without seekh kebabs :D


Anyone who has not tried keebabs from namak Mandi in Peshawar doesn't know what he is missing.
watch the news, Assam just became Muslim majority, invasion has started :D

Remember Babri Masjid ? That was the response of the masses.

Assam is no where close to where ppl would like to think it is , nor shall ever be.
Hell will have to freeze over before something close to this can even be contemplated.


Yes ur right n u have freedom of choices but im talking about yrs new generations n their generation........

Maybe after 75 years or so. Always think for the future.

PS. dont be offended i was replying to a troll with same way he was replying me hehe....
my post dont represent Educated n humble people of yr caliber.
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