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Are most of the Pakistanis patriotic?

IMO, the circumstances in which Pakistan has gone through , during Zia's era to NS, and now our ever so propagandising Media, has taken out the "patriotic sting" from most of us. These demoralising factors have done enough to rip the word patriotism and its execution from the hearts of most. There are a lot of people who still think "Pakistan first", but it is something very hard to do, especially if u r living in Pakistan.
No government can suddenly free our land from bribes, zero law and order, lack of jobs,sectarianism. But what can be done is to observe the intentions of every coming and going government. and if one notices that a particular leadership is willing to work for Pakistan and not just for his seat, then that is the point at which the people should be hopefull, and think that atleast this is one oppurtunity in which, through our patriotism, we can take Pakistan to heights.But even if that point we keep falling in the hands of evil factors who are ready to destroy Pakistan, then we can safely assume that the nation as a whole does not the understand the difference b/w right and wrong and has no patriotism, why? because this difference can only be understood if there is patriotism and love for his/her country.
all pakistanis are patriotic except,
1- lawyers
2- politicians
3- intelects
4- religious groups
5- army top brass
6- most of civil society
Are most of the Pakistanis patriotic?

Every day I meet with people and watch TV and I am amazed to see that how easily people say that God Forbid Pakistan will disintegrate, The politicians do not have any concerns over the world situation they are only concerned about restoring CJ (so that he can provide benefits to them in return), cricketers are dying to Play in other countries, actors are acting in anti-Pakistani films and than shamelessly coming back here and working here as well. Pakistan was disintegrated in 1971 and many people are falling in trap of Indians, thinking of eliminating the borders.

Members comment please!

Salman I dont see anything wrong with the above people are free to do what ever they feel like may be you are to young to know in 1965 and 1971 the common man and ofcouse the elite who didn't fight the Indians they contributed a lot. Money , food and man power flowed like water I was amazed at the people of lahore specially lahore people cooked food in there houses and used to deliver them to our soilders at the border.
East and West was not the fault of Pakistan it was a political move, its no ones fault, you tell me if you are the president of Pakistan how will you run 2 countries with the same name and the enemy sitting in-between. If we would have kept Bangladesh there is no way to run it sitting in islamabad. I dont see anything wrong with the actors working in Indian movies, players going to india or uk to play. I think its time that we grow out of the nutshell of hatered. Hann on one point i will agree we need to get rid of dirt politions we have people who are eating our country for decades and no one has done anything, and when Army takes over to protect the country you guys dont like it.
Yes Being an optimistic but realistic person i am sure that about 90% population love to country being "Patriotic".:pakistan:

While remaining 10% are not Pakistani, having properties, business abroad, while they live in Pakistan to eating Pakistan as much as possible.
We alll knows about these eaters.:devil:
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