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Are Hindus actually tolerant?

Except for the dalits and lower caste hindus.

How many dalits and lower casts are killed every day?

Radicalization is such disease that it do not allow you to see the truth. I think you must midgrate to the nation of your choice like saudi, syria, Iraq pakistan etc. You will enjoy the freedom and equal rights over there.
And you a dalit like you knows more about caste system? LOL!!\

LOL!! Funny how you hindus suffer from short-term memory loss. Ghaznavi, Ghori, Taimur remember?
Now, there we have a Pakistani, trying to act like more Afghan than the actual Afghan, more Mongol than the actual Mongol, more Arab than the actual Arab, and last but not the least, judging by the flag, more Indian than an actual Indian!
If you did not have such a severe case of identity crisis, and tried to be a Pakistani for a change, then perhaps, by now, you could have actually achieved something worth mentioning. Instead, you have a country, that runs on alms from IMF, which, probably sent it's last installment.
Tolerant of what?

Hindus are tolerant of things that other people do not, such as:

1) open defecation
2) the caste system
3) gang rapes
4) bride burning
5) freedom to eat beef
6) having delusions such as India becoming a superpower by 2020
What a stupid title.

Tolerance have nothing to do with the religion. It is the interpretation of that religion by a specific community that actually matter. So saying whether HINDHUs are tolerant or MUSLIMS are tolerant is a stupid and flaming question to begin with. Please keep religion out of it, whether it is Islam Christianity of Hinduism!!
To begin with , There were 4 Varna and all were equal . Movement was possible .
Brahmin=Kshatriya=Vaisya=Shudra formed Hindu society .

It was never like this ,


After the fall of the Gupta empire , Hindus lacked a strong national ruler . In next 500 years , it became rigid , Movement became impossible .

I want to make it clear , There was no concept of Untouchables as per Dharma . It was brought up by the society .

Hindus have seen the rule of all 4 Varnas .
Maybe ( this is my personal point ), When someone did some act of corruption , he was thrown out of the system and was called an outcaste . Like Brahmin killing a Cow , Kshatriya killing innocent people , Vaisya involved in corrupt dealings etc .
You have no idea about mahabharata, the main aim of you to vent your frustration and insult people here, bye !

What is your understanding of Mahabharat?

How many dalits and lower casts are killed every day?

So it is okay to kill dalits and lower castes if the numbers are few? Such tolerance!!

Radicalization is such disease that it do not allow you to see the truth. I think you must midgrate to the nation of your choice like saudi, syria, Iraq pakistan etc. You will enjoy the freedom and equal rights over there.


Now, there we have a Pakistani, trying to act like more Afghan than the actual Afghan, more Mongol than the actual Mongol, more Arab than the actual Arab, and last but not the least, judging by the flag, more Indian than an actual Indian!
If you did not have such a severe case of identity crisis, and tried to be a Pakistani for a change, then perhaps, by now, you could have actually achieved something worth mentioning. Instead, you have a country, that runs on alms from IMF, which, probably sent it's last installment.

If you stopped being stupid there could have been hope for you. But alas!
If you stopped being stupid there could have been hope for you. But alas!
Yes, a random loser over the internet is handing out certificates now. You picked up that trend from Axact ? Tell me, do most of the Pakistanis think like you, or you are a special case ?
Yes, a random loser over the internet is handing out certificates now. You picked up that trend from Axact ? Tell me, do most of the Pakistanis think like you, or you are a special case ?

You are still being stupid, talk to me when your IQ has improved.
Hindus face and throw discrimination against one another. Nepalis are Hindu but they would not be showed the same respect from an upper caste Brahmin like Shukla. The caste divide of hindu religion is he root cause for intolerance.

Just in case if you are deliberately trying to be out of touch with reality ..... I know at least one dozens main priest in different temples who come from low caste ..... Second low or high it is we( Hindus) have been fighting for the cause within the society.....
I happen to discuss the same within my own community n tell the ppl the real Brahmin to me was "Baba Saheb Ambedkar" who reflected his true intellect skills while crafting the constitution n rest all of us are just shudra or vaishya by the virtue of our profession even though we claimed to be of high caste or Brahmins .....
Just in case if you are deliberately trying to be out of touch with reality ..... I know at least one dozens main priest in different temples who come from low caste ..... Second low or high it is we( Hindus) have been fighting for the cause within the society.....
I happen to discuss the same within my own community n tell the ppl the real Brahmin to me was "Baba Saheb Ambedkar" who reflected his true intellect skills while crafting the constitution n rest all of us are just shudra or vaishya by the virtue of our profession even though we claimed to be of high caste or Brahmins .....

Give your boring lecture to dalit families whose family members were killed by upper castes.

aww.. did not know you are an Axact degree holder too.. Well, what can I say.

Start by recognising the flags of countries. Is it only you or are Hindus naturally this dumb?
Give your boring lecture to dalit families whose family members were killed by upper castes.

Start by recognising the flags of countries. Is it only you or are Hindus naturally this dumb?

Those who killed are Criminals , Murderers . An act of violence has nothing to do with which caste , Color , Creed , race and religion he belongs .
Just as the saying goes :
For a meany , Its all about me , they , U .
But for Magnanimous , Its all about All , Everyone
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No, not anymore. Indian secular brigade along with radical Muslim and extremist Christian groups in India can cry all they want but Hindus will expose their ugly face.

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