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Are Hindus actually tolerant?

Hindus had been super tolerant then, when foreigners invaded india they sided with the foreigners, when moguls invaded india rajpuths gave their wives and daughters, now khans have hindu ladies and insult hindus, when invaders destroyed temples they kept watching, when anyone insults hindu religion or culture praise the insulter as a great man, todays secularists and enemies want hindus to live like henpecked, haphazard, divided, self criticizing, slavish , without self respect, politically , educationally, economically, backward, they don't want hindus get more aware of their religion, so they will do everything to harm the interests of hindus.

Hindus had been super tolerant then, when foreigners invaded india they sided with the foreigners, when moguls invaded india rajpuths gave their wives and daughters, now khans have hindu ladies and insult hindus, this is the tolerence now, when invaders destroyed temples they kept watching, when anyone insults hindu religion or culture praise the insulter as a great man, todays secularists and enemies want hindus to live like henpecked, haphazard, divided, self criticizing, slavish , without self respect, politically , educationally, economically, backward, they don't want hindus get more aware of their religion, so they will do everything to harm the interests of hindus.
Too much of foul play is used by the people , Now Get
[QUOTE ="ranjeet, post: 7933822, member: 147124"]No, not anymore. Indian secular brigade along with radical Muslim and extremist Christian groups in India can cry all they want but Hindus will expose their ugly face.[/QUOTE]

bhakt mission... like the girl in love jihad case...
What a stupid title.

Tolerance have nothing to do with the religion. It is the interpretation of that religion by a specific community that actually matter. So saying whether HINDHUs are tolerant or MUSLIMS are tolerant is a stupid and flaming question to begin with. Please keep religion out of it, whether it is Islam Christianity of Hinduism!!

Yes :tup:

Religion is only ONE of the things that bind individuals. Other things like race, class, education, interests have an equal and in some case greater role in deciding loyalty of an individual to a group. Religion is ONE source of the value system of an individual but there are many other sources too. How else do you explain the numerous cases when individuals born into totally different religions share the same opinion while people born into the same religion often violently disagree.
Are you ashamed of keeping your country's flags?

Are you ashamed of intelligence that you come up with such stupid comments?

hahaha.. if you were twice as smart, you'd still be more stupid than a cow. Now go get your Axact degree.

Kalam was smarter han a cow so are all Muslims, that's why your gau mata ends up on our menu.

Hinduism wrong or the people who are not following?

hindu scriptures demand caste division, people follow it.

hen moguls invaded india rajpuths gave their wives and daughters

Because the rajputs lost and they were cowards.
Kalam was smarter han a cow so are all Muslims, that's why your gau mata ends up on our menu.

I wonder with all that smartness, how do you manage to stoop down so low that you have to live off alms from IMF ?
Yes :tup:

Religion is only ONE of the things that bind individuals. Other things like race, class, education, interests have an equal and in some case greater role in deciding loyalty of an individual to a group. Religion is ONE source of the value system of an individual but there are many other sources too. How else do you explain the numerous cases when individuals born into totally different religions share the same opinion while people born into the same religion often violently disagree.
I wont say that religion is a reason that blind individuals. On the contrary, religion in its true sense will be very enlightening and can provide a solution of all our problems. The problem is that non of us follow the religion to the core and still we blame the religion for our problems.
Hindus face and throw discrimination against one another. Nepalis are Hindu but they would not be showed the same respect from an upper caste Brahmin like Shukla. The caste divide of hindu religion is he root cause for intolerance.
Its our social problem and we have to correct that, no denying even today it is present in society

And you a dalit like you knows more about caste system? LOL!!\

LOL!! Funny how you hindus suffer from short-term memory loss. Ghaznavi, Ghori, Taimur remember?

For his own greed and duryodhan is the villain of mahabharat as decreed by the heros. Duryodhan became a villain because he adopted a low caste as his friend. And what about ekelavya, what kingdom did he receive?
Dude one serious problem with you is that you start debating what you don't know about
I wont say that religion is a reason that blind individuals. On the contrary, religion in its true sense will be very enlightening and can provide a solution of all our problems. The problem is that non of us follow the religion to the core and still we blame the religion for our problems.
I used the word bind not blind .....very different meaning :p:

Also, second sentence...don't agree with it....same excuse is used by communists who say if only true communism is followed all ills of society will be cured...the problem is that human beings can never follow true communism because it goes against the grain of basic human nature....but let's leave this topic alone for now. :-)
You dont need to analyse scripture to find whether hindus are tolerant or not. Based on our behaviour I dont think we are particularly more tolerant than people of other faith.
Tolerance depends on local culture than religion. Asians are not very violent in general and tolerate more than others.
To fellow Hindus :

Does it feel better to Tolerate others or Accept others .
Tolerate = We dislike U but we will tolerate U
Accept = U are poor still we accept U

I am Confused :undecided:
I used the word bind not blind .....very different meaning :p:

Also, second sentence...don't agree with it....same excuse is used by communists who say if only true communism is followed all ills of society will be cured...the problem is that human beings can never follow true communism because it goes against the grain of basic human nature....but let's leave this topic alone for now. :-)

Oky my bad, it was bind and not blind and that changes the whole argument.

As for the second part, you are entitled to your own views sir. I do not know about communism but the more i learn about religion the firm my belief gets that it have solutions to all our problems. It is just we do not understand it correctly, we are fed with wrong interpretations and most importantly we never follow what little we do understand. So it is us who are to be blamed and not the religion. At least for me it is this way.
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