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Are China and India converging?

This is another view of Germans-

Germany woos city's businessmen

NASHIK: A delegation of German officials who visited Nashik on Sunday have urged Nashik entrepreneurs to expand their business in Germany in the electrical, electronics, engineering, research, medical, mobile technology and other sectors.

With an aim to boost the business of entrepreneurs from Nashik and get opportunities to their products in Germany, the delegation had been invited by the Ambad Industries & Manufacturers' Association (AIMA) as part of their initiative to boost development opportunities for Nashik businesses had invited the delegation of German officials to Nashik.
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Addressing the entrepreneurs, Dr. Hans Roth said, "Indian entrepreneurs have good opportunities in electronics, electrical engineering, R&D, and medical and communications mobile technology among several and other categories. Hence, Entrepreneurs from Nashik must expand their business in Germany and we are ready to co-operate with you in this regard." connection."

Dr. Roth also guided entrepreneurs on industry related laws of in the European nation the Germany and replied to the queries posted by members of the audience. of the entrepreneurs.

When asked entrepreneurs asked him which products would get first priority, Indian or Chinese, he will give the first priority- Indian or Chinese?

Dr. Roth said Indian products would be favored. "I will definitely give the first priority to Indian products and will buy the products from Indian industrialists..." he said because Indians speak other languages very well. and they are very honest and diligent.

Germany woos city's businessmen - Times Of India
Hey Mr Götterdämmerung, i still don't get your concern for a mass migration. Our nation has a stable setup besides all the odds of deiversity and having a good population of all religion. Yet we have atained growth, stability and strong justice department.
Your Idea of India failing and mass migration towards your German border happening is a utopia and if you feel that it might happen in the near future. Kindly provide us the idea of how we can save ourself or leave that job to our PM and Cabinet to decide on how we can save ourself.

Note - The Topic is about INDIA and China getting along with each other for the betterment of each other and for that of the region and the Globe as a whole. So STFU and talk about where we INDIAN and Chines are converging rather than posting your BS that INDIA is destined to fail. Our UNIVERSITIES produce more graduates than your entire EUs output.
and I know your bull cr@p and cheap attempt to try and insult Indian products. I know from my experience that the worlds top brands use Indian fabrics and come with "Made in India" tags as well.

india's product level is not for me to judge, i am saying as a businessman in the field, as far as i know apart from some jewellery sectors, India is not a place for making excellent quality garment (but cheap low-end rangs) there no world top brand (gap, G-star, ZARA are low-end mass marketing brands) out-sourcing productions from India apart from importing raw materials yet again has nothing to do with manufacturing know-how but the local weather.

i can really say you have 0 knowledge of what you are arguing with me, basically you hitting your ignorant head against harsh reality
Götterdämmerung;2543172 said:
2. All captalists are profiting at the expense of the workers, what else?
it's called cheap salary for labour.
One Question, can they live with the cheap salary forever?
The place I'm from is famous for conducting mass strikes for these kinds of things whole round of year, in pretty much every fields. So that might not just work here.
india's product level is not for me to judge, i am saying as a businessman in the field, as far as i know apart from some jewellery sectors, India is not a place for making excellent quality garment (but cheap low-end rangs) there no world top brand (gap, G-star, ZARA are low-end mass marketing brands) out-sourcing productions from India apart from importing raw materials yet again has nothing to do with manufacturing know-how but the local weather.

i can really say you have 0 knowledge of what you are arguing with me, basically you hitting your ignorant head against harsh reality
And do you know that the German FIFA that was organized last time ordered all the sports t-shirts from INDIA(Tirupur, Tamil Nadu).
Do you know that popular brands such as Arrow, Perter England, Van Husaen are manufactured in INDIAN garment industries, which are shipped to elsewhere in the Globe.
Chines are the number 1 export market, no doubt about it, but yes we do have our place in the export market. Thats the reason that the BRIC has India in it, the list of Countries that are entitled to be the next permanent members of the UN has INdia in it despite Germany, Japan and SA.
Exactly and why not India do the same with China, to effectively bring down the trade deficit. Its not as if we will lose by not trading with you guys.
now you are not just been ignorant but extremely naive like most of your people, even India puts on rigid means of trade protectionism, based on your import and consumption economy and primitive industrial level (defined by WIPO and World Bank) India basically has no leverage to barging with any trading superpowers like Europe, North America, China and Japan, even you want to use IT services sector which can be easily replaced by other nations like Pakistan, Philippine or Malaysia, as your so-called IT services exports are mainly high labour concentrated call center services (which can be easily backed up by BW' annual high tech exports statistics from India).

so any aggressive trade protectionism will only back fire on India
Hey Mr Götterdämmerung, i still don't get your concern for a mass migration. Our nation has a stable setup besides all the odds of deiversity and having a good population of all religion. Yet we have atained growth, stability and strong justice department.
Your Idea of India failing and mass migration towards your German border happening is a utopia and if you feel that it might happen in the near future. Kindly provide us the idea of how we can save ourself or leave that job to our PM and Cabinet to decide on how we can save ourself.

Note - The Topic is about INDIA and China getting along with each other for the betterment of each other and for that of the region and the Globe as a whole. So STFU and talk about where we INDIAN and Chines are converging rather than posting your BS that INDIA is destined to fail. Our UNIVERSITIES produce more graduates than your entire EUs output.

First of all, I'm not talking about how it is now in India, although the situation is far from ideal. I'm in fact worried about the 1.5 billion and more in the future. If today, India has problems to feed and educate them well, how will India cope with the 300 million more people in the future?

I have no problems with migrations. We had very good experience with past migrations from persecuted Hugenottes, Dutch and and guest workers from Poland. But those migrants were easy to absorb, because our cultural backgrounds were not very differnt and they were all very gifted and highly literate, particularly the Dutch ship builders and the Hugenottes. But once a flood of people with a low cultural level and literacy comes in, it's when our society will deteriorate. Today, we certainly have no problems if India send us people with PhD and master degrees. The more the merrier.
Götterdämmerung;2543308 said:
What else would you expect from a business man to say when asked this question from a potential Indian investor? Hello? No, I prefer Chinese products because they are honest and diligent, but I still would like you to invest in my country. :lol:
what made you think that we are dishonost to your nation, in any way?
I don't think your political leaders have that prespective of India as you are seeing it.
We do have a good relationship with the Germans in a lot of fields.
And do you know that the German FIFA that was organized last time ordered all the sports t-shirts from INDIA(Tirupur, Tamil Nadu).
Do you know that popular brands such as Arrow, Perter England, Van Husaen are manufactured in INDIAN garment industries, which are shipped to elsewhere in the Globe.
Chines are the number 1 export market, no doubt about it, but yes we do have our place in the export market. Thats the reason that the BRIC has India in it, the list of Countries that are entitled to be the next permanent members of the UN has INdia in it despite Germany, Japan and SA.
with in my expectation, used in sports field doesnt mean its top-end. a top-end garment is not only consists of excellent quality (obviously, and easy to achieve, considering making T-shirt is one of the easiest things to to apart from socks..lol) but also the technologies applied on making that garment which will make them standout from similar products. to make a top-end t-shirt the most difficulty part is the printing and washing techniques and effects (italy dominates the field, even Japan is in no place to challenge that)
it's called cheap salary for labour.
One Question, can they live with the cheap salary forever?
The place I'm from is famous for conducting mass strikes for these kinds of things whole round of year, in pretty much every fields. So that might not just work here.

And yet, Indian labour is cheaper than Chinese labour and Chinese labour are much cheaper than German labour, which in turn is cheaper than Norwegian labour. Germany, Norway and China are still doing quite well economically.
Germans companies like Mercedes ,Bosch,SAP have set up R&D centres in India.If they are worried about 1 billion Indians,they wouldn't set up such facilities in first place.
Götterdämmerung;2543339 said:
First of all, I'm not talking about how it is now in India, although the situation is far from ideal. I'm in fact worried about the 1.5 billion and more in the future. If today, India has problems to feed and educate them well, how will India cope with the 300 million more people in the future?

I have no problems with migrations. We had very good experience with past migrations from persecuted Hugenottes, Dutch and and guest workers from Poland. But those migrants were easy to absorb, because our cultural backgrounds were not very differnt and they were all very gifted and highly literate, particularly the Dutch ship builders and the Hugenottes. But once a flood of people with a low cultural level and literacy comes in, it's when our society will deteriorate. Today, we certainly have no problems if India send us people with PhD and master degrees. The more the merrier.
lets first think of short term goals and then go with the long term goals. India does have a lot of awareness program and we are trying to bridge the gap between haves and have nots. and we are teaching the illetrate that number of earning hand in a family is not going to bring them good fortune or the worst case Darwins Theory of "Survival of the Fitest" is happening in India.
Lets come to the other argument of population explosion. There are a lot of countries whos man power is depleting because the married couple no longer wish to bread the next generation, Example - Australia. We, infact all developing nations are breading man power to these countries. The world is too big and has good natural resources to sustain the current growth or the worst case nature will turn down human kind with natural calamity and deadly disease to bring down the population. so please worry about today rather than 40 years from now. Even I am not sure I will leave to see 2050 and i am still 28 and young.
what made you think that we are dishonost to your nation, in any way?
I don't think your political leaders have that prespective of India as you are seeing it.
We do have a good relationship with the Germans in a lot of fields.

I never said that Indians are dishonest to us. I just thought it's quite silly to ask a business man this kind of question? What would you expect from someone to answer who wants your money?
Götterdämmerung;2543358 said:
And yet, Indian labour is cheaper than Chinese labour and Chinese labour are much cheaper than German labour, which in turn is cheaper than Norwegian labour. Germany, Norway and China are still doing quite well economically.
Yeah but they ain't slaves like the Chinese. And these people won't be filling their tummy with cheap money forever.
India is also doing well economically and socially as well.
As i stated before people here don't like cheap stuffs so they insult chinese goods and make people to never buy cheap stuffs here. Even set fire to some chinese cheap product selling shops for their pathetic quality.
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