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Are China and India converging?

Götterdämmerung;2543445 said:
Sophisticated markets please, like Germany and France.
you guys participated in two world wars, and the industrial revolution and you want to compare yourself with INDIA (which is indeed capitalizing on all fronts). don't you think that you are comparing Goliath vs David in this case of tech advancements.
Götterdämmerung;2543445 said:
Sophisticated markets please, like Germany and France.

Why sophisticated markets are investing in R&D in India?. Another company which has R&D in India
is Siemens.SAP has largest R&D centre outside Germany in India.
Götterdämmerung;2540072 said:

Your wish granted, you have asked for single Indian brand that too in whole Europe, Europe is too big i can quote you several.

But for ur info i am providing a link of Indian brand "Mahindra" whose fans have made a dedicated forum for it in ur so called country Germany. (because ur a chinese).


But don't make it a habit and don't expect spoon feeding every time.
Götterdämmerung;2543200 said:
Really? Have you ever been for a long time in Europe? Any day I open a newspaper, I have at least one article about China's development and what that means for us in the EU and the West in general.

So, yo have a clear idea how Grmans thing and giving me a statistic that 69 % of Germans harbour a negative view on China. What about the 31 % who have either a neutral or positive view on China? Don't their opinion matter as well? It would make a bit of sense to question me, if the poll said that 100 % of Germans harbour a negative view on China. Even then if one German out of 82 million has a diferent view, his opinion matters as much as the rest. This is how democracy and tolerance works in my society.

As to your last senctence, I have never stated otherwise on how most of my countrymen/women think. It's a very abject motive that many people harbour.

I have been in west for almost 10 years, and I know about the west functions and you neutral?... joking. You have the same traits that most Chinese trolls have here on PDF
Corus Steel,The second largest steel company in Europe is owned by TATA.In future, Indian companies will own many companies in Europe.
Lenovo took over IBM's PC division.Before that Lenovo was an unknown company.

Huawei stole Motorola Patents.

I've owned both Huawei and ZTE ,and both are craps.(I didn't buy them,got it for free)

That was a smart marketing strategy from Lenovo.

That's why a US court sentenced Motorola to pay Huawei millions of damage?

Yeah as if they are the measures.. World does not end in Germany and France..

Germany is indeed the most demanding market in the world next to Japan. If you can sell it here, you can sell it everywhere.

Laws which are only for CPC party workers..

You have the gall to call others trolling.
Mr German, Sell your Germany somewhere else phuleezzee..

Germany is not the topic so by bringing it in you are clearly going off-topic and wrt discussion, trolling..
you guys participated in two world wars, and the industrial revolution and you want to compare yourself with INDIA (which is indeed capitalizing on all fronts). don't you think that you are comparing Goliath vs David in this case of tech advancements.

I was asking you you guys to name an Indian brand that has a fan base in Europe after one of you guys ridiculed Chinese products for being junk.

Why sophisticated markets are investing in R&D in India?. Another company which has R&D in India
is Siemens.SAP has largest R&D centre outside Germany in India.

To make money. Last I read, that SAP opened their largest R&D centre in China.
Götterdämmerung;2543762 said:
I was asking you you guys to name an Indian brand that has a fan base in Europe after one of you guys ridiculed Chinese products for being junk.

And what exactly made Europe a criteria of success, your white mentality or european superiority!! Either way its clearly visible what a mess of place Europe is right now; so obviously junk will find the market.. Make sense..:azn:
Your wish granted, you have asked for single Indian brand that too in whole Europe, Europe is too big i can quote you several.

But for ur info i am providing a link of Indian brand "Mahindra" whose fans have made a dedicated forum for it in ur so called country Germany. (because ur a chinese).


But don't make it a habit and don't expect spoon feeding every time.

Thank you for the good laugh! I may translate a bit of the purchase assistance to share the fun! :D


Der Mahindra CJ/CL ist ein einzigartiges Auto und in Deutschland nur ca. 600 mal zu finden. Er verlangt seinem Fahrer einiges ab. Harte Federung, enorme Geräuschkulisse (2.1 Liter) und ein mäßig regenfestes Verdeck begrenzen die Alltagstauglichkeit. Lästiges Abschmieren und häufige Ölwechsel (laut Handbuch alle 5.000 km) sind ein Muss.

General information

The Mahindra is a unique car and there are around 600 of them in Germany. The car demands quite a deal from its driver. Hard suspension, enormoulsly noisy and a moderately rainproof cover.

häufige Defekte:

Anlasser, Fettaustritt im Laufe der Jahre - Korrosion, rückt dann nicht mehr aus

ausgeschlagene Lager an der Wasserpumpe durch schweren Viskolüfter, Abhilfe: Umrüstung auf starres Lüfterrad

Riss am Krümmer durch zu starke Vibrationen, Abhilfe: zusätzlicher Blechhalter am Auspuffrohr unterhalb des Krümmers

Zündschloss, Warnblinker
Frequent defects.

Starter, grease leakage over the year - corrosion ...

Cracks at the manifold due to strong vibrations ...

Ignition lock, hazard flasher
Get real india dont make a fool of youself you are nothing compare to china:rofl:
Get real india dont make a fool of youself you are nothing compare to china:rofl:

It would be degrading for India to be compared to China. We are a democracy and you are authoritarian.

Anyway, this thread is not about the comparison, but about converging of Individual economies with regard to industrial and service sectors
And what exactly made Europe a criteria of success, your white mentality or european superiority!! Either way its clearly visible what a mess of place Europe is right now; so obviously junk will find the market.. Make sense..:azn:

in South Africa during apartheid, Chinese are considered equal to whites, while Indians are classified with blacks.

Chinese are now classified as blacks to get welfare.
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