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Are all terrorists really Muslims?By Aakar Patel

how does it counter my assertion that jklf was secular and HuM was the jihadi one.. not everybody who is separatist came from jihad factory.
you and @Rain Man make simplistic assumptions.

Who gave this slogan ... do let me know. Can't find it on google.
Asi gachi Pakistan, Bata ros ta batanev san.

(We want Pakistan, with Kashmiri Hindu women and without their men-folk)
sure .. Inndian army is no saint.. you can either call it war crime(if war is going on)or crime against humanity. Either way crime by state is much worse as state has got much more firepower.

about difference.. I think you know it already.. when pakistan faught India in kargil.. was it terrorism or war?
What i am saying is there is no difference between war and "terrorism". All wars bring terror.
Who gave this slogan ... do let me know. Can't find it on google.
Asi gachi Pakistan, Bata ros ta batanev san.

(We want Pakistan, with Kashmiri Hindu women and without their men-folk)

hey..who gave this slogan.. was written on a wall..
galli galli main shor hai.. sonia gandhi chor hai..

What i am saying is there is no difference between war and "terrorism". All wars bring terror.
world terrorism 1.. world terrorism 2.. kargil terrorism...
can we stick to the word war plz.. words have quite specific meaning in English... am pretty sure these two are not synonyms.
world terrorism 1.. world terrorism 2.. kargil terrorism...
can we stick to the word war plz.. words have quite specific meaning in English... am pretty sure these two are not synonyms.
You obviously missed my point. There is a WAR going on in Iraq. There is a WAR going on in Syria. But whatever, i doubt you can comprehend it.
This argument does not justify Babri or Gujarat at all.
For me it does. If a new structure is built on top of the holiest of Hindu shrines to celebrate my defeat and humiliation, I will do my level best to undo it. By peaceful means as far as possible. Without if necessary.

1, :) hiding behind words like way of life/culture instead of clearly saying Your RELIGION, well this is lame .

if for you your culture or religion is non-negotiable then may be same for others. So if you consider it as justification for repercussions aka counter terrorism then others can also justify theirs on the basis of same.
We don't follow religions. I worship Lord Buddha, Sri Krishna, celebrate actions of Jesus, Lord Shiva, etc. And sometimes I don't believe in God. We are pagans. It works differently with us. It is culture for us. You can call it religion, you can call it football. How does it matter us? :)

Like I said, you can do whatever you wish to protect yourself, by spreading messages of peace, beheading Yazidis or bombing schools, or by doing charity in Africa or any other place - that is your headache. But if us kafirs are threatened in India, there will be a price to pay. To deter future actions.

1. So is there no religious reason behind the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from the Kashmir valley? Is that what you are trying to say? Then in your opinion what is the actual reason behind the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from Kashmir? Were they not Kashmiri enough? Please elaborate.

2. The whole issue of Kashmir is based on religion, it started with whether Muslim majority Kashmir should go with Muslim majority Pakistan or remain with Hindu majority India because the Hindu king of Kashmir decided to join India. Pakistan's political and jihadi intervention in Kashmir is also because Kashmir is a Muslim majority state that Muslim majority Pakistan consider to be their legitimate part. And the root cause of dissent among the Kashmiri Muslims of the valley is also because they want nothing to do with Hindu majority India, and they don't want Hindus, Shikhs, Buddhists, even Shia Muslims in their Sunni majority Kashmir valley. It's all about religion. Kashmiri nationalism is just a cover that some use.

Secularism is good, it is important, but let's not allow it to prevent us from calling a spade a spade. :)
In Mattan there is a substantial Shia refugee population. Actually not in Mattan proper, you have to take the road North East, to the next town/locality Seer Hamdan. - All from Srinagar, forced out in the late 90s.

Most JnK police forces come from the Shia groups. Srinagar is the ONLY city in India that does not allow Shia religious processions. It allows even Hindu ones! Beat that. :enjoy:

who gave that comment... yasin mallik? amanullah khan?
hey how is it that an ex separatist sajjad gani lone got ministerial berth from BJP quota? everybody is rabid jihadi froathing from their mouth presumably?
Yes, they are rabid jihadis. Lone is an opportunist and giving him a seat is a disgusting concession by BJP. Shows that political parties are all pathetic. Some more than the others. BJP is still better than the rest for us.
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For instance the suicide bomb attacks or terrorism carried out by Tamils (who were Hindu) in Srilanka or India were done by 'Tamil terrorists' but those done by Al-Qaeda/TTP/ ISIS whatever, were/are the acts of Muslim terrorists.
Because one does it in the name of religion & other does it in the name of linguistic nationalism. Hence the name attached to it.
dont use your shady fake analysis,oldboy.

i imagine,even then there will certainly be more muslims terrorists.

please dont associate maosists with hindus,they are as untouchable as wahhabis for us.


"i imagine" - that is not shady or fake, and you think that is analysis? What a loser! As for associating Maoists with Hindus, what were they originally, by religion, assuming for a moment that they are irreligious at the moment?

And less of the oldboy. Be civil, even if you can't be logical.

what was the last time a hindu started a riot ??neither does godhra nor orissa riots were started by hindus bigot...

Perhaps you should read it up for yourself?


They are also spread across many states,if they were together india will be torn apart.

so,there you go.

And if pigs had wings, they would fly. There you go.

Togadia and VHP members are not even allowed in West Bengal either, is Didi trying to copy Modi on how to handle extremist?

It's simple logic. Wherever the BJP tries to expand, communal riots begin. Look it up for yourself; there are studies on the subject.

hmm.. can't deny this fact too...

This "fact"? What made an idiot's speculations a fact?

there are no better fraud buddhijibis than bangalis,grade a morons.

it is sad that the place of shyama prasad mukherjee & SC bose is like this now.

Buddhijivis have ruined Bengal

Only the fake ones belonging to the CPM.
Yes it is.

A Maoist kills in the name of the Red ideology.
IS kills in the name of Islam.

If every Hindu, Muslim, etc crime is given a religious color without looking at the underlying motive we can easily brand thefts, suicides, murders as Hindu murder, Muslim theft and so on.

This is especially true when the Maoist ideology itself demands the absolute surrender of faith, rather than to it.

Hold on! Are we also not assuming (rather inaccurately) that Maoists are entirely made up of Hindus alone?

We know for a fact that Maoists have people that formerly belonged to Christians and Muslim communities too. And like the Hindus in Maoist ranks, Christians and Muslims also had to forget their own faith. Maoism is not a fight based on religion.

Branding Maoists as Hindu terrorists is not just inaccurate, but it is rather mischievous too!

Gosh, this is getting rather lame! The Yezidis in northern Iraq didn't kill any body - forget killing entire family members. Did that stop the IS Sunni extremists from exterminating them quite literally like vermins in their own land just because they prayed to different God? (And now, pls don't indulge in conspiracy theories about who really is training and funding the IS)

The fact of the matter is that extermination of Yezidis was neither the first nor the last such massacre by Islamic terrorists. It was only the most recent demonstration of what religious zealots had done in the past - in all its gory, graphic details!

Nobody talks about what the Islamic invaders did in Indian subcontinent, south east Asia or even in Africa anymore. But by modern definition of terrorism, they all too ought to be considered religion based terrorists!
Tamil Terrorist were not spreading terror in the name of Hinduism but for Tamil cause so they were called Tamil Terrorist not Hindu Terrorist
but Al-Qaeda/TTP/ ISIS are spreading terror in the name of Islam ....that's why......

If I am not mistaken, wasn't the head of LTTE Prabhakaran himself a Christian?

Similarly, not even all of Maoists are Hindus!

The arguments about comparing Bodos with Islamic terrorists is fundamentally flawed because of the reach, implications of their actions. You don't see Bodos blowing themselves up everywhere in the world, nor do they indulge in terrorism for any religious purpose.

On the other hand, if somebody picks up arms because his religion asked him to (especially if the religion itself is spread out globally), the implications are truly horrendous.
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