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Are all Sayyid (Syed in South Asia) Shia's or former Shia's?

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They are the main problem in Pakistan and are also the real power brokers. No politician can win an election in Pakistan if he does not have their backing. True story. :sad:

Ignore @al-Hasani - Don't talk to him ! :pissed:

He invited me to KSA & promised me a Harem full of the most exotic of beauties.....these are the beauties they turned out to be :

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They are the main problem in Pakistan and are also the real power brokers. No politician can win an election in Pakistan if he does not have their backing. True story. :sad:

Some of us don't have to worry about elections at all, LOL. If you know what I mean. As I told you then here respect is given to certain people, tribes, families due to their ancestry (Sadah, families of the Caliphs, Sahabah, large influential Arab tribes, noble families, former ruling families etc.) but today it is limited to mostly power in the form of money. Moreover those groups are equal under Islam and to see "caste like tendencies as in India" would be unthinkable.

For example it is not uncommon in Kuwait that Shia Kuwaitis, some originally of non-Arab ancestry are more influential due to their wealth than members of the Arab groups I mentioned.

What I have heard from my Pakistani friends is that the landlord families in Pakistani are hereditary meaning that nothing will change unless the whole system changes.

At least those newly rich families I talk about can lose their wealth and some others can replace them.

The only feudal thing about the Arab world today are those groups I mentioned and the ruling families. Then there are some famous and influential clerical families. Or families of "famous people".

Anyway we are kind of off-topic.;)
Ignore @al-Hasani - Don't talk to him ! :pissed:

He invited me to KSA & promised me a Harem full of the most exotic of beauties.....these are the beauties they turned out to be :


Yeah but you acting like you ain't let them have their way with you anyway. :rofl: :rofl:

Some of us don't have to worry about elections at all, LOL. If you know what I mean. As I told you then here respect is given to certain people, tribes, families due to their ancestry (Sadah, families of the Caliphs, Sahabah, large influential Arab tribes, noble families, former ruling families etc.) but today it is limited to mostly power in the form of money. For example it is not uncommon in Kuwait for example that Shia Kuwaitis, some originally of non-Arab ancestry are more influential due to their wealth than members of the Arab groups I mentioned.

What I have heard from my Pakistani friends is that the landlord families in Pakistani are hereditary meaning that nothing will change unless the whole system changes.

At least those newly rich families I talk about can lose their wealth and some others can replace them.

The only feudal thing about the Arab world today are those groups I mentioned and the ruling families. Then there are some famous and influential clerical families.

Anyway we are kind of off-topic.;)

Yes I know exactly what you mean though. :P
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Waisee @KingMamba93 - I'm of a higher caste than you are ! :smokin:
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BUTTstrong as Blackie calls you:

Thank you very much for destroying my evening and giving me headache. That was rather disturbing, LOL.:woot:

I will throw you off from one of the many mountain tops in Hijaz, into the beautiful Red Sea or into some of the extinct volcanoes. Or to the forest/tropical areas where I will leave you in the wild for the BABOONS to chase you.

LOL, your humor reminds me of the Jewish comedian John Safran. Do you know who he is? I just saw a episode of his in a series about marriage, girls, love etc. he made. He is nearly 40 years old and yet to be married so he staged a fake marriage with a relative of Osama bin Laden (LOL) and said she was Jew and they got married in a traditional Jewish way only for him to reveal latter that she was not JEWISH but an Arab and moreover a bin Laden! He is my favorite comedian after I first saw him in action last week.

Check this out:

John Safran: Race Relations - Episode 8, The Marriage - YouTube

BUTTstrong as Blackie calls you:

Thank you very much for destroying my evening and giving me headache. That was rather disturbing, LOL.:woot:

I will throw you off from one of the many mountain tops in Hijaz, into the beautiful Red Sea or into some of the extinct volcanoes. Or to the forest/tropical areas where I will leave you in the wild for the BABOONS to chase you.

LOL, your humor reminds me of the Jewish comedian John Safran. Do you know who he is? I just saw a episode of his in a series about marriage, girls, love etc. he made. He is nearly 40 years old and yet to be married so he staged a fake marriage with a relative of Osama bin Laden (LOL) and said she was Jew and they got married in a traditional Jewish way only for him to reveal latter that she was not JEWISH but an Arab and moreover a bin Laden! He is my favorite comedian after I first saw him in action last week.

Check this out:

John Safran: Race Relations - Episode 8, The Marriage - YouTube


Allah Allah Allah.. the muslims are gonna get you... :lol:
BUTTstrong, I command you (LOL) to post a picture of a beautiful Kashmiri Muslim girl to make me forget your earlier mistake by posting that monster I was forced to look at.:cheesy:
Same old sh!t just a different explanatory :pop:
BUTTstrong, I command you (LOL) to post a picture of a beautiful Kashmiri Muslim girl to make me forget your earlier mistake by posting that monster I was forced to look at.:cheesy:
@Armstrong n hasani this shyt is offence to me.. Kashmiri = Pakistani... only i have the right to say stupid shyt no foreigner.
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BUTTstrong, I command you (LOL) to post a picture of a beautiful Kashmiri Muslim girl to make me forget your earlier mistake by posting that monster I was forced to look at.:cheesy:

@al-Hasani ever had a drink my main man? (iraqi style-3 kings)..:lol:
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@al-Hasani ever had a drink my main man? (iraqi style-3 kings)..:lol:

No, never touched alcohol in my life. I tried qat once though.:laughcry: But it is completely harmless if you don't chew it each day for years or in large amounts.

Is alcohol not banned in Pakistan?:woot:

Iraqi style 3 kings? Do you mean Arak?

Khat (Catha edulis; "eatable kat"[1]) is a flowering plant native to the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Among communities from these areas, khat chewing has a long history as a social custom dating back thousands of years.[2]
Khat contains a monoamine alkaloid called cathinone, an amphetamine-like stimulant, which is said to cause excitement, loss of appetite and euphoria. In 1980, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified it as a drug of abuse that can produce mild to moderate psychological dependence (less than tobacco or alcohol),[3] although the WHO does not consider khat to be seriously addictive.[2] The plant has been targeted by anti-drug organizations such as the DEA.[4] It is a controlled substance in some countries, such as the United States, Canada and Germany, while its production, sale and consumption are legal in other nations, including Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia and Yemen.[5]

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