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Arabs slam Pak stand on Yemen and Call on Pakistani Parliament to Fall in Line

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Debatable. Highly debatable. They're economically stronger and Turkey's conventional forces are slightly larger

It's off-topic but their army is smaller and national service based. Pakistan has one of the largest conventional armies in the world. The Turks do have a larger navy, the airforces are roughly the same size.
I think that what KSA and the coalition wanted in a ideal world was to have Pakistan "on board" in the sense that your government and army would be willing to assist a longterm ally by sending 1000 mountain troops for instance. Given the size of your army, resources and experience. I don't think that anyone ever expected Pakistan to send 20.000 troops and do everything on its own. A coalition, mainly between Arab state, was created due to the political signals such an coalition would send (it succeeded) and due to the need of pan-Arab cooperation in terms of security hence the Arab League's decision to create a 40.000 big joint Arab force that will be deployed whenever an Arab government asks for it and there is a consensus among all Arab League states.

Pakistan probably will send some force like the Gulf War but they'd be stationed in KSA to be mobilized if KSA's territorial integrity would be under threat but I don't think that Pakistan would agree to sending men in Yemen because interfering in a civil war has some very dangerous precedents out there; how Egypt's Yemeni adventure played out....how India's peacekeeping force in Sri Lanka during the Sri Lankan civil war played out. Plus with Iran right next door I don't think we'd want this to blow up into our face and become another Shia-Sunni proxy war nonsense that Pakistan was subjected to during the '90s because we're even still suffering from its effects.

So it appears that KSA's territorial integrity would be the red-line for us as that has been agreed by all parties through this 'unanimous' resolution but active deployment in Yemen would be a big No.

What you are saying is something that I wrote in the beginning of the thread hence I don't understood all the emotional outbursts.:)

Probably because Pakistanis don't take to threats very kindly and the UAE minister's words do come across as threatening.
Besides the scare mongering do you have any proof that they stated such a thing?

I can post Arabic links. Maybe @Rakan.SA can help find something in English. But they already threatened KSA many times before.

Houthis threaten Saudi Arabia with suicide bombings - Al Jazeera English

They are not capable of fulfilling all their empty threats into practice and if they were as strong as they claim then they would have attacked KSA right now as we share a 1000 km long border with Yemen and their strongholds are just across the border.
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Besides the scare mongering do you have any proof that they stated such a thing?

Yes, I was wondering about that 'conquering' Makkah and Medinah statement from an otherwise very sane @Saif al-Arab person.
We need to go to perhaps 1990 to realize what kind of exaggerated fears made a deluded Saddam to invade Kuwait and what kind of stupid thinking by GCC and Americans enabled to attack Saddam in 2003--to realize the follies of the Saudi action of air bombing.
I was VERY ignorant of the 'Houthis'. But now I know enough to say that, as of now, it is not a 'sectarian' war as in the sense of parts of Iraq and Syria. A marginally Shia organization backed by even some Sunni elements are trying to redress some economic hardships.
KSA is dead wrong in bombing them. Dead, dead, wrong! Just like Saddam was in invading Kuwait in 1990 and just like Bush was in invading Iraq in 2003. That much is clear to me.
The question is here for those who oppose sending for instance 1000 Pakistan troops to Yemen because "Arabs never helped Pakistan" (which is a giant lie and total nonsense and disrespectful), has Pakistan ever asked for Arab soldiers to be deployed in Pakistan?

Can it have something to do with Pakistan having a 8-9 times bigger population than KSA, being at war for 70 straight years and thus being more experienced and battle-hardened, having very good mountain troops etc.? Similar to how KSA is superior economically and thus helps Pakistan on this front? Have people ever wondered about this?

So no it's not about "not being able to". It's all about political signals. Anyway let us see.
I don't think you need our troops for any planned ops in Yemen. GCC's combined armed forces and arsenal is decades ahead of what our armed forces currently field in any of the three branches. You're also good manpower wise when taking into consideration combined military might of GCC. Besides, its not like Pakistan refused to deploy troops in Saudi if ever Saudi's territorial integrity is violated by any nation or organization.

Sure we can deploy soldiers if lets say Houthis invade Saudi Arabia (which is very unlikely), but we should not get involved in attacking another Muslim country.
Let us hope so as Pakistan's position is sane, understandable and noble. A war would not have been necessary had the Houthi's been willing to negotiate but they rejected all attempts of finding a peaceful solution. The real culprit is Ali Abdullah Saleh.
Pakistan has suffered a lot from previous mistakes, which is why the public and military are reluctant - I'm glad you understand brother.

Unfortunately it's gotten a lot more complicated than Saleh, with all the web of interests combined.

In my opinion Pakistan should have sent about a div strength force in KSA as a gesture of solidarity but kept her out of the Yemani theater. We must commit ourselves for the protection of the Harmain but at the same time not to intervene in Yemen. Our Saudi friends need to understand that Iran is our next door neighbor and while I hold Iran responsible for Houthi uprising in Yemen, such uprisings are not created out of thin air. KSA (and other Arab countries) supported Yemeni president has not delivered and people of Yemen are angry, and in the anger willing to accept the support of the Iranians. KSA has to address the core issue that is not Iran but Salleh and his cahoots. By waging a war against Yemeni rebels KSA and allies will only bring them closer to Iran or any other state(s) supporting them with arms and money. Had KSA helped the Palestinian cause as it supposed to be, Iran would have never been able to infiltrate in Lebanon and Gaza. Has KSA learnt nothing?
Agreed, +1
Pakistan is already providing a lot of non-combat support, but I agree that sending a force to aid with security, especially against insurgents from Yemen, would have been a good option - perhaps it will be done, as the parliamentary resolution does mention defensive support.

It's off-topic but their army is smaller and national service based. Pakistan has one of the largest conventional armies in the world. The Turks do have a larger navy, the airforces are roughly the same size.
Pretty much what I meant by slightly larger, didn't want to go into too much detail because, like you said, it's off topic.
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Too many posts at once guys. I will make some coffee and reply back.

@Rakan.SA that misunderstanding earlier this week was due to my frustrations with the region, situation in the Muslim and Arab world, our failures and wrongdoings. As you know and can see then we are both on the same side but you got to understand the frustrations. Sometimes I do write exactly what I think and not after analyzing everything more thoroughly. Studies are enough.
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I know Pakistani Parliament made the most stupid move we can't live alone in this world we had to stand with 1.3 billion Sunni Block which are on side and our economy depends on most of these countries. What were are members thinking ???
Good decision taken by Pakistan , Pakistan hunderd and thousand times said if any one threat SA or its territory then Pakistan will give strong respond , and in the case of yemen we have to stay netural otherwise our own security will go on risk
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