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Arabs Going Nuclear

UchihaCG..Woah what kind of protection does Saudi have gr8

Just a question...... suppose Saudi pisses off another Muslim country, that country can't wage war against Saudi?

Because Saudis are not war mongers
Because Saudi Arab has a pet called america at their services for the protection..thirdly Arabs called India as their second home so they may relocate in ur home or worse you can go protect them would you?
Grow up..
As we study the lots of news in the past, Saudi Arabia has been heavily involved in assisting Pakistan financially to become self sufficient in nuclear weapons technology. Successive Saudi govts have continuous military co-operations with Pakistan, whether it's financing the buying of 46 F-16 by influencing US, or training of Saudi Airforce personnels, countering the Attack on Kaaba, assisting Pakistan financially to provide all kind of help to Afghan mujaheedins to fight USSR. And not only Saudis but Libyans, Niger and Turks have been involved in Pak atomic program. therefore its really an Atomic program for Ummat.
As long as Iran is concerned their ideology is always a thorne in the chest of Umaah. See the history and their role will become crystal clear as Iranian existence with that particular ideology is an obstacle for spread of Islam as well as security of Islamic state or Caliphacy. When Islamic army was busy fighting Europeans in Vienna, Iranians back stabbed Muslims and attacked ulnerable Turkish borders and what they did with the citizens of Caliphate is in history. So it;s normal if muslims don't believe Iranians and suspect their efforts of getting atom bomb. It's normal.
Only Pakistan's atom bomb can prove a real Islamic Bomb and a deterrent against kuffars.
If anyone attacked holy land it would be a Green signal for Pakistan to Nuke the ba$terd.
it can and has before. But Mecca and Madinah will remain untouched no matter what.

I doubt your knowledge about Saudi Arabia , it is full of Islam's Holiest places all over the country .

Tough Harmain being the soul of KSA but there are hundreds of Islamic holy Places too spread in all over the nation so no one can Attack KSA.

BTW KSA has a very Powerful military specially Air force , they can knock down anyone in conventional warfare even Jews.:tup:
I doubt your knowledge about Saudi Arabia , it is full of Islam's Holiest places all over the country .

Tough Harmain being the soul of KSA but there are hundreds of Islamic holy Places too spread in all over the nation so no one can Attack KSA.

BTW KSA has a very Powerful military specially Air force , they can knock down anyone in conventional warfare even Jews.:tup:

I sincerely doubt that, both Israel and KSA have some really fancy equipment but the difference is that the Israelis know how to use theirs. The Saudis don't even have enough pilots IIRC, doesn't Pakistan send over its pilots to KSA?

I don't think any country in the world takes its defense as seriously as Israel does, their pilots are probably second only to the Americans, but most importantly, Israel has a very successful homegrown defense industry so they can actually sustain a war unlike the Saudis. The also have an operation (AFAIK) BMD and nuclear weapons.

KSA can probably put up more of a fight than any other Arab nation, but I doubt they can actually defeat Israel.
I sincerely doubt that, both Israel and KSA have some really fancy equipment but the difference is that the Israelis know how to use theirs. The Saudis don't even have enough pilots IIRC, doesn't Pakistan send over its pilots to KSA?

I don't think any country in the world takes its defense as seriously as Israel does, their pilots are probably second only to the Americans, but most importantly, Israel has a very successful homegrown defense industry so they can actually sustain a war unlike the Saudis. The also have an operation (AFAIK) BMD and nuclear weapons.

KSA can probably put up more of a fight than any other Arab nation, but I doubt they can actually defeat Israel.

Defeat Israel ?

How big is Israel ?.. they cant even stand one Wave of attack ...
Pakistani pilots beat Israeli's and Russian's. Israeli's on 3 occasions, 2 offensive and 1 defensive. The offensive being the 1967 war when Pakistan shot down 3 different Israeli aircraft in 72 hours, losing none of Syria's planes and the other offensive being in the 1973 Yom Kippur War where Pakistani pilots shot down [i think somewhere around 12? cant remember..] Israeli planes, again losing none of Syria's planes.

The defensive being the joint attack from Israeli and Indian planes on Nuclear plant of Kohuta, where they were forced abort the mission as Pakistan had mobilized and was already in the air thanks to China.

So I think training and teaching from Pakistan would make at least some difference.
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At this time Iran is the ONLY muslim country moving towards attaining nuclear status. The sad fact is that Saudi Arabia with all its financial might is not able to initiate yet develop any future plans of acquiring latest weapon technology. They are much dependent on foreign help in that department.

Below is a very interesting account of a scenario where it is mentioned that Saudi Govt will let Israel to attack Iran nuclear sites.


Sunday September 27,2009
By Gordon Thomas and Camilla Tominey

INTELLIGENCE chief Sir John Scarlett has been told that Saudi Arabia is ready to allow Israel to bomb Iran’s new nuclear site.

The head of MI6 discussed the issue in London with Mossad chief Meir Dagan and Saudi officials after British intelligence officers helped to uncover the plant, in the side of a mountain near the ancient city of Qom.

The site is seen as a major threat by Tel Aviv and Riyadh. Details of the talks emerged after John Bolton, America’s former UN ambassador, told a meeting of intelligence analysts that “Riyadh certainly approves” of Israel’s use of Saudi airspace.

Foreign Secretary David Miliband acknowledged that the danger of a nuclear arms race in the Middle East was “particularly potent” and refused to rule out military action altogether but he insisted: “We are 100 per cent focused on a diplomatic solution.”

Gordon Brown, US President Barack Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy have warned Iran’s leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that he must allow in weapons inspectors or face more sanctions.

The scene is set for a showdown next Thursday when Iranian officials meet representatives of the E3+3 group of Britain, France, Germany, the US, Russia and China in Geneva.

Significantly, Russia, which has previously resisted pressure for sanctions, said it also found the latest disclosures “disturbing”.

The site near Qom was detected three years ago by British, US and French intelligence agencies.

Diplomatic sources said it could hold 3,000 centrifuges, capable of making enough enriched uranium to build a nuclear bomb each year.
Well, of course they would allow it, all of their equipment is American. And besides, if I was a Saudi leader I would concentrate on protecting Mecca and Madinah.
Well, of course they would allow it, all of their equipment is American. And besides, if I was a Saudi leader I would concentrate on protecting Mecca and Madinah.

To me personally it sounds pathetic that at this time of day and age where majority of the muslim countries are lacking modern warfare weaponry and technology if one muslim country is trying to develop a deterrent to protect itself another muslim country eagerly furnishing its services to destroy Iran's nuclear site.

Unity among muslim countries (muslim ummah) is definitely becoming an old cliche, isn't it!!!
I doubt your knowledge about Saudi Arabia , it is full of Islam's Holiest places all over the country .

Tough Harmain being the soul of KSA but there are hundreds of Islamic holy Places too spread in all over the nation so no one can Attack KSA.

BTW KSA has a very Powerful military specially Air force , they can knock down anyone in conventional warfare even Jews.:tup:


you really think they can knock up Jews...

I wonder if KSA elites can count their wives at one time..
As we study the lots of news in the past, Saudi Arabia has been heavily involved in assisting Pakistan financially to become self sufficient in nuclear weapons technology. Successive Saudi govts have continuous military co-operations with Pakistan, whether it's financing the buying of 46 F-16 by influencing US, or training of Saudi Airforce personnels, countering the Attack on Kaaba, assisting Pakistan financially to provide all kind of help to Afghan mujaheedins to fight USSR. And not only Saudis but Libyans, Niger and Turks have been involved in Pak atomic program. therefore its really an Atomic program for Ummat.
As long as Iran is concerned their ideology is always a thorne in the chest of Umaah. See the history and their role will become crystal clear as Iranian existence with that particular ideology is an obstacle for spread of Islam as well as security of Islamic state or Caliphacy. When Islamic army was busy fighting Europeans in Vienna, Iranians back stabbed Muslims and attacked ulnerable Turkish borders and what they did with the citizens of Caliphate is in history. So it;s normal if muslims don't believe Iranians and suspect their efforts of getting atom bomb. It's normal.
Only Pakistan's atom bomb can prove a real Islamic Bomb and a deterrent against kuffars.
I sincerely doubt that, both Israel and KSA have some really fancy equipment but the difference is that the Israelis know how to use theirs. The Saudis don't even have enough pilots IIRC, doesn't Pakistan send over its pilots to KSA?

I don't think any country in the world takes its defense as seriously as Israel does, their pilots are probably second only to the Americans, but most importantly, Israel has a very successful homegrown defense industry so they can actually sustain a war unlike the Saudis. The also have an operation (AFAIK) BMD and nuclear weapons.

KSA can probably put up more of a fight than any other Arab nation, but I doubt they can actually defeat Israel.

First of all your INDIAN way of thinking is once again overwhelming the real soul of discussion.

Do not underestimate Saudis they are as good as Israelis their Airforce is as good even better than IAF.

They have world's most lethal weapon "" OIL "" .

If Israel attacked Saudi arabia , Israel will find itself fighting 1.2 Billion Muslims.

Pakistan may sell its Shaheen IRBM's or Take KSA under our Nuclear umbrella.

Pakistani pilots do fly for KSA/UAE/Qatar/Jordan/Syrian air forces .

In my opinion in a conventional war KSA alone can takeout Israel.:agree:
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