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Arab Warriors Team Announces Operation Kashmir

By the way @Irfan Baloch sir,just take a look at this following thread :
What If India Attacks Pakistan?

Is there any need to start such a thread,what sense does it make??What purpose do these kind of threads serve??You were a professional soldier,do you pros really believe that all we Indians want is to destroy your country one way or the other??

in short my dear I am sorry to say the answer is Yes

military mind is different from a pacifist
we always train to improve and refresh our skills of war and prepare for all contingencies we dont leave anything for chance case in point (Israel has contingency in place in case its biggest and most generous backer turns against it. UK has contingency in place against Pakistan in case its nukes are hijacked by fanatics or some rouge elements)

hopefully my statement above does't bust the bladder of some blowhard internet Conan the conquerors. but the reason to go in detail was just to show that military always talks about "what if scenario".

now coming to that thread. what is my take?
maybe India doesn't want to invade and annihilate Pakistan but what we unanimously agree is that India finds it convenient and beneficial that Pakistan is tangled in a perpetual uncertainty and unrest so things in Karachi happen and things happen in Balochistan as a whole. we do try to think otherwise but the reality strengthens such perception. recently Indian decision makers (regardless of what party is in government) has been dominated by Hawks and like the Americans, Indians think that exerting military muscle will get it the necessary attention and prestige that will make it a worthy super power like the America.

likewise in India there is a general perception that Pakistani military is constantly at war with Indian state and once again there are plenty of examples to substantiate such claims

that said , we cant ignore the voices of some Pakistanis and Indians who are genuinely interested in peace and continue to advocate the bridging of gap and restoring trust and mutual respect. the natural calamities do bring the best out of us both of us.
in short my dear I am sorry to say the answer is Yes

military mind is different from a pacifist
we always train to improve and refresh our skills of war and prepare for all contingencies we dont leave anything for chance case in point (Israel has contingency in place in case its biggest and most generous backer turns against it. UK has contingency in place against Pakistan in case its nukes are hijacked by fanatics or some rouge elements)

hopefully my statement above does't bust the bladder of some blowhard internet Conan the conquerors. but the reason to go in detail was just to show that military always talks about "what if scenario".

now coming to that thread. what is my take?
maybe India doesn't want to invade and annihilate Pakistan but what we unanimously agree is that India finds it convenient and beneficial that Pakistan is tangled in a perpetual uncertainty and unrest so things in Karachi happen and things happen in Balochistan as a whole. we do try to think otherwise but the reality strengthens such perception. recently Indian decision makers (regardless of what party is in government) has been dominated by Hawks and like the Americans, Indians think that exerting military muscle will get it the necessary attention and prestige that will make it a worthy super power like the America.

likewise in India there is a general perception that Pakistani military is constantly at war with Indian state and once again there are plenty of examples to substantiate such claims

that said , we cant ignore the voices of some Pakistanis and Indians who are genuinely interested in peace and continue to advocate the bridging of gap and restoring trust and mutual respect. the natural calamities do bring the best out of us both of us.

Nice analysis,really appreciate it.But I would like to point out one thing here that NaMo is not such a hawk he is made out to be,at least no where near his Israeli or US counterparts.Believe it or not,that guy is a businessman first than anything else.But yeah,if he thinks that it is good for business to stir up trouble inside your country (or any other country),he would try to do it.Unfortunate but that's the reality.

But that particular thread blew the whole thing totally out of proportion,you have to agree with that sir.I mean,stirring up trouble is one thing but directly attacking a country with armed forces like Pakistan's.............nah,that would be real stupid thing to do.I don't think NaMo would plan such a thing in his wildest dreams................unless we are attacked first of course.
Thinking about arab hacker's level..our mohalla/colony's pintu bhai's hackers group decided to hack arab/pakistani site....and I am serious. :omghaha:
But that particular thread blew the whole thing totally out of proportion,you have to agree with that sir.I mean,stirring up trouble is one thing but directly attacking a country with armed forces like Pakistan's.............nah,that would be real stupid thing to do.I don't think NaMo would plan such a thing in his wildest dreams................unless we are attacked first of course.
I agree NaMo is a businessman and a statesman, a war with Pakistan will be won at a great cost to itself and would pua huge distance between India and its immediate rival china. Indian security adviser is just one of many people in the line who advocate a continued hostilities towards Pakistan. in Pakistan on the other hand, the warmongers are ridiculed and criticized we have gone off topic

I will end with best wishes to all forces that are fighting the ISIS and their financial backers.
I agree NaMo is a businessman and a statesman, a war with Pakistan will be won at a great cost to itself and would pua huge distance between India and its immediate rival china. Indian security adviser is just one of many people in the line who advocate a continued hostilities towards Pakistan. in Pakistan on the other hand, the warmongers are ridiculed and criticized we have gone off topic

I will end with best wishes to all forces that are fighting the ISIS and their financial backers.

Right sir,my best wishes for them too.
Yeah, sure. :)
There is also that joke about an American, Russian and an Arab travelling in a plane together and each bragging about how brave he is. The American says that he is bravest and jumps out of the plane wearing a parachute. The Russian says that he is the bravest and jumps out of the plane without a parachute. The Arab says "wallah" and pushes his Pakistani employee out of the plane.

his mallu employee, get your facts right :D
because the bastards actually fucked up and festered these fanatical wahabi terrorists
when the west woke up these same bastards lined up with the Americans so that they are not blamed and still play the good team. they dont even try to hide their shameless self

yes you are right if Israel had fought ISIS then muslims would have joined ISIS out of sheer hatred and bigotry against the Jewish state
but sadly Israel is towing the line of the wahabis and actually targeting Syria to support FSA . two countries have been great disappointment Turkey and Israel .. both due to their differences with Syria, decided to become front troops of the wahabis.
results are in front of you

Pakistani immigrants normally get harassed if they dont get beheaded over the drug charges
they dont have the means to launch hacking attacks.. if they do anything like this they will be beheaded for disturbing peace also most of them are just laborers with no computer literacy
LOL why dont you show everyone here how smart you are by explaining to us what is wahhabi ? like i know shia they call themselves shia or rafida same for soufi but i never met someone who says im a wahhabi. im saudi and iv been looking for those wahhabis all my life and i cant find them. and please what books of mohammed bin abdulwahhab did you read and what did you think of them ? could you please tell us in which page in his books i can find his terrorist ideas cuz im a slow reader and im not well informed as you are. so id like to go straight to evidence. and please inform us what innovation did he come up with in fiqh. what are the fiqh issues he disagreed with the four imams in ? waiting for your reply
LOL why dont you show everyone here how smart you are by explaining to us what is wahhabi ? l

sure I will explain it to you @Omega007 can add a bit further
whabai is a scum who blows up muslims and non-muslims alike shouting Allah o Akbar
he hates education and women and spends most of his life hating and ranting on others.
he lacks humanity and basic things that define us as a human like respect, tolerance and sympathy

on the contrary he enjoys violence and and misery of other people and justifies every disgusting and shocking act committed by the terrorists.
sure I will explain it to you @Omega007 can add a bit further
whabai is a scum who blows up muslims and non-muslims alike shouting Allah o Akbar
he hates education and women and spends most of his life hating and ranting on others.
he lacks humanity and basic things that define us as a human like respect, tolerance and sympathy

on the contrary he enjoys violence and and misery of other people and justifies every disgusting and shocking act committed by the terrorists.
aha and from what book is that ? or you just pulled it out of your a&%
you sure are a counterterrorism expert lol
btw you didnt answer the rest of my questions. if you dont have an answer its ok just say so i dont bite
aha and from what book is that ? or you just pulled it out of your a&%
you sure are a counterterrorism expert lol
btw you didnt answer the rest of my questions. if you dont have an answer its ok just say so i dont bite
dont feel so bad for ISIS if they are not your creation then they wont bite your ***
cant say the same about the Qatar
dont feel so bad for ISIS if they are not your creation then they wont bite your ***
cant say the same about the Qatar
so you dont know what wahhabi is ? thank you. just say so why talk too much ?!
aha and from what book is that ? or you just pulled it out of your a&%
you sure are a counterterrorism expert lol
btw you didnt answer the rest of my questions. if you dont have an answer its ok just say so i dont bite

These people run away when are intellectually confronted. Think of a parrot repeating things he hears but doesn't know what he is repeating. Keep calm and move on buddy.
These people run away when are intellectually confronted. Think of a parrot repeating things he hears but doesn't know what he is repeating. Keep calm and move on buddy.
LOL parrot is exactly what was on my mind
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