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Arab Warriors Team Announces Operation Kashmir

they stand no chance against our regular armies and I will add Turkish and Iranian army as well
they are used to killing civilians and specially the demoralized and leaderless Iraqi army
most Arab armies are fashioned to protect the royal families and suppress the unarmed civilians
this is why Israelis despite being less in numbers beat them like the culling of seals.

they are rats they need pestisides

Yes,about the Iraqi Army,I had expected them to be a better match against the guerrillas compared to the SAA, since the former is supposed to be trained and equipped by the so called best in the world!!But in practice,it seems the situation is exact opposite!!Given the quality of equipment and training,the Syrians seem to be fairing much better compared!!Any thoughts what might be the reason??
they stand no chance against our regular armies and I will add Turkish and Iranian army as well
they are used to killing civilians and specially the demoralized and leaderless Iraqi army
most Arab armies are fashioned to protect the royal families and suppress the unarmed civilians
this is why Israelis despite being less in numbers beat them like the culling of seals.

You are right. They are simply "Terrorista Farishtas" preening and prancing about under the guise of 'religious warriors'. Unfortunately, only because of the countries they live in; can they cause so much havoc.
Actually, they are worthy targets to be at the 'business end' of WMDs; then their "religious ardor" will evaporate as fast as their sorry @$$es get fried.
You are right. They are simply "Terrorista Farishtas" preening and prancing about under the guise of 'religious warriors'. Unfortunately, only because of the countries they live in; can they cause so much havoc.
Actually, they are worthy targets to be at the 'business end' of WMDs; then their "religious ardor" will evaporate as fast as their sorry @$$es get fried.

It's not like they live in cantonments,away from civilian population.But they do deserve the worst,especially the ISIS rats.
Yes,about the Iraqi Army,I had expected them to be a better match against the guerrillas compared to the SAA, since the former is supposed to be trained and equipped by the so called best in the world!!But in practice,it seems the situation is exact opposite!!Given the quality of equipment and training,the Syrians seem to be fairing much better compared!!Any thoughts what might be the reason??
the maliki factor played its part.
the shias for the first time were on the driving seat and the wahabis all around the middle east exagerated that issue and stirred up the unrest on two angles .. the presence of western forces and the shias domination which were both unacceptable
Maliki is blamed even by the shias themselves that he disillusioned the sunni tribes (something west did in Afghanistan where it decided Pasthon = taliban)

in essence it was lack of leadership and clueless and shameless decisions that created a divide in Iraq (maybe it was all planned) Maliki fckked up 10% so the enemies exploited it and gave a big playing ground to ISIS, FSA , Al Qaeda

Iraq was hated by everyone and ISIS only seemed like a safer choice
either fight was a clueless and gutless regime in Iraq and loose your head and see your family raped in front of you
or join the ISIS or support it and save yourself from becoming a number in he mass culling.
arab warriors or pakistani immigrants in saudi? :lol: :lol:

anyone can hack websites
Why look at americans for cleaning house? And when they do shout "Phuck Amreekan" sitting in a mcdonald eating pork because there were civilian casualties in the process
because the bastards actually fucked up and festered these fanatical wahabi terrorists
when the west woke up these same bastards lined up with the Americans so that they are not blamed and still play the good team. they dont even try to hide their shameless self

yes you are right if Israel had fought ISIS then muslims would have joined ISIS out of sheer hatred and bigotry against the Jewish state
but sadly Israel is towing the line of the wahabis and actually targeting Syria to support FSA . two countries have been great disappointment Turkey and Israel .. both due to their differences with Syria, decided to become front troops of the wahabis.
results are in front of you

pakistani immigrants in saudi? :lol: :lol:

anyone can hack websites
Pakistani immigrants normally get harassed if they dont get beheaded over the drug charges
they dont have the means to launch hacking attacks.. if they do anything like this they will be beheaded for disturbing peace also most of them are just laborers with no computer literacy
the maliki factor played its part.
the shias for the first time were on the driving seat and the wahabis all around the middle east exagerated that issue and stirred up the unrest on two angles .. the presence of western forces and the shias domination which were both unacceptable
Maliki is blamed even by the shias themselves that he disillusioned the sunni tribes (something west did in Afghanistan where it decided Pasthon = taliban)

in essence it was lack of leadership and clueless and shameless decisions that created a divide in Iraq (maybe it was all planned) Maliki fckked up 10% so the enemies exploited it and gave a big playing ground to ISIS, FSA , Al Qaeda

Iraq was hated by everyone and ISIS only seemed like a safer choice
either fight was a clueless and gutless regime in Iraq and loose your head and see your family raped in front of you
or join the ISIS or support it and save yourself from becoming a number in he mass culling.

It's really sad to see what is happening to the poor civilians in the middle east.Please don't mind when I say that,this is the reason a country and the government by the extension should never be built on the basis of religions!!That is why a country should be a 'Republic' and not a 'Islamic Republic' or a Hindu or any other but just a republic.
It's really sad to see what is happening to the poor civilians in the middle east.Please don't mind when I say that,this is the reason a country and the government by the extension should never be built on the basis of religions!!That is why a country should be a 'Republic' and not a 'Islamic Republic' or a Hindu or any other but just a republic.
meraq chand Israel is made on the basis of religion
and its working more than fine
so were wee until some derka derka bastards decided to blow up world trade centre and brought the WoT next to our door step
because the bastards actually fucked up and festered these fanatical wahabi terrorists
when the west woke up these same bastards lined up with the Americans so that they are not blamed and still play the good team. they dont even try to hide their shameless self

yes you are right if Israel had fought ISIS then muslims would have joined ISIS out of sheer hatred and bigotry against the Jewish state
but sadly Israel is towing the line of the wahabis and actually targeting Syria to support FSA . two countries have been great disappointment Turkey and Israel .. both due to their differences with Syria, decided to become front troops of the wahabis.
results are in front of you

Pakistani immigrants normally get harassed if they dont get beheaded over the drug charges
they dont have the means to launch hacking attacks.. if they do anything like this they will be beheaded for disturbing peace also most of them are just laborers with no computer literacy

I would say Turkey has been the biggest disappointment!!For Israel,I can understand.I mean,lets be real here sir,the Israelis are declared enemies of the Syrians and they would do anything,help anyone they see fit to destabilize the Assad government.That's what the enemies are supposed to do.But Turkey??!!How could they actually support such a group of illiterate barbarian cutthroats just to quell the PKK!!Has Erdogan lost all his mind or something!!
My point was actually diffrent what i meant was whatever ISIS is doing if it was being done by Israel all the Arab states would have declared war on Israel by now for killiing the muslims but i guess muslims have the divine right to kill other muslims
Yaar I get you I understood completely I just added more bits to it
you pretty much summed up our history
Muhammad Bin Qasim was sent to Sub continent to kill the people who fled Arabia from the persecution Abaside Caliph Saladin Ayubi who is revived like a saint had killed far more Muslims before fighting the Crusaders
the list goes on talk about Sadam the mass murderer who made a face prayer pick (although he was an athiest communist) and fired some dud scuds on Israel and suddenly became an Islamic hero
I mean,lets be real here sir,the Israelis are declared enemies of the Syrians and they would do anything,help anyone they see fit to destabilize the Assad government
better to deal with the devil you know ??? they have beaten Syrian regime many times already I fail to see why they decided to side with the fanatics
Turkey ?? bad decision and it will bite them bad

Exactly my point. And Americans are doing more or less same which the muslims were doing some 1000 years back when they had power. Now when the muslim states dont react to clean their house and clean up ISIS threat who is left to clean the dirty laundry. Now when the americans attack they would first list down their benefits. And why shouldnt they? Theka thode hi liya hai na bhai. and when they do come all these state population would be taking anti american rallies totally ignoring the fact that they themselves were sitting on their a$$ when sh!t hit the fan

hear him out

meraq chand Israel is made on the basis of religion
and its working more than fine
so were wee until some derka derka bastards decided to blow up world trade centre and brought the WoT next to our door step

Yes,Israel is based on the basis of religion but one thing you also have to remember that they do not have any so called sects,at least not any that I'm aware of.Just take a look at Turkey,how much well developed they are!!And compare them to other Islamic Republics (or most of the commie countries),except the GCC states may be,but we also know what the reason behind their so called success and what would have happened to them if that particular reason wasn't there one can only speculate;but it won't have been too bright I dare say.

And besides,there will always remain a distinct threat of oppression or persecution to the minorities in a country (and the government as an extension) built upon religious grounds,more than the ones in a so called secular one.

better to deal with the devil you know ??? they have beaten Syrian regime many times already I fail to see why they decided to side with the fanatics
Turkey ?? bad decision and it will bite them bad

hear him out

Power blinds sir,much more than we can imagine.The Israelis have clearly become blinded by their sense of superiority and their hate that they are simply failing to see the bigger picture here.They are not realizing that the groups like FSA or Nusra,the so called 'moderates' can never be controlled.They are doing the same mistake all over again what the Americans did in Iraq.For me,I would choose a dictator any day over a bunch of bunch of barbarians.
Turkey ?? bad decision and it will bite them bad

hear him out

Yeah,just take a look at a few Turkish members here,they are openly cheering for the ISIS rats!!Why??Because they are finishing off the PKK?YPG!!They are even saying that PKK is the bigger threat than ISIS,I simply fail to see how.You simply have to give it to their stupidity,really,It's like we Indians saying the ULFA is a bigger threat than the Naxalites!!
By the way @Irfan Baloch sir,just take a look at this following thread :
What If India Attacks Pakistan?

Is there any need to start such a thread,what sense does it make??What purpose do these kind of threads serve??You were a professional soldier,do you pros really believe that all we Indians want is to destroy your country one way or the other??
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